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Constructive Feedback of upcoming Arsenal/Gunnery changes in 5.3

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I'd like to point out the following statement in my original post


"My biggest fear is if these DPS nerfs go live and then our DCDs get nerfed, this class will not perform at a competitive level in both PVE and PVP scenarios."


I admit its short and maybe not the most detailed, but it is feedback. It expresses my concern about if these changes go live and if those changes are followed up with DCD nerfs that it could make the class not able to perform at a competitive level in PVE and PVP.


I also provide some small alternatives about these nerfs and I also ask the following questions 1) If these DPS nerfs go live and the class begins to really under perform, can we expect DPS Buffs? 2) If you nerf our DCDs in the future, can we expect to see DPS buffs to compensate for loss of survival perks?


Even if my posts are wrong in your opinion, It shouldn't stop people from talking about the possible changes coming to Arsenal/Gunnery in 5.3. I am aware that this class/spec isn't the only one in this boat or facing the chopping block. Again this post is about these changes to this particular class/spec.


Fifteendoller, you've done a great job at giving feedback/constructive criticism about my posts. But perhaps you could express your views about the proposed changes for Arsenal/Gunnery in 5.3? Do you agree with all of them or just some of the changes? Do you have any relevant suggestions/feedback/comments about this particular class/spec? Are you aware the suggested Target Dps for this class/spec is 5% decrease but members of the community have run the numbers and are saying that this is more than a 5% nerf? If not, i'm sure you have better stuff to do, just move along dude.


I wasn't going to continue this conversation because this conversation is pointless, but I changed my mind.


The Arsenal changes in 5.3 are fine because they accomplish exactly what Bioware is attempting to do: re-balance Arsenal DPS to it's target DPS. When Bioware starts the Merc DCD/Utility thread, I'll tell them that Trauma Regulators and Responsive Safeguards should be flat out removed, because Mercs don't need DCD's, they need to be able to kite more effectively. I'll then suggest to replace Trauma Regulators with a utility that increases movement speed by 100% for 2 seconds after casting Tracer Missile, Power Shot, or Rapid Scan. As a side note I'd also tell them that Electronet should either be removed or changed to a 30meter 4 second stun, because Electronet is useless against anything except Sorcs, which it is completely overpowered against. Notice I use the word "because" after every assertion I make? I also don't use the words "I think", "I feel" or "I fear".


Having said all that, I'm not here to give feedback on Arsenal, I'm here to give feedback on your feedback, which is terrible.

Edited by fifteendollers
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My Problem is not the Merc nerfs in the first place, but the so called Target dps. It is sad that this target dps seems to be focused on the PvP Class Balance. Because why should you nerf ANY class if there are Bosses that many Groups can kill only with five dds? (Yes, you'll say it is possible with four dds, but without question, it is a huge dps race.)

This Problem gets even more obvious if you look to the Lightning Witch, who can't even be played in hc anymore, and not to talk about NIM. So Targed dps for PvE has to be higher. Perhaps the PvE Community hat to cry louder before 5.3...


But I think, that the Changes for Arsenal don't solve the Problems (yes, i agree with many players, there are things that are op in PvP), that makes players struggle with facing a Merc/Commando in PVP (not talking about DCDs). Heatseeker missiles still hits with 40k+, The increased Heat Management doesn't affect PvP that much. So basically, in my opinion, the nerfs makes life too difficult for PvE-players, while not really solve the problems in PvP.

At least, always when BW tries to balance the Classes, i love quoting Batman, the dark knight:

"People are dying, Alfred, what would you have me to do?" "Endure, Master Wayne, take it!"

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My Problem is not the Merc nerfs in the first place, but the so called Target dps. It is sad that this target dps seems to be focused on the PvP Class Balance. Because why should you nerf ANY class if there are Bosses that many Groups can kill only with five dds? (Yes, you'll say it is possible with four dds, but without question, it is a huge dps race.)

This Problem gets even more obvious if you look to the Lightning Witch, who can't even be played in hc anymore, and not to talk about NIM. So Targed dps for PvE has to be higher. Perhaps the PvE Community hat to cry louder before 5.3...


But I think, that the Changes for Arsenal don't solve the Problems (yes, i agree with many players, there are things that are op in PvP), that makes players struggle with facing a Merc/Commando in PVP (not talking about DCDs). Heatseeker missiles still hits with 40k+, The increased Heat Management doesn't affect PvP that much. So basically, in my opinion, the nerfs makes life too difficult for PvE-players, while not really solve the problems in PvP.

At least, always when BW tries to balance the Classes, i love quoting Batman, the dark knight:

"People are dying, Alfred, what would you have me to do?" "Endure, Master Wayne, take it!"


Yeah i'm not a fan of the "target dps" either. I've always felt that a equally geared/skilled dps class should be able to deal the same amount of dps as another class. the concept of "Target Dps" to me makes me feel like i'm being forced to play a certain playstyle. However, I agree that these nerfs definitely impacted PVE more than PVP. Again, i feel that if they decided to mess with the DCDs, need they to either revert these changes or at least give some dps buffs.

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I'm seeing a lot of threads and posts all about DPS number changes. That may or may not be an issue. I'm not doing any hard core raiding these days. So I haven't bothered with any parsing for over a year.


What is noticeable and does bother me since 5.3 went live, is the ammo/heat management changes. It doesn't sound like a lot (4 energy cells/heat difference on Boltstorm/Blazing Bolts), but it is affecting rotation. For Arsenal/Gunnery, I NEVER had to worry about using basic attacks in my rotation anywhere to get resources back before unless I had used a bunch of AOE in a mob/add intensive fight. Now, I actually have to throw one in every once in awhile to keep things at a reasonable level in a normal boss fight.


Part of the fun of the Arsenal/Gunnery was being able to switch targets and burst without having to constantly eyeball your resources line to make sure you were fine. The rationale presented by Bioware was that "they wanted to make resource management a little more challenging"....Why?


Mandos/Mercs already have a resource intense spec in IO/Assault. Why take us in that direction? I've played a Mando/Merc in Gunnery/Arsenal spec and occasional IO/Assault for most of the time since I've played Swtor (shortly after launch with a 6 month break last year). We hardly ever had to use basic attacks in our rotation in previous xpacs until now, and that's WITHOUT using any AOE.


So, the Dps numbers were nerfed down, we got our resources use intensified, and I'm sure the DCD nerfs are coming in the future (3 heal to fulls were never gonna last). I can understand one or two of those things happening, but getting hit on all fronts is very lame and very rare.


I hope Bioware understands how much less FUN the class will be if they keep ALL the changes they're making.

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The rationale presented by Bioware was that "they wanted to make resource management a little more challenging"....Why?

Because they don't give a damn and hate simplicity.


See, how they stated that Enginieers are quote "swimming in energy" although their rotation is lacking at least 12 energy. Or look how they lowered the coolodwn of Deadly Onslaught without realizing that one spec has a passive that lowers it again. And then see how they overdid the energy management fixes for Madness...


For them, It simply doesn't matter.

Edited by realleaftea
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I would argue that the single-target resource management of arsenal is just as involved as IO now. IO still has more resource issues when it comes to dot spreading and target swapping, but both specs require proper use of rapid shots now. My average arsenal parse uses 13 rapid shots now (up from 4); my average IO parse uses 9. Edited by Hoppinswtor
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