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Mouse Cursor/ Camera issues


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Has anyone had any issues with the cursor randomly appearing in the middle of the screen after left or right clicking a ton ? Or has the camera ever sharply adjusted itself to some weird angle looking up where you didn't change it that way ?

I have been having these problems for a while now, and the response to an ingame ticket is to check graphics cards drivers and check a few forums post's, =[ so while I do that I wanted to see if anyone else had the problem and if they fixed it :D

Edited by Samurai_S
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It sounds more like input driver issues rather than graphics. I would suggest changing the port your mouse and keyboard is plugged into. Also see if there is a manufacturer specific driver for your mouse and keyboard. Most of the time Windows is using its own generic driver for the mouse and keyboard and I have occasionally seen this become a problem with 3rd party programs.
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The wonderful thing about usb ports are that they are plug and play. So trying it won't hurt anything! It was just a thought like I said. Also I would like to add that the game is what I meant by 3rd party program. Anyway like I said just an option to try!:D
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It's been an issue for years. If you put 'mouse' in the search box at the upper right and click on the search button, you should see lots about it.


A much linked to video about the problem:


Recent threads about the problem:










Rumor is that adjusting down the sensitivity and/or switching to a USB corded mouse seems to help but it didn't for me.


edit: Sorry can't give you a better answer than that.

Edited by dr_mike
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Has anyone had any issues with the cursor randomly appearing in the middle of the screen after left or right clicking a ton ? Or has the camera ever sharply adjusted itself to some weird angle looking up where you didn't change it that way ?

I have been having these problems for a while now, and the response to an ingame ticket is to check graphics cards drivers and check a few forums post's, =[ so while I do that I wanted to see if anyone else had the problem and if they fixed it :D


one of many old old bugs, never to be fixed

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Its not just a SWTOR bug its also a DirectX 9 bug. I have been having the same issues for years in EQ2, LoTRO (in DirectX 9 Only) and other MMO's and Stand Alone Games that play using DirectX 9. There is a user made patch (sorry don't know where to get it anymore) that will temporary fix it.


This bug has been around for about 5 years. Its more of a bug in Windows.... imagine that a bug in Windows.... and yes only some MMO's and Stand Alone Game are affected by it and only in DirectX 9. So you might not see it happen in some games and it might happen is others. But games that use DirectX 10 and up are not affected which it why it appears to only happen in SWTOR since most new games use DirectX 10 and higher and SWTOR still uses DirectX 9.

Edited by denavin
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After watching the video (thanks dr_mike) I recognize the issue that the op is speaking of. I am no where close to an expert when it comes to these types of issues but I have experienced this exact problem with a different game. This has only ever happened to me when running a game in full screen mode. One example of my experience is when I would alt tab to a different window in order to do something else like pause or play an audio book. Once I started using windowed mode this problem went away. I do believe it is related to directx in some way. Also I believe that making sure the screen resolution settings in the game matches the resolution in windows will help minimize the issue.
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switching to a USB corded mouse

That reminds me of when I had horrendous problems with a 2.4GHz (not Bluetooth) cordless mouse (a Microsoft one, because it had quiet buttons). I moved the USB-connected receiver for the mouse so that the "line of sight"(1) didn't pass through the keyboard, and the problems went away immediately.


(1) straight line between the mouse and the receiver - the line the radio waves follow...

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