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Happy Birthday Star Wars 40 years old

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I don't see anything about today anyplace on EAs website here. sad i guess


40 years ago today STAR WARS changed the world and I myself was there at age 12.

Most if non playing did not see it 40 years ago today It wasn't released in Most states and

Half the theaters were in California.

For most of us STAR WARS did change our lives. It changed the industry completely .

Sound off if you saw STaR WaRS in 1977 But please dont say you saw it on the 25 again most here didnt and

I have seen people say they saw STAR WARS on the first day and they werent even A LIVE .

NO sense BSing anyone.

I saw it in June of 1977 since it wasnt in Michigan for a couple of weeks. I have meet Michigan people who say they saw it on the first day in 1977...I dont get people who BS to look cool...explains a lot about them it does.



Thank you LUCAS

Light you SABERS and raise them to the sky....




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I don't see anything about today anyplace on EAs website here. sad i guess


40 years ago today STAR WARS changed the world and I myself was there at age 12.

Most if non playing did not see it 40 years ago today It wasn't released in Most states and

Half the theaters were in California.

For most of us STAR WARS did change our lives. It changed the industry completely .

Sound off if you saw STaR WaRS in 1977 But please dont say you saw it on the 25 again most here didnt and

I have seen people say they saw STAR WARS on the first day and they werent even A LIVE .

NO sense BSing anyone.

I saw it in June of 1977 since it wasnt in Michigan for a couple of weeks. I have meet Michigan people who say they saw it on the first day in 1977...I dont get people who BS to look cool...explains a lot about them it does.



Thank you LUCAS

Light you SABERS and raise them to the sky....





Honestly, I didn't think anything would happen, nor do I believe EA (or BW) should have done something. It's only the anniversary for some old movie, and everything that happened in said movie, won't happen for another 1000+ years. It would have been neat, if EA, or BW did mention somewhere, but "neat" is all that it would have been.


BW already does something for May the 4th, and I think having yet another anniversary would be a little overkill. I don't mean to seem harsh, insensitive, or any else. The movies just don't really effect the TOR.

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They gave us downtime, so we have time to celebrate the 40. anniversary.


But seriously...still cant believe it...holiday on most parts of europe + 40. SW anniversary and the only thing they come up with is...MAINTENANCE :eek:

Edited by Songano
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I saw it in June of 1977 since it wasnt in Michigan for a couple of weeks. I have meet Michigan people who say they saw it on the first day in 1977...I dont get people who BS to look cool...explains a lot about them it does.

Maybe forty years ago they lived somewhere else? Maybe they were on vacation somewhere else? Maybe their work seconded them somewhere else? (My father saw Close Encounters of the Third Kind in a French cinema for this reason.)


I saw it back then, in 1977 (don't remember when in 1977, but probably not in May), at the age of 11, at the cinema in Tunbridge Wells (England) with my father, and I remember being vaguely disappointed by a discrepancy between the film and the novelisation, which I'd already read, concerning the direction of the strike when Darth Vader struck down Kenobi. We pick on the damnedest things to be disappointed about, is all I can say.

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Love that! Thanks for posting the link.


I first saw A New Hope (it was simply called "Star Wars" then) in 1977. The theater was packed. I was by myself, and able to find a seat at the back of the theater. Two kids were in seats next to me, sitting on the backs of their chairs. They looked at me, I guess expecting me (as an adult) to tell them to sit in the chairs correctly. Instead, I sat on the back of my seat, too. There was a wall behind us, so no one's view was blocked. The audience booed and hissed at Vader. Cheered for Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie. It was a fun and amazing experience. I've been a fan of Star Wars ever since.


Happy 40th birthday, Star Wars! May the Force be With You.

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I remember wanting to see it so bad back then,.but my elders scoffed. When they finally relented I think I ended up seeing Grease. lol. I did catch up I think a few years later and saw it though.


I had the toys before I saw the movie!


Happy Birthday Star Wars!

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Thank you for sharing that link.


A big thank you to George Lucas for making my childhood richer with Star Wars. I can not remember exactly when I saw the movie in 1977, but it took me to a galaxy far, far away (to which some of my family thinks I never did return from). I have always loved Star Wars, seen all the movies, collected many toys, figures, etc growing up, but I was recently amazed when we came across some old pictures thought to be lost. The pictures were of me as a child with my first model X-wing fighter, as well as having the Star Wars sheets, bed spread, and curtains. Now, I understand why some family still looks at me the way they do. After 40 years, I have been involved in many Star Wars games on consoles and PC, been involved in Star Wars RPG campaigns (Wizards of the Coast Core rulebooks), and still enjoying going to Star Wars movies in cosplay. Thank you George Lucas, ILM, and LucasArts for the good times and memories, as well as the deep lore behind Star Wars.


Happy Anniversary / Happy Star Wars Day : May 25, 1977 - May 25, 2017

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Kill me but what for celebrate 40th of episode IV? Yeah I'am happy that after 40 years this is still great film and everything, but doing in game event becouse of this? :confused:

Anyway after Carrie's death there was not any mention, statue in game (a lot pages in swtor.com) so I don't know what You expected. This game like every mmo is business and they won't waste time for smilar things. Happy celebrating is all they can say.

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I was 5 and my Dad took me to see it, unfortunately my strongest memory of the movie was my Dad getting mad at me for needing to go to the bathroom. Forty years later I just wanted to say, Dad I understand... lol.
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I was 5 and my Dad took me to see it, unfortunately my strongest memory of the movie was my Dad getting mad at me for needing to go to the bathroom. Forty years later I just wanted to say, Dad I understand... lol.

Ohh i am a dad and i warn my daughter I wont take you to the bathroom...i wont miss the movie lucky she understands that also...




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Here are my best original trilogy memories as a kid...


I remember when the TV news showed people waiting in line for Empire Strikes Back at our local, small town theater, the night before it opened. (Back then, there weren't any midnight sneak peaks and people didn't stand in line for hours over a movie. It was considered a news-worthy event.) Dad and I looked at each other and Mom said something like, "Oh no, you are not standing around in line at a theater all night!" Dad grabbed a tent and promised that his little girl wouldn't be up all night. Dad and I made it into the first showing.


I remember Mom getting upset when we bought our first VCR. Dad immediately bought the first two Star Wars movies and we sat down with a pile of snacks to watch them back-to-back. Mom wasn't amused at our 352-minute long binge watching (before there was a term for it). Dad and I had a great time. I'm pretty sure that's why we bought a second TV.


One night, after being gone overnight driving his semi truck, Dad came home with a VCR tape. It had a copy of Return of the Jedi before the movie was released. It wasn't a great copy, since somebody had pointed a late 70's video camera at a movie screen and recorded while the film played. The copy had been re-copied over and over by long haul truck drivers. We didn't care. We stayed up very late and watched it twice. I was good and didn't give away any spoilers to friends, but it was very tempting! Three days later, the movie opened at our local theater. We went to the movies and saw it on the big screen for a third time.

Edited by Xina_LA
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I was almost 7yo in the summer of 1977 It was My Self and my Mom & Dad we saw this at the Star lite Drive-in in Pekin ILLinois the film has been out for couple weeks before we got to it. Of course if my Mother really knew what this film was about she wouldn't of went, she wasnt all to happy. So she had no problems running back and forth to the Concession stand getting us snacks and drinks.


It was the perfect summer evening and the Pekin Star Lite Drive-In played Double Features it was Star Wars the main bill and then Jeff Bridges & Jessica Lang in the remake of King Kong. When my mom found out that both films wasn't her forte. We ate hot dogs and bologna sandwiches for a week, other wise she didnt cook her big dinners out of spite. Told ya she, wasnt all to happy. lol


Any way it was one of my best memories. Now the other films was all seen at the Theaters, i should say the rest of the SW series was seen in theaters the first time around. The surround sound was awesome but it wasnt the same as feeling the summer breeze on your face while you eat pizza on the hood of the family ride leaning back on the wind shield with your dad listening to the echos of all those mono speakers at once.


Any way thats my awesome Memory of my Star Wars Experience.

Happy 40th Birthday Star Wars. Thank You George Lucas........

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I was 19, and went to see it for the first time in a walk in theater in Pasadena California. I saw the movie 16 more times at a combination of walk ins and drive ins. How many times you had gone to see the film was a bit of a status thing back then!
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