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Offer Advice: Things to do in an Automatic Losing Match Instead of Leaving


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Most of us who have played long enough to know those painful matches where the the opposite team has stacks of veteran grouped players facing your team having all novice pilots usually sporting 2 ships. In these matches the auto winning team either takes 3 nodes right away or leaves one for kill farming. In TDM they press your team right up to the spawn ships and systematically kill them blitzkrieg fashion.


This thread isn't about how you can turn it around it's about offering constructive tips on how to get medals when your team is facing certain loss. Currently, when your half decent mates see who's on the other team they leave. Your stuck with a handful of well intentioned novice pilots who don't yet realize they will be dying again and again.


What advice can you offer these pilots of the 'auto-loss match' encouraging them to stick it out to the end? TY!

Edited by HuaRya
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* Keep it simple. Try holding onto just one point. They may win the Dom, but they'll never take that one sat! (Also works for TDM - stake out an area, claim it, dare the all-stars to come get ya!)


* If it's a wargame, I'll ask in general if anyone wants to 1v1 or race or just dork around and explore the map.


* Get in a really fast and agile ship and see how long you can poke the bear and survive!


* If it's REALLY bad in my team's favor, I'll slag off and try to mess with the capital ship. It thinks it's so big and bad, with its omnicannons. I'll show it! I'LL SHOW 'EM ALL ONE DAY!!

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* Get in a really fast and agile ship and see how long you can poke the bear and survive!


This in a TDM is especially effective. Getting in a scout behind the enemy lines and going full evasive can relieve a lot of pressure on your team while the enemy is chasing you. The infinite boost T1 scout build is particularly good at this.
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* Get in a really fast and agile ship and see how long you can poke the bear and survive!


I did this in my t1 strike one time. Pulled their entire team from our spawn to theirs just dodging incoming fire. I died when I tried to turn around and drag them all back.

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