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You Know You're A Troll If...


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With respect to the forums, it is important to distinguish between different types of trolls. I will add some more if interested, but you know you're a troll if you fall into one of the three following categories:


1) The One Trick Pony.


This troll will take any topic and turn it into their pet issue. Pick any thread, this individual will no doubt find a way to turn it into, for example (and hypothetically of course) their undying hatred of Dark v. Light pop-ups and will threaten to quit in every thread if not removed. Another example would be someone who, regardless of the topic, would find a way to turn it into their pet issue -- say, hypothetically, tracer missile animations or old-jedi robes.


2) The 'Crusader' / 'Never Seen Frozen' Guy who refuses to 'Let it Go' and plays the Victim Card


This troll will takes great umbrage at the slightest of offenses. For them, the issue is deeply personal and it is considered an affront on their very soul for anyone to disagree. Say, for example, the producer of a MMORPG does something nice for someone but not everyone. Let's say (hypothetically of course) the producer gives some person a nice set of armor to someone else, but not the crusader. The Crusader will DEMAND a personal response from a producer, for example (and hypothetically, of course), someone named Keith. He will threaten to spam the thread until this unacceptable slap in the face is addressed. He refuses to Let it Go. This is related to 'Last Word Guy.'


3) The Net Nanny Know-it-All


This troll knows absolutely everything about everything. They will often draw upon personal experience (whether real or not) as evidence of their keen insight into any topic, regardless of how arcane. For example (hypothetically, of course) -- this individual will discuss their past of managing complex hierarchical projects with lots of team members. Regulatory systems in Europe? NO PROBLEM! This troll knows all about it. Relations between Beijing and the outer provinces in China? NO PROBLEM! This troll will often also frequently scold and lecture individuals on how and where they should post. They also know all of the employees at a company, say (hypotheically, of course), Bioware, on a first name basis. Undoubtedly, they will have also have a pithy and pretentious signature.


That's enough for now. Hugs, Dasty

Edited by Jdast
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1) Insists on having the last word. These are the ones that can't let any topic go and must have the final say, as if to suggest "Ha! I got you!" somehow.


That's not really trolling at all unless of course they did intend to do it as a "Ha! I got you". Otherwise it's just someone wanting the last word as you say.


I don't think a lot of people really understand what trolling is. For example someone could be given cause to abuse someone in chat for a given reason as they are pissed off - this isn't trolling, this is plain abuse.

However if they were abusing someone solely to get a reaction and annoy them then it would be trolling.


Funnily enough the former would still often be labeled a troll.


Intention is the point around trolling.


So this whole topic then doesn't really make any sense because you know you're a troll if you're trolling ... you already knew it.

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I just wrote a long explanation of the problems they cause, but then I realized that even describing it without naming them would be giving them some sort of attention, and attention seems to be what fuels them, so... how about I don't? :) Thank you for asking, but it would be better if I say nothing further.


Hey, no problem! :) Sad to hear they have to ruin peoples fun like that for no real reason.:mad:

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That's not really trolling at all unless of course they did intend to do it as a "Ha! I got you". Otherwise it's just someone wanting the last word as you say.


I don't think a lot of people really understand what trolling is. For example someone could be given cause to abuse someone in chat for a given reason as they are pissed off - this isn't trolling, this is plain abuse.

However if they were abusing someone solely to get a reaction and annoy them then it would be trolling.


Funnily enough the former would still often be labeled a troll.


Intention is the point around trolling.


So this whole topic then doesn't really make any sense because you know you're a troll if you're trolling ... you already knew it.


Many of us have a much broader definition of trolling than you do, particularly since gleaning intent is inherently difficult to do on the internet. By way of example, though, I doubt I'm the only one who was glad when you and Zion stopped your pissing match yesterday. I wanted to tell you two either to get a room or to scream "Cage Match!!!! Two last worders enter -- only one may exit!" :rak_01:





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Many of us have a much broader definition of trolling than you do


You don't actually get to decide what a word means - It is either that thing or it is not.


By way of example, though, I doubt I'm the only one who was glad when you and Zion stopped your pissing match yesterday.


Jealously or something as it seems you are intent on starting your own one?

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That's not really trolling at all unless of course they did intend to do it as a "Ha! I got you". Otherwise it's just someone wanting the last word as you say.


I don't think a lot of people really understand what trolling is. For example someone could be given cause to abuse someone in chat for a given reason as they are pissed off - this isn't trolling, this is plain abuse.

However if they were abusing someone solely to get a reaction and annoy them then it would be trolling.


Funnily enough the former would still often be labeled a troll.


Intention is the point around trolling.


So this whole topic then doesn't really make any sense because you know you're a troll if you're trolling ... you already knew it.


I'm glad you brought that up, consider it an error on my part. You are correct in that I meant it as their sole intention. So another way I look at this particular trait is: to wittingly respond to a statement or question with the express intent of causing unprovoked emotional harm versus providing clarity or supplemental information. And then to keep responding with similar statements that lack in substance or value but only serve to abuse.

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You don't actually get to decide what a word means - It is either that thing or it is not.




Jealously or something as it seems you are intent on starting your own one?




I'm so proud of you. I knew you would get the last word in and WIN!


Warmest regards,



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There was some sort of contest going on I was unaware of? Hrm, ok ... thanks I guess.


Actually, no. And I will allow you to truly, honestly have the last word. My point, which I daresay I proved most masterfully and cleverly in true Doctor Oggurobb style is the following:


Your definition of trolling is too narrow. You assume there has to be intent. There are two problems, however, with this statement. First, as I mentioned in my first post in response to you, intent is extremely difficult to ascertain over a medium such as the internet. Second, and far more important, it is increasingly accepted that trolling (even definitionally), regardless of intent, can occur when a thread gets disrupted by pointless, banal, bickering. Just look at urban dictionary, wikipedia (sorry, don't have my Webster's or Oxford handy, though I'm not sure the editions I possess would have the term in this context).


Put differently, intent is irrelevant if it actually disrupts the thread.It is the result that matters. That, of course, can be subjective. You may think your back and forth yesterday with Zion was interesting and informative. From my perspective, I assure you it was not.


Since I know you feel this burning itch inside you to post and get the last word in -- I bid our exchange -- adieu. My point, at least to my satisfaction was masterfully proven. Damn, when I'm good -- I'm reeeaallll good. You should see me when I'm bad. :cool:




Dasty the Hutt

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Your definition of trolling is too narrow.


Says you.


You assume there has to be intent.


There does.




There are two problems, however, with this statement. First, as I mentioned in my first post in response to you, intent is extremely difficult to ascertain over a medium such as the internet.


It's not for you to determine if there is intent or not. The person partaking in such behavior knows if there is or not i.e. they are intentionally trying to "rile" people up and thus trolling.


You can assume there is intent and there may be none and thus you can falsely accuse someone of trolling.


Second, and far more important, it is increasingly accepted that trolling (even definitionally), regardless of intent, can occur when a thread gets disrupted by pointless, banal, bickering.


That's not trolling as I see it, that's just thread derailment. Trolling is entirely something else.


Just look at urban dictionary, wikipedia (sorry, don't have my Webster's or Oxford handy, though I'm not sure the editions I possess would have the term in this context).


Why do I need to do so? This is your argument to prove thus you should be able to provide links/quotes for me to readily read.



Put differently, intent is irrelevant if it actually disrupts the thread.It is the result that matters.


No intent is everything when using the terminology trolling. By your logic this simple discussion on trolling, which is inherently off topic to the question put forward by the OP, is trolling simply because it's off topic of the topic? No it's not trolling, it's simply off topic.


That, of course, can be subjective. You may think your back and forth yesterday with Zion was interesting and informative. From my perspective, I assure you it was not.


Which still does not make it trolling in any sense of the word.



Since I know you feel this burning itch inside you to post and get the last word in -- I bid our exchange -- adieu.


My point, at least to my satisfaction was masterfully proven. Damn, when I'm good -- I'm reeeaallll good. You should see me when I'm bad. :cool:


Well seeing as you're not going to respond and I've rather simply countered your rather vague understanding of trolling that we'll have to next move on to what "proven" means I'll simplify by stating that ones opinion on a subject does not warrant proof. :)


I look forward to your reply. ;)

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You are if you are green, fat and ugly. If trolls could play swtor with their fat fingers they would for sure play a merc. So for every merc player there is a chance that he is acually a troll.


Trolls would play Darkness Sin's, both a push and a pull in the same class.

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I always found that those who are very quick to call other people trolls, are the biggest ones themselves. I'm not really a fan of using the word "troll" :rak_03:


Takes one to know one; when I call someone a troll there is probably some experience on my part to back it up. :cool:


Now my personal favorite is asking if the heal spec for Sentinel needed willpower or cunning, as I'd seen most healers using those stats. Boy would that get things going!


These days I ask about shield or absorb is better for my sage so I can protect my friends better with my force bubbles.


Sometimes gen chat is just too quiet, and silly trolls like these give people entertainment, and a "hey, wake up".

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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you are a troll when you spam bw with gold seller mail spam tickets. which i love to do, i report every mail spam i get and with 52 chars that is roughly 52 mails a day.


nah i just report once cause usually it's just one spammer spamming all my chars. i am not putting bw in my shoes poor people there. they have a enough trolls here to keep them busy :D

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