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Group Finder Woes


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Server: Harbinger


So I've been noticing some trends lately with GF. Awhile back players were starting to cancel out of SOR (Shadows of Revan) fps (especially Master Mode) as pugs were nightmares. Since CXP started we've had a new increase in HS (Hammer Station), Cademimu, Athliss, and Mando Raiders due to short dialog and they are quick fps to grind cxp. Because of this, players are getting very sick of doing those and are starting to cancel out of those now too.


So basically, we are checking off SORs in GF (which means you won't get the daily, but I don't think people care anymore) and now turn off HS,Cad, Ath and MR (like me 'cause we're sick of doing just those) since those are what many players are ONLY indicating in GF.


This is sad. :confused:


I'm guilty of turning off SORs or cancelling out if they pop (mostly just BH) because they can be nightmares with pugs on MM and boring bosses on tact. Some bosses have such huge HPs and of course you can't knockback, stun, slow or interrupt which just makes some of the fights very boring. Looking at you droid fight boss in front of the jedi temple. So we get boring or frustrating, and now we are losing players that cancel HS, Cad, Athliss because others are only activating those to grind CXP. :confused:


Last week I had to turn off HS because it was popping constantly for MM and tact. I was having rl dreams about it. :p

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Im happy just to get a MM FP pop. Theres a servere shortage of tanks right now.

I now usually wait till the guilds tanks log on just to queue.

As for hammer station and athiss i prefer them. Quick grind for quick cxp. Id never leave them.

I am sick of healing squishy skank tanks though.

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Im happy just to get a MM FP pop. Theres a servere shortage of tanks right now.

I now usually wait till the guilds tanks log on just to queue.

As for hammer station and athiss i prefer them. Quick grind for quick cxp. Id never leave them.

I am sick of healing squishy skank tanks though.


Yeah I can imagine there's a server shortage of tanks. They usually get an onslaught of abuse hurled at them if they're in a pug and don't do it according to how some rager thinks they do. We had a few ragers last ops I did where we were taking a little time on this last puzzle before last boss (no one died on the previous bosses. It was smooth sailing) we had it figured finally and 1 person said it was taking too long and quit then 3 others followed suit. There hadn't even been any wipes. People are just far too impatient. God forbid you can play but it's your first time figuring out the puzzles.

Edited by americanaussie
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Yeah but what are you doing HM FPs, OP? There is no special gear that you get from any of them in Master Mode. Why would you want to do a Directive 7 ( for example), over a Hammer Station, which takes less time and gives the same rewards? Players are looking at CXP per second to maximize they CXP cards. I do not see the point in running a longer FP for the same rewards, when the only reason I'm doing it is to level up my CXP rank and get gear. I don't understand you man....
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Yeah but what are you doing HM FPs, OP? There is no special gear that you get from any of them in Master Mode. Why would you want to do a Directive 7 ( for example), over a Hammer Station, which takes less time and gives the same rewards? Players are looking at CXP per second to maximize they CXP cards. I do not see the point in running a longer FP for the same rewards, when the only reason I'm doing it is to level up my CXP rank and get gear. I don't understand you man....


This is my point. But actually I still have achievements to finish up on MM. It's all about CXP grind.


You said it yourself. So what's your goal in this game? Why do you play? Just to grind CXP for the best armor to grind more cxp just to play Nim Ops? PVP?


I like the FPs. I enjoy playing with other people with the harder content. But everything is only HS, HS, HS! So if I turn off HS, the GF pop is almost nonexistent. And I guess I'd like a little variety in my grind.

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I don't know what the issue with gf is. In veteran mode when I log on as a healer, there are no tanks; when I log as a tank, no healers. As for MM I think people are afraid and don't que for it as much anymore due to ill equipped unprepared players that ruin the experience.
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I guess I'd like a little variety in my grind.


THIS above all else. FOR ME, I would rather lose some CXP/time and do varied FPs than "grind" the same thing ad infinitum. That said, I also rarely participate in more than one or two FPs per day therefore if I happen to get VM HS and MM HS in one sitting I am OK with that :)

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This isn't directly related to what you guys are talking about, but I noticed that "Colicoid War Games" isn't in the group finder. At all. No one will play that if they have to form a group.


Also, some fps are in master mode, but not veteran. Might be faster if all were in veteran.

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The devs thought the puzzle with the shields and consoles to hold them open, to be too complicated for the average PUG. Then there is the problem if someone leaves the group just there, as it traps players literally.

In my opinion it's sad, as that FP always was fun to play, but on the other hand i can see why todays PUG probably can't be trusted to manage the coordination it requires or to not grief play the rest of the group just because it is possible there.

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If I go random, I tend to get False Emperor half the time.


I rarely go random, uncheck the entire list, and decide which one I want to run today.


Unfortunately, my choices tend to be ones that the player base fail at hard.


I've sort of had to just give up, or run them with a friend and our companions.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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Yeah I can imagine there's a server shortage of tanks. They usually get an onslaught of abuse hurled at them if they're in a pug and don't do it according to how some rager thinks they do. We had a few ragers last ops I did where we were taking a little time on this last puzzle before last boss (no one died on the previous bosses. It was smooth sailing) we had it figured finally and 1 person said it was taking too long and quit then 3 others followed suit. There hadn't even been any wipes. People are just far too impatient. God forbid you can play but it's your first time figuring out the puzzles.


O am on TRE so I can't help. On my server I play a Vanguard tank and created an Immortal Juggernaught (lvl 65) and I like it a lot. Than again I only play in european prime time a couple of hours daily.

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