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Anyone can share tactics against Sith Assasin?


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I been jumped by 2 assasins today, one was 17 levels above me and the other was only 4. Honestly I couldn't do much againts either of them. I can knock them back and stun once every 30 secs, but they do not really allow me to fire off any channeling abilites, and instas are just not enough to match their dps. Is there something I am doing wrong? Or if you are jumped by a stealther it is a loss most of the time?
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Since noone had replied within over 12 hours I guess we do not stand much of a chance against a stealther when he opens up on us. There even has been a video released by bioware not long ago something like Commando VS Sith assasin, who will win. When several bioware employees expressed their opinion about this fight. Things have changed I guess, or they were just not very honest. Edited by Mikhail_
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I don't think anyone replied because you didn't provide any information. Spec, gear, level, enemy spec, gear, level...were they tank or dps. Four levels is alot in open world...17 you would not stand a chance. If this was in warfront then say so.
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You aren't going to beat anyone 17 levels above you, don't know why you even mentioned that one. Four levels above you will be really hard as well. But yeah gear makes a bug difference in this game, I keep me and my companion in purples and blues which helps a ton.


Against any melee your aoe knockback is crucial, as well as having knockback on stockstrike as well. Cryo grenade and your shield are important as well. Also carry the best medpacks with you whenever possible.

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lvls mattered the most in those cases however sith assassin is pretty much the hardest option for us to meet, i personally dont find myself winning that often in one on one situations vs them but i know our vanguard brothers tears them a new a-hole on regular basis.


its not full paper meets rock but see it as a harder oponent to face and winning requires you to have an lvl, gear or skill advantage.

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Im no expert, but I have a few tips.


- Dont forget your CC abilities, stockstrike hits hard and Knocks back if you are gunnery.


- Use your reactive shield/HoT when your Cryo Grenade and Knockback are on CD, to minimise his damage while he has uptime on you in melee range.


- If gunnery, you can try fake casting something that you dont care about (eg plasma grenade). If he interrupts, you then have 10 secs to spam grav unless he blows a stun.


- If AS, hammer shot to proc the plasma cell movement debuff, then activate reactive shield to free you from your own snare. Kite with hammer/incendiary/HiB.


PS Im still learning so if anyone else has any tips that would be great :)

Edited by Krimefighter
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Depends if you are talking about in open world or a WF. If open world, 17 levels above you he will own you. In a WF he probably still kill you as you're missing 17 talent points which are huge for dps / healing. With that said....


Basically you have to kite him. This means strafe running forward while shooting back.


First use Concussion Charge, Then you next one is Cryo Grenade. Most people will pop there cool down to break it and you want them to. After that if you are low health / need more room stop and cast Concussive Round which is your long duration Mez. Get distance / heal up and start kitting again.


Oh. Don't forget Heal Pots =P



-Centurion Lileth

Rank 45

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