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Mastery or Power for Sentinel Watchman?


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Returning player here trying to get up to speed on the theory crafting. Currently playing a level 70 Watchman spec Sentinel.


1) Can anyone point me to any recent theory crafting on which stats are more effective for which classes?


2) Or any recent threads/data on the optimal stats for min/maxing returns?



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Returning player here trying to get up to speed on the theory crafting. Currently playing a level 70 Watchman spec Sentinel.


1) Can anyone point me to any recent theory crafting on which stats are more effective for which classes?


2) Or any recent threads/data on the optimal stats for min/maxing returns?




Edit: I could have sworn you asked about the differences between Mastery/Power, which is why I included it, perhaps you edited it while I was replying heh. Anyways, the requested information on these two points can be found at the bottom of the posting.


There isn't a great deal of difference really pont for point. Mastery will add a very tiny amount to your crit chance [but not your crit multiplier] and Power will add a bit more bonus damage than mastery will. They are both important to have however, you don't want to have a ton more of one at the total [or extreme difference] at the expense of the other. Proper perportions are important for both.


To give you an idea, if at end game you use a Mastery augment instead of a power augment, you'll get about .10 added to your crit chance [thats '.'10 not +10, 1/10th of a percent] but if you use a power augment you'll get +1 to damage bonus, so mastery will give you a smaller amount of bonus damage, but power won't give you that small amount of crit chance]. As a carnage marauder, I use power augments in favor of mastery. crit chance you can't count on, bonus damage you can. In truth, neither one will make any real concrete difference over all [providing you have general proper porportions] save for in extreme amounts of difference.


If you were going to use 10 augments for either power of mastery [which you never should be using anywhere near that amount at end game for augments to the exclusion of crit/alacrity augments which are very important for Watchman/Annihilation] if you ran all power you'd get about +10 more to damage than mastery augments, but if you ran all mastery augments you'd get about +1% to crit chance. In such an extreme instance, I'd say the +1% to crit chance is better than the +10 to bonus damage. But you'd be doing much less damage with either configuration because you'd be ignoring the more important crit/alacrity augments.


For a better general larger picture regarding recent theory crafting on which stats are more effective for which classes and /data on the optimal stats for min/maxing returns, the following link will lead you to what is generally considered the standard by which most people base such things on for all the classes and specs.




Best of luck.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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