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Hood/Mask issue


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How is it "working as intended" for Revan to not be able to wear a hood?


That's unacceptable. It seems to me the GM just isn't informed enough to really know what the issue is here. Did you mention that it bugs with NPCs too that are supposed to have hoods?

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hmm maybe not, so i created a new ticket with the following:

in response to recent ticket number 2074666.


The hood does indeed become removed when wearing a hood, this is the bug in which i am reporting.


this is a known bug due to the amount of complaints circling around the forums. The ability to wear full helm or mask with the hood still shown was perfectly fine in beta testing and was removed without explaination.


the NPC's within the game also have this bug, including raven which is an old character from Knights of the old republic long ago, which negatates the comment of "this was how the developers intended it to be". This clearly is not the case as raven wore a full helm with a hood.


a few members have commented that an option to show/hide hood could be implented so players have the option as they so wished, just like the hide head slot which is available currently.


i hope my ticket was more explainatory this time round and look forward to your feedback.


Thank you


i will win this dammit! lol

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Wow it did not came to my mind... Miraluka cant have any hoods by this.... That is really stupid


My blindy wears a hooded cloak over his eye hood, it looks rather nice too.


What bugs me is the helmet I put on my trooper that changes my entire facial features to a new setting, and how Aric Jorgan only wears it on the top his head.

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It should look something like this. I have the same mask with a hood and the hood dosen't show... http://files.g4tv.com/ImageDb3/289153_S/star-wars-the-old-republic-sith-inquisitor-guide-oh-im-afraid-this-class-guide-will-be-quite-operational.jpg
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The simple fix is a hood up/down setting. Since they clearly made hooded items with a both the hood up and down, putting control over it in the hands of the players just makes plain sense. That way people who don't want hoods can simply pull them down and go about their business, and people who do want hoods can leave them up. Tah-dah! It's like magic. Someone should hire me to be a game designer.
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Don't forget Jedi, who are screwed the other way around... all Jedi robes have the hood permanently stuck up, meaning once you get your first robe, you will never see your character's hair again.


Unless you have a Twi'lek. We can't put our hoods up, ever.

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Where should I sign or vote for bringing back the option to have hood and mask at once? Since on forum is no search I will not find it manually...


It looks really horrible that mask with no hood... I know that some hard worker in Bioware studios was making that mask whole weekend but it does not mean that it should be this way...


I have a nice underwear from Styx but it does not mean that I wear it over my pants... I mean that mask suppose to be layer under hood... If you have no hood than you have visible mask if you have hood than it covers mask... It looks good that way.. It is how it should be... The same like underwear should be under pants even if it looks really good and sexy...


I do not wear masks because I love hood... If there would be option to wear hood over mask than I would wear mask.. And I know more people this way.. And if people refuse to wear mask because of this than mask loose its point anyway...


We all know Revan with mask and hood.. Bioware ***** even him... Isnt it illegal or something?


I would be pleased by some toggle hood up down feature... If you like mask with no hood than ok.. but there are a lot of people who likes hood over mask...


Hard worker and Bioware? HAHhahaha, do not sound right together.

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I completely agree with this sentiment, it was one of the really cool features in beta, and it's mindboggling they removed it, atleast give us an answer on why it was removed, and if it will ever come back.


I am a vain person, this and unify colors getting removed were two of my biggest issues with the game !

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Well what would you do with the tentacles? The hoods would have to be twice the size and you'd look like a mr bobble head.


Actually, what do Twi'lecks look like if they have helms that completely cover their heads?


Well my headbands clip into my toon's forehead. But it's not that bad. I've never seen a full helm on a Twi'lek.


The lekku (tentacles) could be slung over the shoulders (in front or like Bib Fortuna). I guess this would be hard to implement and basically would change the model which is why it isn't in. It's a bit disappointing regardless of the devs reasons behind the decision.

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Well what would you do with the tentacles? The hoods would have to be twice the size and you'd look like a mr bobble head.


Actually, what do Twi'lecks look like if they have helms that completely cover their heads?


I believe what they plan on doing is changing where the lekku are when you have a hood up. Making it so the lekku come forward and aren't in the way of the hood. Eventually, that is. During the beta the lekku simply clipped through the hood, which I thought looked cool but apparently not everyone shared my opinion on it.


If a Twi'lek has a helmet on, usually their lekku disappear completely. Twi'lek Inquisitors can use Kallig's Countenance, and it simply makes them look like anyone else wearing it.

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ok i have had a response and its not good..


Thank you for letting us know of your concern. We do apologize for any inconvenience or frustration that this has caused on your part.


The hoods in the game are working as intended by the developers. That is, if you place an equipment in the head slot, the hood will be taken off showing the helm or maks that you equipped. Although, if you wear a headband, the hood will be kept.


We are sincerely apologizing for he confusion regarding your previous ticket as I assume that the last agent thought that you were reporting a known bug.


Everybody check this... Only info as far that we have from Bioware on the issue of hoods and masks.... Thank you for that info Turokhan

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This needs to come back in game.

Even if it had clipping issues,it would still look cooler than these hoodles masks.

I got a really sick looking mask from a quest on Alderaan,but without hood it looks awkward.

Sith need to look mysterious,ominous and menacing,funny how a little thing like a hood down makes him look oposite of that.

You look like a freaking clown!




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Give us Masks and hoods back!! Revan just isnt the same without it.

So is my character!


While your at it, please implement a hood up/down feature as well.


Bioware you have to recognize that your strong point in this game is the RPG-part, so don't screw it over!

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