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You changed the buttons for in-game mail. Why would you do that to us?!


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I knew as soon as I saw that, I was going to delete something. 30 minutes later, I bought some stuff from the GTN, and promptly deleted it. Do you guys even think before changing things around like this when people are so used to it that they click things without even needing to think about it?



Edited by RubyRiver
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I knew as soon as I saw that, I was going to delete something. 30 minutes later, I bought some stuff from the GTN, and promptly deleted it. Do you guys even think before changing things around like this when people are so used to it that they click things without even needing to think about it?




My sinceres condolences! But the title literally burst laughing, because this could have happened to anyone. I know that it can, and does easily happen to me! But, it's not like BW didn't tell us about the change, it was in the patch notes. I would feel worst for you, and you would have a legitimate complaint if BW hadn't put the change in the patch notes.

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I think it's a bit of a silly and pointless change. I move around a lot of items and money every day. I've pressed 'delete' instead of 'claim' at least five times now since the change. I've not deleted any of these mails, as I don't accept the confirmation for deletion.....


It seems pointless and annoying to me, but if you actually lost items, then I don't think you can blame anyone but yourself..

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Well, I guess when you're the only one in the game that gets so much mail that you get in the habit of clicking the 3 buttons in under a second without thinking about it... I mean, obviously, everyone can relate to everything that happens to me personally. That's why everyone has an opinion and they always know better. Yup. Guess I just don't know better.
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I'm sure that will get them right on it and change it back right now.... or wait its now now, your now was then that we just passed. Can't go back to then. We are at now now. Must have missed your now. But I'm sure your now will be soon. Can't say how soon. :p:D

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I knew as soon as I saw that, I was going to delete something. 30 minutes later, I bought some stuff from the GTN, and promptly deleted it. Do you guys even think before changing things around like this when people are so used to it that they click things without even needing to think about it?




I agree with your post 100 percent. I haven't deleted anything yet but I know its coming. Someone else posted putting a red X for delete which makes the most sense. It was a silly change for them to make. I've been in the habit for a long time now of checking everything over and over with credits, the gtn, and mail, but it is a mood killer when they make unjustified changes.

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I posted this idea in another thread in General, but here it is again.


Maybe it's not as bad as the initial shock of having the rug pulled out from under you, but I think that WorldSmasher got it right. That big red X would be immensely helpful:


Maybe if they they change the delete button into a red X and move it a little further away from the other button, it would help cut down the confusion.


Just remember, BW, as every company knows it's cheaper to keep the customers you already have than find new ones.

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