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Looking for a guild!


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Hi! I'm a returning player looking for a guild to join.


First, a bit about me. I'm a long time MMO player. I cleared all content (except 40man Naxx) from release to WOTLK. I did everything in the first 3 expansions of LOTRO, I also was a guild leader at launch of a sith guild in SWTOR - we cleared everything except the end of Hutt Cartel. I've come back to the game several times, but haven't stayed.


What I have:

Empire: Sith Sorc (70), Sith Marauder (55), Sith Jugg (55), Merc

Republic: Jedi Sentinel (55)

I've done raids on the sorc (heals and DPS), mara and jugg (MT).

I play much more casually now but I enjoy leveling in this game and would level any class you want me to play (that Jugg was leveled and geared in 5 days during the Hutt Cartel and tanked S&V on its 6th day).


What I am looking for:

My ideal guild is a group of players that enjoys all types of content, but primarily engages in OPS and isn't afraid of PvP. I don't need to be in a NiM guild, but I'd be willing to join provided I'm given the chance to work off the rust from such a long break. You have fun playing the game, but aren't hardcore- you get stuff done on raid nights, but no one gets upset. You might even have a few friendly raid members that you keep around because they are cool people, even though everyone knows they don't really pull their weight. I'm on EST and can make just about any day work for gaming.


TLDR: I am looking for a group of good people and I don't mind wiping in raids.


Contact me here on the forums. I'm on the Ebon Hawk currently, but have enough creds to transfer my whole roster.

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