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Got this game to run on my 16th try...where is the fix? Windows Creators Update...


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Had to restart it 16x times...really? Everytime i choose a character, the game crashed back to desktop. Yeah, im using windows creators update and had this problem since updating...Where is the fix? Im not the only one having that problem.
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Hey folks,


A few updates on this situation. For players that have updated Windows 10 to the Creator Edition, they can experience an issue in SWTOR that causes a crash to desktop. This seems to be primarily caused by being alt-tabbed out of the game and focusing on another window while SWTOR is open and loading.


The team is looking into fixing the problem and I will pass on updates as I have them. In the meantime there are three workarounds which have had some success.

1) Disable vsync on your video card.

2) Disable Game Mode in Windows.

3) In Windows, disable the full-screen optimization option for SWTOR.


I will pass on more information as I have it.



Try searching for it.

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Not working.


just stop alt tabbing and have the game in focus while it loads in, once you see your characters it shouldn't crash.


Do note that having apps running with overlays will interfere with the being in focus part. (Origin Steam discord overwolf.... basically everything nowdays... :D )

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Yeah thanks for those suggestions, but im allready not running anything in the background. Ive read numerous posts about this problem, but nothing solved it. Sometimes im in on the first try and sometimes on my 16. try. At least they aknowledged it...
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just stop alt tabbing and have the game in focus while it loads in, once you see your characters it shouldn't crash.


Do note that having apps running with overlays will interfere with the being in focus part. (Origin Steam discord overwolf.... basically everything nowdays... :D )

I have discord, but it's on the other screen and SWTOR is in Windowed (Full Screen) so I can click to Discord if I need to without SWTOR minimising...


Of course that doesn't help if you only have one screen.


I also don't have Creator's yet...

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