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Community rage and help with dealing with it


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I got a lot of issues with doing *********** operations especially on hard mode. Looking for random group s to play with means having to take **** for not being able to heal or avoid aggro/attacks. My current guild isnt active and i don t know what to do. I could change guild but i have a lot of trust issues, especially with the internet. Always have to encounter dumb players with big balls looking down on me. I dont give a **** if i m a noob, i try to learn but no ******* gives a **** . Annnd now i m all pissed. I have no idea wat to do, godamn internet n mmorpg Edited by KLAGAN_TROY
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If you're a noob, trying to learn then I highly recommend going for the SM versions, or looking for a guild that is happy to help new ops players out. Guild recruitment can be found on the server page on the forum. You can post there and ask for anyone training people to run ops. Best of luck!
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First of all, people are just plain salty nowadays; it has nothing to do with MMO - just watch the news.


Second of all, you have a responsibility to learn what you can about the game that you are playing. Typical google or YouTube search will give you a ton of information that can help you, plus , you have the forums.


Now, you know very well that you do not do HARD mode content if you have not, at least, attempted the easy mode of whatever content you are trying to do. If you are a "noob" why are you queuing up for a Hard mode operations? You know full well that HARD mode content requires a higher skill set, that is a general requirement for every thing that is considered hard-- so its not confined to a game - you don't put a 1 year old in a PhD program.


You have to think about other people's enjoyment and not just your own. it's group content and its hard content so players will expect that if you are a healer then you are at least 70% proficient at it . If you are new to healing then queue for the easy content and try to get the hang of healing then try out more difficult content.


I'm not saying that people should cuss you and call you names, but, you must accept the part you played in attracting that kind of negativity. if you are new to a group activity, then you should alert your group members that you have never done it before so they can guide you. I a Hard mode operations, they might ask you to leave.

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I would suggest you find yourself a good raiding/endgame Guild to join. Hard mode operations require a fair amount of knowledge and cooperation and, therefore, it's best to do them with a known group. Trying to PUG HM OPs is bound to end in grief.


Or, check places like Dulfy.net, Youtube, etc, for tutorials on the various OPs and learn the mechanics, etc, in story mode until you are familiar enough to try Veteran mode.

Edited by JediQuaker
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KLAGAN_TROY, like you I have issues switching guilds; my issue is that I I am too loyal, I stick with them LONG after I should have left.


But there comes a point where you have to make a choice:


stick with the inactive guild you are in because you are too scared to trust anyone else


get over your trust issues and find a new - more active - guild

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BTW, another possibility, or course, is to form an alliance with another guild, if you can find one, on your server, that will do that.

(P.S. - I'm in a dead guild on the Republic side, and a relatively inactive one on the Imp side. Not many "OPs" for me either. :( )

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I'd have to go with what Yezzan said, but I wanted to add that doing the solo FPs can also help you figure out what your chosen class and discipline is capable of. Making sure your character is properly geared can also be beneficial (always keep an eye on your stats), and here's another thought: keep an eye out for others who are looking to take down a World Boss as healers can be quite useful and it gives you a chance to practice that skill. Don't know what server you're on but The Ebon Hawk is really great for this (taken down four WBs myself already with some great groups). Communication is a very big key too, as others have stated, because then other players won't jump on you so much if you can't heal a group member quick enough.


Hope this helps you, and remember to have fun!

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Don't try playing harder content if you don't know how they work. Forums are specially made for people to come over and discuss, ask for help, search guild. I have been like you, but theorising NiM tacts weren't enough finish SnV. Nowadays guilds have two types: progression which demand high skill and knowledge and social/chill raiding guilds who take everything much slower, eventually playing HM ops few weeks later. Search for guild who operates in mastering SM (not like casual run, but trying different classes combo's and finding urself that fits ur gameplay) and doing or atleast preparing ppl to do HM. This way you will not only get better realisation of endgame experience but also know ur role better. Endgame is not only about operations, flashpoints, gear and titles. Calling yourself experienced isn't what is supposed to be important. If have no class experience or it's only basic but u do have HM/NiM achievs, this doesn't mean ur very experience or any good. Want to become better? Use classes guides, important positions, team callouts and make short plan in which you mark all the movements u will make and tacts u will use.
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- you cannot fix player attitude

- to improve yourself try watching some videos on the internet on raid tactics

- there are people who play games to troll other people ... that's why there is an Ignore button

- also try joining guilds there is nothing that can happen to you , just don't give personal information

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