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Emperor's wrath speeder


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A Rancor is the last thing any of my Sith Warriors would touch. They all have sleek speeder bikes. I've used the following ones on mine: Irakie Renegade , Lergo set of speeders , Morlinger Aggressor, Roche Widow, Tobus Prowler (personal fav).
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Aratech Vengeance (black/red). Unlike most Aratechs, the rear motors are up high.


Overlord's Command Throne. And wear the Charged Hypercloth Force Expert"s gear - in Outfit Designer, duh. Then sit at the entrance to the Academy on Korriban. I did this, and *everyone* going in to the Academy stopped to look.


Vectron WGF Veteran. One of my Wraths uses this because honestly, his speeder is just a way to not have to walk everywhere, so he has this battered old thing with an arthritic piston engine inside it. *He's* the dangerous part, and doesn't need fancy armour and vehicles to express that.


That one Ubrikki with the skull on it.

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My Wrath uses a massive black Joko


This looks like Darth Mauls ship, the Scimitar


This looks a bit like Kylo Ren's ship, or this one


This looks like Vader's own TIE fighter


As for Creatures how cool is an armored manka cat or a Gundark or a Vorantikus or a Nexu with red eyes?


I have a Vorantikus which I love to have but stopped using, hit the ceiling all too often, and the camera hates it indoors

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Depends on whether I'm in the mood to use a critter or something mechanical- but go thru the Revan story all the way thru Ziost, then get your rep up on both Yavin4 and Ziost to get the Imperial walker on Yavin4 and the Ice Tromper from Ziost. Those were the 2 I used most often on my Darkside Wrath before she got the dominator throne. I love that one now!
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rage bound Monolith is ur best choice, from perspective of lore, monolith is a symbol of emperor's supreme power, it matches the emperor's wrath position, from the looking, it looks more deadly and intimidating than rancor :cool:
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rage bound Monolith is ur best choice, from perspective of lore, monolith is a symbol of emperor's supreme power, it matches the emperor's wrath position, from the looking, it looks more deadly and intimidating than rancor :cool:

That "best choice" part is absolutely totally 100% subjective. If your Wrath's character says "I don't care what you think of me. I'm the Emperor's Wrath, and who I am and how dangerous I am comes from that", then as I said above, a crappy battered wreck like the Vectron WGF Veteran does just fine. It's a machine to stop you having to walk everywhere. The Wrath is the dangerous part, and no fancy speeder and armour is going to make him more dangerous, nor is a comfortable set of actual, you know, clothes with armoured plates in and a battered wreck of a speeder going to make him *less* dangerous.

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That "best choice" part is absolutely totally 100% subjective. If your Wrath's character says "I don't care what you think of me. I'm the Emperor's Wrath, and who I am and how dangerous I am comes from that", then as I said above, a crappy battered wreck like the Vectron WGF Veteran does just fine. It's a machine to stop you having to walk everywhere. The Wrath is the dangerous part, and no fancy speeder and armour is going to make him more dangerous, nor is a comfortable set of actual, you know, clothes with armoured plates in and a battered wreck of a speeder going to make him *less* dangerous.


ye you could say that, but see, the emperor's wrath position was started 300 years ago, and i am sure the wrath has become a symbol of emperor's power as well in imperial citizen's head, wrath is more like a empire's propaganda to inspire their faith to the empire, so a intimidating and fearsome mount such as monolith would enhance the feeling, make wrath looks more lethal from imperial citizen's perspective, they would dedicate their faith into the empire even more.

Edited by Alterkai
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