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Weeklies Supply Crates for Pre-Odessen Alts?


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This really grinds my gears. I want to do weeklies on my alts to get supply crates, but I dread the fact that I have to do chapters 1-9 of KotFE to get them instead of crummy lockboxes. Idk if skipping KotET and going straight to Iokath unlocks the crate rewards, but I shouldn't have to grind alts up to 70 to do it (although I would consider doing sidequests to gain levels less mind-numbing than doing chapters 1-9 every time). Is there any remedy for this that in missing? And if not, I think the rewards should be changed to supply crates when you get 1 character up to chapter 9.
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Unless something has changed of which I'm unaware, your characters begin receiving supply crates at level 61, regardless of their involvement with KotFE/KotET. From 61-65 you receive two crates per heroic, but once you ding 66 you start receiving only one crate per heroic (again, unless something has changed, as I don't have any characters in that level range right now to be able to verify this).
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Unless something has changed of which I'm unaware, your characters begin receiving supply crates at level 61, regardless of their involvement with KotFE/KotET. From 61-65 you receive two crates per heroic, but once you ding 66 you start receiving only one crate per heroic (again, unless something has changed, as I don't have any characters in that level range right now to be able to verify this).


This is correct. You do not have to start KotFE or be level 70 to start getting supply crates.

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Unless something has changed of which I'm unaware, your characters begin receiving supply crates at level 61, regardless of their involvement with KotFE/KotET. From 61-65 you receive two crates per heroic, but once you ding 66 you start receiving only one crate per heroic (again, unless something has changed, as I don't have any characters in that level range right now to be able to verify this).


OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH..... I was checking them on characters that were exactly level 60. :o. I feel like a doofus. Thanks! But that 1 crate after 65 thing is a bit odd... Since they don't get any harder it should make sense that the rewards either stay the same or go up at that point...

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OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH..... I was checking them on characters that were exactly level 60. :o. I feel like a doofus. Thanks! But that 1 crate after 65 thing is a bit odd... Since they don't get any harder it should make sense that the rewards either stay the same or go up at that point...


And.. it's double crate rewards from H2 missions from 61-66 too...... so if you are going to run H2s right now.. be sure and get yourself a white acute module so you can turn off the double xp event that is currently active. That way, you can get as many double crate rewards as possible until you ding 66. :)


I'm currently slow-walking 4 alts through H2s from 61-66 specifically to max out crate rewards. So I have a white acute module active, and I avoid completing any bonus missions as well.. so that I am getting only normal XP from H2 mission completions.

Edited by Andryah
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And.. it's double crate rewards from H2 missions from 61-66 too...... so if you are going to run H2s right now.. be sure and get yourself a white acute module so you can turn off the double xp event that is currently active. That way, you can get as many double crate rewards as possible until you ding 66. :)


I'm currently slow-walking 4 alts through H2s from 61-66 specifically to max out crate rewards. So I have a white acute module active, and I avoid completing any bonus missions as well.. so that I am getting only normal XP from H2 mission completions.


Where can I find this "white acute module" exactly? I googled it and every result I found says it was removed...

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Where can I find this "white acute module" exactly? I googled it and every result I found says it was removed...


Vendor on Fleet. They are bind to legacy and cost no credits.


From 5.1.2 Patch Notes:

An item to turn off event experience gains can now be purchased off the vendor located next to the Skill Mentor in the combat training district of the Republic and Imperial fleets. This buff lasts for a duration of 8 hours and can be removed by right clicking the buff icon.


This will work for any future boosted XP events as well, so hang on to it once you are done.

Edited by Andryah
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