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Stronghold Improvements


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Decorating strongholds and role-playing has always been two of my favorite things to do in SWTOR. I have fully unlocked all the strongholds and I enjoy decorating each of them to a specific theme, for example my Yavin 4 SH is completely decorated to be an Imperial command base. However, I feel that the strongholds aspect of this game can be improved by a few improvements. Below are the list of things I thought can be improved/added into the game to improve the SH experience.



Yes I am aware that there is a new stronghold or two in development, and that's an awesome start!. There has been many threads posted because people want a new stronghold, such as one on Korriban or Tython. I used to want this as well but then I realized that in unlocking a Korriban/Tython SH, other non-lore friendly classes (BH, smugg) are able to own it as well and that does not seem to be very lore-friendly so I accepted the fact that we can't have this, no matter how awesome it may be.

But that does not close the possibility of having a neutral world where we could have a new stronghold! There has been many arguments on why we need SHs on planets such as Hoth, Voss, Alderaan, Manaan, or even Zakuul and Odessen. These planets make total sense lore-wise and there has already been tons of decorations that fit these planets specifically. And please make these new SHs awesome, not like the DK and Coruscant ones... something like Yavin and Tatooine would be awesome! A small ship SH would be cool too!


I feel as though personnel decorations are being abandoned somewhat, since there has been no new personnel decoration additions in ages! We need more personnel decorations to make the SH seem alive! Please add more droids, Sith, Jedi, BHs, people standing around doing nothing in cool poses and add them into the game! The Mandalorians are a great example of good variation. You have multiple Mandalorian personnel decorations in different poses and they are awesome! But the same cannot be said for other types of personnel: there is only 1 Sith (no, Revanites do not count), only 1 Jedi Master and 1 Padawan, and there are a lack of droids! Some types of personnel are even straight up forgotten such as Imperial/Republic officers, for example.

If you are thinking "But you could have your 999 companions to fill these roles", you are wrong. These companions could not be placed in a guild SH and flagship, so it is not the same thing.



This segment is specific for the guild flagships. Expand them! Add more floors/levels to the pre-existing guild flagships! Maybe you could add a detention block? A throne room? An actual engineering sector? A vault? The possibilities are endless! The guild flagships are different from other SHs since the thing connecting the different floors together is an elevator, not doors or stairways. This alone makes the flagships the only strongholds so far that are capable of having new expansions built into it. I suppose the Tatooine homestead is another case, and perhaps a mid-level floor could be implemented there too (although it doesn't make as much sense as it does to flagships).

You guys have designed tons of capital ships and star destroyers, and most of them has something cool inside them, like an awesome engine, computer, or something like that. Those could also be implemented into the new ship expansions too! So instead of giving us an empty room in the middle, give the expansions something extra.



The strongholds we have now needs skins. I've seen someone ask for this before and I thought its an amazing idea! The Strongholds we have now are stuck in a specific time of day and/or environment. Although they look beautiful for a while they get boring and old fast. What if someone wanted their Tatooine SH to be set at midday? for DK to not always be in the middle of rain? For Coruscant to not always be at sunset? Skins can fix all these complaints plus it might also revive interest on these old SHs.

Besides making old SHs interesting again, it would also greatly improve the RP experience as people would be able to set the mood/time of day, giving the RP community more control over their setting. Doing this would also remind the RP/SH community that they are not forgotten, and that these areas are still being improved and expanded upon.

You could even sell these SH skins on the Cartel Market! Not the packs though cause that would indicate that you are willing to create multiple skins for mutliple SHs over a long period of time (i.e. sustainable) .


This segment is just a list of things that I think we need added, but do not merit its own explanation:

I. Add the Sith torture table as a decoration.

II. Add the Imperial agent/officer personnel decoration.

III. Allow us to select where we want to spawn in our SH.

IV. More SH labels!

V. Make decorations more widely available so they are not overpriced, and increase their drop rate in FPs, OPs, etc.

VI. Have more vendors that sell decorations.

VII. Maybe have an entrance to a SH that is actually a door (not via terminal)

VIII. Decrease the price on GF unlocks :")

IX. Allow our companions to be themselves and not in holo-form when we log in on a different toon.

X. Increase the amount of hooks that can be placed in the guild flagships! - My flagship is decorated to a full 100%, yet some parts still look empty. Please increase the hook cap again!

XI. Allow guilds to own more than 1 stronghold (not-counting the guild ship). and allow them to use stronghold labels for at least one of them, or better yet, allow guilds to name their strongholds like they do flagships!


Actually, what I think could be done to combat the lack of decoration availability is to sell more decorations for direct sale on the Cartel Market. Maybe you could sell another set of specific-themed decoration packs like the Underworld, Imperial and Republic decoration packs, but this time containing new computer, personnel, and other new faction-themed decorations. Or at least, sell more decorations on the CM, and make it permanent!


Thank you :)

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Here's a thread where we were talking about some Manaan stronghold ideas:



Here's my wishlist:

* Increase the stronghold limit to 7 when the new SHs are added.

* Increase the X/Y adjustment (currently +/- 20) to at least +/-25, so that Large hook decos can sit against walls.

* Increase the Felucia Stato limit to 7 or more.

* Redesign the Stronghold (U) screen to have less wasted space so that all 7 fit on one page, or at least give us an option to sort by most recently used strongholds (and remember our choice).

* Don't have many (if any) curved walls, angled walls, or thick floorboards/wainscoting that make it hard to position items against walls.

* Have plenty of green space, whether that is a giant garden patio, beachfront, mountainside, or whatever. We have too many outdoor decorations to go without this.

* Give us more floor covering/rug and ceiling hook options than we've had previously.

* Make sure all centerpiece and starship hooks have multiple options to convert to other combinations of hooks (currently, not all of them do).

* Don't use heavily tinted area lighting (IE: sunrise or sunset) as it colors all of the decorations.

* Use ramps and stairs instead of elevators to avoid zoning.

* Don't use glass walls that are opaque without Bloom enabled (like downstairs in the Nar Shaddaa sky palace).

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Great suggestions !


I believe any clickable button could add an instance. You have an elevator on Coruscant and Kaas! Well it's a tall building you know, many floors! Tatooine could have an underground cavern or something (reminiscent of the waters quest for the consular, hint hint nudge nudge...) :)


Nar Shaddaa could tp you to the lower platform or your personal barge or casino...


Yavin, well, many mysterious pyramids in the distance. Just as IRL btw. Now that I think of it I'm always frustrated to see other houses on the cliff in Tatooine... imagine being there and getting to see your stronghold from there!!! Or even have access to the ballon! Or the sand crawler! :csw_crawler:

Edited by BenduKundalini
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