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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gender Change?


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It's rediculous, get over it and just make another character. If people are against it, then some people that they/we are Sociopatihic crazies. I would say they could be the same.i think the gender change is for crazy people when all they have to do is make a new character. People want Real life issues in the game when stuff like this shouldn't even be considered unless "said persons/persons made a mistake in Character creation".


That, i would understand. But if those 'said persons' cannot distinguish Male from Female, then they should probably go back to school.


Sorry for any offence, but that's me.


Sociopathic crazies? Really? Really?! Sorry, can't take you or your arguments seriously if you're going to make those kind of slanderous ad hominem attacks.


Also, the OP isn't the one who brought real life issues into this game. It was all the people who decided to go "OMG NO REAL LIFE ISSUES IN THE GAME!" when the OP said nothing about it. Methinks you all doth protest too much.

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Pretty sure it's game breaking as it would reset a whole bunch of flags. We aren't just talking cut scene stuff. I believe they said that such a change would need to be done hard coded by a Dev per each. In other words a token can't switch all the flags.


I wonder if they could allow characters made with the 60/65 tokens to change genders. All their flags are in a 'default' setting that--near as I can tell--determined you didn't engage in any romances.

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Quite frankly, if someone's "traumatized" by being "forced" to play as a character whose the opposite gender of themselves, they have much bigger problems to think about than that character's gender. For one thing, the character isn't a reflection or representation of them in real life.


On the practical side, no. Never going to happen. This is what re-rolling the character is for. Changing a character's gender when they've already started their story would screw up FAR too many things in this game's already-fragile code.


And on another side, let this discussion die. If it keeps going, it shall promptly be nuked by flame wars raging across the forums. Bottom line: it's not going to happen. Please - don't discuss it further.


I would love to see them let us completely reroll a character and let us start it over from the beginning yet keep its achievements etc. wipe it down to bedrock and respin it. no short cuts, you would start at lvl 1 with zero xp.

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I really don't know why gender change isn't already available, as it could be a money maker. If they don't want to retcon any of the Companion romances that may have taken place in the Vanilla Class stories, they could just throw up a dialogue popup window that says that no existing romances will be taken into account at this point.


They still need to fix our Companion stories and dialogue from KOTFE and KOTET, and also some of our /bugged Companions storylines in the Vanilla part of the game that is /bugged. Changing the your sex would be like throwing dynamite and create at least double the chat /bugs to not being able to talk to out companions at all, which has already happened.


They would in essence have to totally re-do this game for that in the Vanilla, and the /bugs would make that many more people leave the game because of more Companions not being able to chat to us the way they are supposed to.

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I wonder if they could allow characters made with the 60/65 tokens to change genders. All their flags are in a 'default' setting that--near as I can tell--determined you didn't engage in any romances.


Definitely a question for Eric. All I know is anything that changes a flag like that needs to be hard coded (customer service agent Wayne told me this) in other words you need a Dev to sit there and make the changes on your character. CS can't touch that stuff even. Given the state of things, I'll say they don't have the manpower to assign someone to make hard coded changes to people's toons however if they did then they could reset the romance flags too for those Lana lovers. Same sort of thing.

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I wonder if they could allow characters made with the 60/65 tokens to change genders. All their flags are in a 'default' setting that--near as I can tell--determined you didn't engage in any romances.


Kind of my thoughts as well. I don't buy the whole "its too hard cause of programming" that we get on certain things. I'm sure there are limitations, I'm just not convinced this is the case here. I get the cost/benefit analysis of sinking time into this though. I doubt it would be wise for them to do it because it is niche and not likely to lead to incremental revenue (at least not enough to make it worthwhile). So I don't think its going to happen, but not because of limitations in programming.

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They still need to fix our Companion stories and dialogue from KOTFE and KOTET, and also some of our /bugged Companions storylines in the Vanilla part of the game that is /bugged. Changing the your sex would be like throwing dynamite and create at least double the chat /bugs to not being able to talk to out companions at all, which has already happened.


They would in essence have to totally re-do this game for that in the Vanilla, and the /bugs would make that many more people leave the game because of more Companions not being able to chat to us the way they are supposed to.

I wonder if they could allow characters made with the 60/65 tokens to change genders. All their flags are in a 'default' setting that--near as I can tell--determined you didn't engage in any romances.

Like AscendingSky said, Companion interactions default to whatever the BW chose when players using a Character Level Token, so the technology is already in game, so just add a dialogue box that explains story and Companion defaults when changing genders and you're good to go.


I know this doesn't address people who want to change genders and then romance a Companion that wasn't previously romanced in the story, but it's something.

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I've a got a big fat lvl 65 male toon that I created as a joke 4 years ago, but he's my artifice crafter and I don't want to have to start it all again.

Being able to change him to a female would mean I would actually use the toon.

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