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What would the average nerf-herder know about the Force?


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Hi all,


I was researching stuff on Wookieepedia for RP etc. and got to wondering. Obviously we have access to every piece of literature and lore (of note) in the Star Wars universe, but what would the average person in the Old Republic know about their galaxy, beyond the world they live on?


In particular, what do you think common people (farmers, herders, isolated tradespeople) know about the Jedi, the Sith and the Force? I imagine knowledge of wartime events is fairly commonplace, but apart from that and the depictions of Force users in those events, would people know the philosophical differences between them? Would they recognise a pureblood Sith? Would they even know what a lightsabre is? What texts would be publicly available?


Any ideas on the matter would be greatly appreciated!

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While I'm no lore master I think the answer probably lies on their format of media. A lot of Youtube videos I watch state that the media around the time of the clone wars put the Jedi as guilty of those wars, and that your average nerf herder would not know the difference. I think that the average person doesn't know or doesn't care about the differences, they might recognized a force user but I doubt they know the intricacies that separate Jedi and Sith. For them those 2 orders are only organizations that constant fight against each other.
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While I'm no lore master I think the answer probably lies on their format of media. A lot of Youtube videos I watch state that the media around the time of the clone wars put the Jedi as guilty of those wars, and that your average nerf herder would not know the difference. I think that the average person doesn't know or doesn't care about the differences, they might recognized a force user but I doubt they know the intricacies that separate Jedi and Sith. For them those 2 orders are only organizations that constant fight against each other.


Yeah, that makes sense. So they'll just be names, for the most part, and unless your average nerf-herder's uncle got killed by one side or the other it won't really make a difference which is which. I guess it depends which planet they're on as well, since entries on the holonet are likely managed in different ways between planets.

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For worlds that are apart of the Galactic Republic and Confederacy, they would know about Sith and Jedi. However, each would think the other is the bad guy. Remember that episode from clone wars where Ahsoka went behind enemy lines and met this guy who had a crush on her? That pretty much sums up how they would feel.


Besides, the media would spread propaganda about each.


As fore worlds outside these systems, the people wouldn't know the difference; see episode in clone wars when Ventress went to Toydaria ( i think ti was the first episode of clone wars).

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Someone in a YouTube video was saying that ,not sure if it was cannon or legend) that Palpatine was planting alot of mistrust with the public. He would blame the Jedii for stuff that really had nothing to do with them. Also the public didn't like the way that the Jedi recruited (basically taking babies from homes). I get the impression that the Jedi and the Sith were probably very secretive also. Edited by LeelaSeventen
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Depends on the ERA as well.


For example in our current game era the force is widely known as a mystic power wielded by the Jedi who for the most part are considered paragons of fairness and champions of order and the Republic. While this does not mean every jedi is a good guy the average citizen will almost certainly have heard of the Jedi and will in general tend to treat them with respect.


The average criminal; will fear them , and the average imperial citizen will also fear them due to propaganda stemming from the great hyerpspace war.


For Sith the average imperial Citizen would revere them as the culture of the Empire was based around the Sith being elevated to semi god status. Not infallible but in general always considered right and to be obeyed. The force is the exclusive domain of the Sith and as such renders them special.


The Empire is a meritocracy in this fashion as you either have the force and thus are Sith having survived the harsh trials of Korriban or are a long time soldier or key poliitican whose survived the cutthroat nature of Sith politics rendereing yourself as meritous in your own right.


Move forward to the pre Clone wars era and around the time of the clone wars.


The Jedi have been considered champions of the republic for over a thousand years guardians of peace and order in the galaxy. Like Arhturs knights and Camelot the Jedi are known to be masters of the force and the force is treated like a some what semi religious notion reverence but not blind adoration.


Most people would know the jedi as a fair and balanced judge or arbitrator and would ask their help in such matters that they cant attend to themselves or where Diplomacy breaks down.


Most cirminals would fear them but also know that a jedi would give them a fair shake.


Jump forward to the post clone wars era and the rise of the empire. Order 66 has been enacted the Jedi purged for the most part.


For most imperial citizens the jedi are still fresh in mind but as traitors to the republic who tried to assassinate the chancellor and who may very well have been responsible for the war, Darth Vader is a hero of the people and the only Jedi to renounce the order and fight for democracy and peace.


Propaganda is heavy in this era and with lines of communication broken or controlled by the imperials the Jedi slowly slide into legend even among those who fight tyranny. May the force be with you becomes a rallying cry for the oppressed and believers who are slowly hunted.


By the time of the battle of Yavin the Jedi are a myth as much as the force is. A semi mystical sorcerers tale told to frighten small imperial children to behave. The force is also a myth "Theres no mystic energy field controls my destiny." "its all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense."


It isn't until the battle of Yavin and the Death Stars destruction that the legend of the force and the Jedi begins to be revived as rumors of Luke Skywalker the last of the Jedi begin to spread again propagating the notion of the force as a power in the universe rather then a myth and the Jedis legends again become something tangible.

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Thank you all for your replies (extra credit to Catsi for a particularly thorough answer!). From everything you've said, it does appear to be very much down to location and personal circumstance. It's also indicated to me (yet again) that I really ought to watch the Clone Wars at some point. People keep mentioning Ahsoka and I have no idea who she is :D
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Ahsoka is a great character shes a fairly typical plucky sidekick but does do a bit of growing as the 6 seasons of clone wars goes on. Highly recommend the series


also watch star wars rebels if you want to see what happens to Asohka post TCW.

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Ahsoka is a great character shes a fairly typical plucky sidekick but does do a bit of growing as the 6 seasons of clone wars goes on. Highly recommend the series


also watch star wars rebels if you want to see what happens to Asohka post TCW.


I've watched neither — I probably ought to get started

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You should , Clone Wars also gives you more insight into a certain future sith lord. OR at least I saw some stuff that explains alittle bit (a little bit ) of what and why of the third move of the prequeal.


He is still a whiney annoying jerk but eh you get more insight into him.

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You should , Clone Wars also gives you more insight into a certain future sith lord. OR at least I saw some stuff that explains alittle bit (a little bit ) of what and why of the third move of the prequeal.


He is still a whiney annoying jerk but eh you get more insight into him.


Agreed TCW really does flesh out Anakins character much more, we see some of the many small steps that lead to his downfall. Some of the decisions and just plain sacrifices hes called on to make that weigh on his character.

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