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A lower tier to FP's and Op's


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Some people just don't like group content. Not so much the content as the groups. Pugs are a pain and can be frustrating when you get with those who are there to speed through but you'd like to enjoy it or learn the mechanics. It's true you can easily find guilds to do those with. IF you are lucky enough to find a good one or can get a break into their core groups. Otherwise you pretty much get left to group with new players or having to go outside the guild to once again pug a group. I think a good option would be to have a lower tier where the gear rewards are set to lowest for the level where you could solo with just you and a selection of your companions to do them. I mean we now have 40+ companions at max level and this would still play as Kotor if you are a casual solo player but also help as an incentive to get out there and group to reach higher tiers and better gear. Not to mention it would just be fun to craft groups based on your comps abilities. Maybe I just want another way to shun Quinn and leave him out of the action. I'll admit it, I'm still not ok with what he did way back then and Punish has lost it's fun. I just think having options to allow many comps into a solo or story group would be kinda cool. Just my opinion and I'm sure I'm not the first to suggest this. IDK....didn't bother to check. :D
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ITA. Perhaps it could be a perk that if you max a certain number of companions' influence levels and reach a certain legacy level, you can use them to form a group to run Ops in lieu of other players. Or they could sell that ability as a Legacy perk once you've maxed out influence on, say, four companions. I'd personally love it because I'd finally get to finish Oricon...


And I'd love more solo modes for FPs. Yeah, I know, there are those who take umbrage to players wanting to solo, but it's how it is.


ETA: ITA about Quinn. Dude doesn't deserve forgiveness IMHO. I'm still peeved I couldn't kill him or send him to Imperial prison and had to keep him on my ship (and yeah, I know all the reasons behind that logistically and why they took out the ability to kill him in the original game, but still).

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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almost all fps can be soloed on veteran mode, just get skills :D the only master mode i can solo is hammer station, i am still trying to work out how to do kaon solo on master.

how much easier do you people want the game to get ?

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almost all fps can be soloed on veteran mode, just get skills :D the only master mode i can solo is hammer station, i am still trying to work out how to do kaon solo on master.

how much easier do you people want the game to get ?


I was under the impression that only the flashpoints listed as solos here (http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire) were accessible/doable for solo players. Is that not the case? If my solo SW can actually get into some of those other flashpoints on her own, I'm totally going to start on them.


Ops I know are for 8-16 players so there's no way in Hades even a top-geared/skilled player can solo them. That's where the idea of bringing more than one companion as a Legacy perk might work.

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I was under the impression that only the flashpoints listed as solos here (http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire) were accessible/doable for solo players. Is that not the case? If my solo SW can actually get into some of those other flashpoints on her own, I'm totally going to start on them.


Ops I know are for 8-16 players so there's no way in Hades even a top-geared/skilled player can solo them. That's where the idea of bringing more than one companion as a Legacy perk might work.


i am all for being able to use multiple companions but not in existing operations because this takes away the multiplayer needs. also operations have puzzles that need more then 1 person. (back when level 60 was the cap and the operation level cap for the mobs there where limited to level 50 (or was it 55 ?), i did the operations with just 1 other person. and it though it was easy to do there wasn't much fun it. i would suggest to do it to something like the master chapters cause as it is, people helping you through the chapter get no reward for helping.


and yes you can go into any group flashpoint solo, if you survive it is a second.

Edited by Kittybear
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Ops I know are for 8-16 players so there's no way in Hades even a top-geared/skilled player can solo them. That's where the idea of bringing more than one companion as a Legacy perk might work.


You cannot even enter an operation phase without being in a group.


This has been asked for before. One serious concern is that EVERY boss fight would have to be retuned because there are mechanics like positioning and killing stuff in different places at the same time that a solo player even with companions cannot do.

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I was under the impression that only the flashpoints listed as solos here (http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire) were accessible/doable for solo players. Is that not the case? If my solo SW can actually get into some of those other flashpoints on her own, I'm totally going to start on them.

It's solo-mode Flashpoints where a god droid companion is offered (it tanks, DPS' and heals) versus doing Flashpoints solo. A single player can enter Veteran and Master Flashpoints alone by picking them up from the particular Flashpoint's mission giver. Select which version you want to do from the Flashpoint mission giver.

... also help as an incentive to get out there and group to reach higher tiers and better gear. Not to mention it would just be fun to craft groups based on your comps abilities.

There is at least one thread similar to your suggestion (maybe more),

3 companions instead of group finder (Optional for players).


How does allowing play with 3 companions incentivize getting out there and grouping? I think it does the opposite.


I support a solo-mode versions of all Flashpoints. I don't support allowing 3 companions in Veteran or Master Flashpoints. Because it diminishes the likelihood of grouping with other players for Veteran and Master FPs, and because:

almost all fps can be soloed on veteran mode, just get skills :D the only master mode i can solo is hammer station, i am still trying to work out how to do kaon solo on master.

There are players skilled enough with their character's specc (I am not yet one of them) to do Veteran and maybe Master FPs solo (no other players), and just one of their companions. When FP mechanics allow for a solo player.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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almost all fps can be soloed on veteran mode, just get skills :D the only master mode i can solo is hammer station, i am still trying to work out how to do kaon solo on master.

how much easier do you people want the game to get ?


I think some people are missing the point. This is not a suggestion as a way to get any good drops. Those should still be group and story mode. I'm just saying a companion mode could be a walkthrough. An ultra easy boss fight setting just to get general feel for the layouts and maybe fill in gaps in story for those who just can't or won't do them. I'm positive some who fit in those categories, would change their minds and give it a try once their feet got wet and they saw the potential for fun. I do know their are some where some mechanics would have to be turned off to proceed. Call it Touring mode if it makes you feel better. Plus who said this was just for max level players. Of course at max level you can solo most any. But if you are waiting until max level to do those, you've destroyed the story of those. There are many who just skip and level, then have no idea what they missed. I really believe this could help get many interested in giving them a try in GF or Guild runs. And could help get some interested in group building and appreciating the logistics that go along with forming proper groups. No free gear hand outs. Don't be silly.

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I think some people are missing the point. This is not a suggestion as a way to get any good drops. Those should still be group and story mode. I'm just saying a companion mode could be a walkthrough. An ultra easy boss fight setting just to get general feel for the layouts and maybe fill in gaps in story for those who just can't or won't do them. I'm positive some who fit in those categories, would change their minds and give it a try once their feet got wet and they saw the potential for fun. I do know their are some where some mechanics would have to be turned off to proceed. Call it Touring mode if it makes you feel better. Plus who said this was just for max level players. Of course at max level you can solo most any. But if you are waiting until max level to do those, you've destroyed the story of those. There are many who just skip and level, then have no idea what they missed. I really believe this could help get many interested in giving them a try in GF or Guild runs. And could help get some interested in group building and appreciating the logistics that go along with forming proper groups. No free gear hand outs. Don't be silly.


all story line related flashpoints have a solo mode. those that are not story related you can solo at max level running veteran mode cause they don't disrupt story order in my opinion. and concerning the operations there would have to so much alterations i don't even want to imaging, what the developers will need to do to make it work.

but you are free to ask for it, i never said you couldn't. personally i am for new flash points/chapters where we get to use multiple companions at ones, after all we are alliance leaders we have an army off companions and we never get to use them all at ones except for a few chapters where we have a couple of them running and fighting randomly. h*ll i would love a wz where you can use your whole army of companions against another players army. (only companions everyone can get from story line allow of course)

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all story line related flashpoints have a solo mode. those that are not story related you can solo at max level running veteran mode cause they don't disrupt story order in my opinion. and concerning the operations there would have to so much alterations i don't even want to imaging, what the developers will need to do to make it work.

but you are free to ask for it, i never said you couldn't. personally i am for new flash points/chapters where we get to use multiple companions at ones, after all we are alliance leaders we have an army off companions and we never get to use them all at ones except for a few chapters where we have a couple of them running and fighting randomly. h*ll i would love a wz where you can use your whole army of companions against another players army. (only companions everyone can get from story line allow of course)


No I get that really I do. I do see I failed to make clear what I was thinking. See it was my understanding that the Championship was meant to be a mechanics tutorial in a way to get players who have not bothered to do "boss" fights a chance to learn and see it's not as bad as they may have thought if they know the basics of their class/spec and some Boss attacks and strategies to avoid a loss. I thought it was a way to get more interested in doing group stuff. I don't see where that or even the CXP worked in a clear way to increase that. It was easy to solo and just go back to business as usual for BW's target group for that. Now let's say there was a Mode in FP's and Op's (Op's mainly but FP's would also be good so low players could start early) where the Dev's laid down a perfect run template for each. Now as you enter that mode, you build a group using companions and yourself. Upon start your companions fill the roles you chose and instead of shadowing you they take the place of the programmed template. Only your character would be free to mess up by not following the onscreen direction and commands provided for the role you take on. I truly think this would help many get past the "Know the fight" restriction, learn their roles, and become better players. This is not about getting gear (although some very low gear or vendor items would be nice to sell for repairs and be an incentive to draw in those already discouraged or returning) or not putting in work. It's about providing an in game tool to help those players get to a level where they feel more comfortable, more knowledgeable, and seeing things like "Don't be a bad" become more rare. Would not a DIY teaching tool be better than hearing someone say "Well I did watch a sniper do it on youtube" and they be a sorcerer? Sure creating an in game walkthrough like this would take time, but the end result would be less players discouraged or intimidated before they actually get in there and see it's not so bad, So many have either quit because of this or because of the lack of people who will group. Something like this could help. I honestly know of no other MMO with an in Game teaching tool like this could be. If done right and innovating it could draw in other players from other games if for no other reason than to learn how to do raids/op's w/e they're used to calling them. Some may like it enough to stay but if not, the word of mouth might draw in more that do. Worst case just the dedicated Star Wars fans stay and improve. I just don't see a down side.

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all story line related flashpoints have a solo mode. those that are not story related you can solo at max level running veteran mode cause they don't disrupt story order in my opinion. and concerning the operations there would have to so much alterations i don't even want to imaging, what the developers will need to do to make it work.


...notable exception being the Dread Masters storyline, unfortunately. You can do little quests on Oricon and get ready to attack the fortress, but the only way to complete that storyline is to do the two ops. Hopefully BW won't do that again.

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It's solo-mode Flashpoints where a god droid companion is offered (it tanks, DPS' and heals) versus doing Flashpoints solo. A single player can enter Veteran and Master Flashpoints alone by picking them up from the particular Flashpoint's mission giver. Select which version you want to do from the Flashpoint mission giver..


Ah, really good to know. I have new FPs to do in that case. :)

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...notable exception being the Dread Masters storyline, unfortunately. You can do little quests on Oricon and get ready to attack the fortress, but the only way to complete that storyline is to do the two ops. Hopefully BW won't do that again.


dread master story line doesn't have fps and operations are end game stuff, which doing group fps should prepared you for, ops are only a bit bigger. group fps are there to learn how to tank,dps and healing and MOST OF ALL TO LEARN TO PLAY TOGETHER on tactics. soloing everything even operations won't teach you that.


and here is 1 PRO tip for those going to an operation for the first time and do not know what happens in the operation their going to do: NEVER EVER PRESS BLUE SHINEYS, this will always make bad stuff happen. ask the others what they are for first, watch for explanations and let the experienced players tell you when you can touch the BLUE SHINEY

Edited by Kittybear
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I mean we now have 40+ companions at max level





My level 70 Merc who hasn't started KotFE has only 6 companions. (5 BH companions, 1 ship droid.)


My level 70 Guardian who has done KotET has no "extra" companions, kept Koth, Senya, and Arcann, and killed SCORPIO, so her total is LB, TS, KV, ST, A, T7, TC, GR, AJ, KD. Total: 9 plus two corpses and a pile of scrap metal.


Perhaps you meant "we can now have 40+ companions"... ?

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dread master story line doesn't have fps and operations are end game stuff, which doing group fps should prepared you for, ops are only a bit bigger. group fps are there to learn how to tank,dps and healing and MOST OF ALL TO LEARN TO PLAY TOGETHER on tactics. soloing everything even operations won't teach you that.


and here is 1 PRO tip for those going to an operation for the first time and do not know what happens in the operation their going to do: NEVER EVER PRESS BLUE SHINEYS, this will always make bad stuff happen. ask the others what they are for first, watch for explanations and let the experienced players tell you when you can touch the BLUE SHINEY


My point, though, is that it's an important storyline (especially for SW and SI) that can't be completed with solo content, even though it can be *started* that way, which is a pain the butt. IMHO they should have left the whole DM storyline for groups or made an option to complete it solo, as they did in Yavin, but when the only way to complete the story is an Op, it does leave people hanging.

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My level 70 Merc who hasn't started KotFE has only 6 companions. (5 BH companions, 1 ship droid.)


My level 70 Guardian who has done KotET has no "extra" companions, kept Koth, Senya, and Arcann, and killed SCORPIO, so her total is LB, TS, KV, ST, A, T7, TC, GR, AJ, KD. Total: 9 plus two corpses and a pile of scrap metal.


Perhaps you meant "we can now have 40+ companions"... ?


Lemme see...Arcann. Aric, Gault, 55, Kaliyo, Koth, Lana, Scorpio, Senya, T7, Theron, Torian, Vette, Zoom, Jaesa, Voreclaw, Wampa, Probe, Leyta, 2V, Ak'Ghal, Blizz, Bowdaar, Broonmark, C2, Choza, Lokin, Gamorrean, 51, Hemdil, K'Krohl, Guss, Pierce, Ranos, Nico, Rusk, Qyzen, Rokuss, Vizla, Skadge, Talos, Treek, Veeroa, Xalek,and Yunn. No, I meant 40. I have these 45 on my warrior currently. I'm one of the few still missing Quinn and Dorne due to bug so I'm not counting them. I could open Exoboar, Annihilator,and ISO as well from collections but have not just yet. Not to mention Marr and Acina I have raised to max that I can get whenever I choose. I don't really kill off comps on that one and bring back whoever I can. I'm sure at some point in the near future I'll have 50+ on that guy. That's why I'd kinda like to see Comps being used for more than one at a time. There's just so many and it seems a waste.

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Lemme see...Arcann. Aric, Gault, 55, Kaliyo, Koth, Lana, Scorpio, Senya, T7, Theron, Torian, Vette, Zoom, Jaesa, Voreclaw, Wampa, Probe, Leyta, 2V, Ak'Ghal, Blizz, Bowdaar, Broonmark, C2, Choza, Lokin, Gamorrean, 51, Hemdil, K'Krohl, Guss, Pierce, Ranos, Nico, Rusk, Qyzen, Rokuss, Vizla, Skadge, Talos, Treek, Veeroa, Xalek,and Yunn. No, I meant 40. I have these 45 on my warrior currently. I'm one of the few still missing Quinn and Dorne due to bug so I'm not counting them. I could open Exoboar, Annihilator,and ISO as well from collections but have not just yet. Not to mention Marr and Acina I have raised to max that I can get whenever I choose. I don't really kill off comps on that one and bring back whoever I can. I'm sure at some point in the near future I'll have 50+ on that guy. That's why I'd kinda like to see Comps being used for more than one at a time. There's just so many and it seems a waste.

Right, so when you said "we have 40+ companions", that was the "royal we"...


As I said, we *can* have 40+ (suggested limit: 69, in fact), and we *might* actually have them, but it is by no means guaranteed.

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Right, so when you said "we have 40+ companions", that was the "royal we"...


As I said, we *can* have 40+ (suggested limit: 69, in fact), and we *might* actually have them, but it is by no means guaranteed.


You can have as few as story will allow. Kill off some. Don't do SF's. Have not gotten sub reward comps. Don't do HK chain. Not worry about Treeks contract. Don't bring back OG crew. Missed out on DVL. Turn down those who you can to join. Not do the alerts to those you can't. Spend coins on other things or just not be lucky with packs or event. Sure you don't have to have 40+. Maybe I could have reworded it. But why? Pretty sure most know what they missed,did or did not do. I don't know anyone at Max level with less than 20 comps. Not saying it's not possible, I Just know of no one who does. Thanks for the correction though.

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SteveTheCynic, I do apologize if that last post came off rude. It was not meant to be. I do understand what you were saying. I don't know the minimal number everyone new and old, sub or not are guaranteed to have. I just used one of my toons as an example not thinking some may get confused by that number. I honestly do appreciate you clearing that up for any who it might have.
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SteveTheCynic, I do apologize if that last post came off rude. It was not meant to be. I do understand what you were saying. I don't know the minimal number everyone new and old, sub or not are guaranteed to have. I just used one of my toons as an example not thinking some may get confused by that number. I honestly do appreciate you clearing that up for any who it might have.

I think the fussy boundary case for level 70 characters is actually no companions at all. (Crank a trooper far enough round Ord Mantell to be allowed to PvP, but don't finish the last mission, then use PvP to crank yourself all the way to 70. A trooper's first companion arrives right at the end of Ord Mantell, so you don't have him. I believe that troopers are the class with the longest wait to get their first companion.)


And yes, I do have one character with around 40 companions. She did all the alerts up to Guss and Skadge/Rusk, and ganked all the Star Fortresses, and redeemed Arcann, and has a few combat companions, and let both AJ and KD live. On the rest, though, I can't be bothered slogging round all that stuff, and as I said, my Merc hasn't even begun KotFE yet, and therefore only has the class companions and ship droid. (I *have* HK-51 and Treek on my legacy, but the Merc didn't claim them, nor Nico, nor Shae, nor Master Ranos.) My one Shadow has more than she should have because she started KotFE during that weird bug where they didn't take your companions away. I presume / hope that it ends up working as if she reclaimed them using the terminal...


My main problem right now is that I'm suffering from serious grind fatigue together with being on a fading server, and a big dose of "W T F did they do that for?" about the post-KotET story. But that's a discussion for another time.

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