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Joining Havoc Squad


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Assuming I have my issue with the game installation figured out (fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc) Havoc Squad will be gaining a Combat Medic soon. Spent a lot of time on the forums at work and landed on the medic as my class of choice. Look forward to some warzaniness times in the future.


Just one question I suppose- are there any helpful tips in the beginning of the game that may help get me started?


(Also please send hopeful thoughts at my pc, that windows7 sp1 downloads as well as the game installs properly. I really hope my harddrive isn't going )

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Here are a couple non-commando specific tips:


1: Commendations!

After completing a quest, you generally get to chose between two-three rewards. One is an item, one is a commendation, and sometimes you get to choose a lockbox. If you don't need the item, the best pick is usually to pick commendations


Commendations can be used to buy gear and modifications that are generally better then quest rewards! (Look for a commendations vendor when entering a new planet to see what you can purchase and what you need to save up for)


2: Don't sell your orange gear!

Orange gear can constantly be upgraded to match your level! If you have a full set of orange gear, you only need to worry about finding better modifications (commendation vendors always have a bunch). You can use orange gear on your companions too. You can also take out all the modifications off the item, and use it on another one if you prefer the looks (will cost credits). Store your "old" orange gear, unless the armor looks extremely ugly :p


3: Crew skills!

Don't spend too much money on crew skills, specifically mission skills! If you can, wait until level 50 before you try to max out. You will get rewarded with better items through questing, and if you don't, you'll find it way cheaper to just buy an item directly from the global market, rather then trying to learn the schematic, and finding the mats. You will need the credits for far more important things, like gearing up your companions, repairing your gear, buying skills and speeders, and starship upgrades.


4: Don't forget your companion

He/she does about half the work when you are questing alone, so it's almost equally as important to gear them up, as you gear yourself.


5: UI Freeze bug

You don't know what it is, but it will happen to you, and when you realize what has happened, remember this: Ctrl+U twice. ;)

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What the guy above said. And welcome to Havoc squad! Its alot of fun. Ran several troopers through beta, and since live I have leveled 3 to level 12 and my main is now a commando. Vanguard and Commando are both fun, and seeing troopers around is awesome because (in my opinion) they are the best class in the game. You can run a team of Vanguards and Commandos through anything. Lol. And there are already too many jedis running around anyway.
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