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Cartel Packs and Chance Cubes Are Garbage: Please Give Decos Their Own Packs

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For a while now I've been using the free CC I get from being a subscriber and friend referrals to open packs. Now I do this mainly for entertainment, but I honestly don't find it fun at all getting pack after pack with nothing but garbage Decorations, Jawa Junk, companion gifts, and Chances Cubes that mostly end up yielding the same quality of items.


I want to feel like I have a chance at the new Gold or Platinum items from the pack I'm opening yet I feel like I'm being punished to buy CC (which I will not do) to continue trying. I don't think that's fair at all. It's so discouraging after you run out of CC and most of your packs contained mostly nothing but decorations worth 50k with a piece of Jawa Junk and companion gifts.


Jawa Junk and companion gifts just end up being vendored because I don't craft, and since I'm not a rich player I don't dabble in the Stronghold decoration stuff. I also don't mess with it since they aren't in Collections. I end up just selling decos on the GTN and barely make anything from them.


I also like to call Chance Cubes "Bronze Cubes" because it seems the only stuff I get from them is bronze crap that's worth 20k or less on the GTN. Seriously? I can't recall a time I've ever gotten anything of value from a Chance Cube.


I'm imploring you guys to improve the pack and chance cube opening experience and remove all decos from cartel packs and chance cubes (especially the latter) and put them in their own packs or space on the Cartel Market. I'd also say remove companion gifts, as they're worth nothing and you get grade 6 gifts from new GC packs anyway.

Edited by Talon_strikes
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I love the Gold, Silver, and Bronze decoration packs. I wish they were released more often.


I'd buy Decoration Chance Cubes, if they were released.


Of course, what I would like the best is more themed packs (like the Iokath set), and more variety of direct sale items in the Cartel Market.

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I love the Gold, Silver, and Bronze decoration packs. I wish they were released more often.


I'd buy Decoration Chance Cubes, if they were released.


Of course, what I would like the best is more themed packs (like the Iokath set), and more variety of direct sale items in the Cartel Market.

Honestly, they need to make direct sales a lot more frequent as well. The market is overinflated and it's hard to afford most things when the GTN whales like to play the market and control it.


Then I have a few things saved up on cargo that I eventually sell but I can't sell for a reasonable price because then I'm only gimping myself, so I'm forced to sell it at the inflated price.


If they're gonna continue with the pack strategy and make direct sales a limited time thing they need to really improve the pack opening experience. Opening pack after pack and getting 2 garbage decos (even if they were worth something I'd still be pretty mad), Jawa Junk and a companion gift over and over is so infuriating. I don't open packs for decorations or crafting junk, I open packs for the new items.

Edited by Talon_strikes
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I like chance cubes. I've gotten some really nice stuff out of them and presently, they are the only way to get some of the older items in the game. I've gotten a lot of junk out of them too, sure, but I like them being in the game. I'm wondering though if maybe they shouldn't sell them separately for people who like them, because I fully understand how some people don't appreciate them taking up slots in new packs when you just want the new items from that pack.
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