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Help Question: "Product Code Already in Use"


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Hey All -


I'm getting a message when I go into code redemption that "my code is already in use".


The prodcut code (digital rights) came from the Origins when I purchased the pre-order nack in August and looks like this:



Product SKU: 71185

Product Name: STAR WARS: The Old Republic Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order

Qty Ordered: 1

Amount: $5.00



Product SKU: 71199

Product Name: STAR WARS: The Old Republic Digital Deluxe Edition (Pre-Ordered)

Anticipated Released Date: Targeting Holiday 2011

Qty Ordered: 1

Amount: $74.99


Is this happeing to anyone else?


Are they sending you new codes when your "wave" is called?


I've looked thru all the forum posts and couldn't find anything about this so thanks for the help!

Edited by VaporTrail
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