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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Time for a new star wars MMO


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I am guessing you forgot about the trading card game we had. We had xx amount each month, but we able to purchase more and even trade with others so in reference to the CM the trading card game could an early CM as there were outfits, buildings, weapons, greeters etc. So while you may have spent quite a bit on the cm I know people that spent even more on the trading card game. While SOE lost its licensing I am not going to be naive and think it can't happen again. I was here at launch and I have seen the population dwindle the same as it did on SWG so what I am saying it can happen again and one thing I doubt will happen with this game is there will probably be no emulators as there is with SWG. I like the game but I am not going to be naive and think things can't or won't happen. I been through it once so I know it is possible to happen again.


I have been watching server population here it shows it on My SWTOR page under sever stats only time I see it below heavy and standard is at like 3AM PST. As for SWG I was heavy hardcore raiding in EQ also where yes they had the TCG because it was part of SOE. Also once WoW cloned EQ, Everquest had a mass Exodus to WoW and for the first crappy 2 years of WoW's POS servers with 5 hour Ques and getting online just to be disconnected after 10 minutes, it somehow managed to servive? how?? Because that was where SOE had driven 98% of the EQ and SWG players too.


its been what 14 years since then?? How come EQ and EQ2 are still around yet SWG isn't? SWG wasn't Soney's only game that hit rock bottom but they all survived except SWG. What I am getting at if SWG was such a great game it would still be around, all of the fan base for SWG cry how great it was, I played it a month before it was shut down. I didn't see anyone playing it. I was also sad that it shut down, I liked its crafting system very much. this game wont shut down for the simple reason that it makes Cash and probably a lot of it too... Cost to run VS. total income, EA loves this game for that reason alone...

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I have been watching server population here it shows it on My SWTOR page under sever stats only time I see it below heavy and standard is at like 3AM PST. As for SWG I was heavy hardcore raiding in EQ also where yes they had the TCG because it was part of SOE. Also once WoW cloned EQ, Everquest had a mass Exodus to WoW and for the first crappy 2 years of WoW's POS servers with 5 hour Ques and getting online just to be disconnected after 10 minutes, it somehow managed to servive? how?? Because that was where SOE had driven 98% of the EQ and SWG players too.


its been what 14 years since then?? How come EQ and EQ2 are still around yet SWG isn't? SWG wasn't Soney's only game that hit rock bottom but they all survived except SWG. What I am getting at if SWG was such a great game it would still be around, all of the fan base for SWG cry how great it was, I played it a month before it was shut down. I didn't see anyone playing it. I was also sad that it shut down, I liked its crafting system very much. this game wont shut down for the simple reason that it makes Cash and probably a lot of it too... Cost to run VS. total income, EA loves this game for that reason alone...


While it may not be around per se for a sub there are emulators and there is one that is based on the NGE that has quite a few people playing.




I don't want to see this game close but I also will not say it won't. Been down that road before so I would rather say it is possible.

Edited by casirabit
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While it may not be around per se for a sub there are emulators and there is one that is based on the NGE that has quite a few people playing.




I don't want to see this game close but I also will not say it won't. Been down that road before so I would rather say it is possible.


I really want to try that emulator but I don't have my SWG disks anymore. wish I did though :)

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I think some updates on this one... If for instance they did a time jump again but instead of it being the same person it was a distant relative or something... It would be awesome if we could play through story content of Clone Wars. But I honestly don't see that happening since this is Old Republic Content.
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