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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Recommended stats for assault specialist?


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Hello, everyone. I was wondering if I could get some help...


So I've been told many times that assault spec does more damage compared to gunnery and vice versa, which in truth, I believe the difficulty lying in people not managing their heat and rotation with assault well enough. Though often more than not, when I have a well-geared gunnery mando on my team (And me having tier 3 and tier 4 gear on) they often do more damage than me than I can pull out and I often find myself fighting enemies longer compared to them (And yeah, I got my rotation right. I know assault is difficult to pull off but I have succeeded where others have failed. I go Serrated bolt, incendiary round, supercharge cell, assault plastique, mag bolt, full auto, rinse and repeat. I occasionally fire hail of bolts to proc my mag bolt for fire again and throw in hammer shots to control heat).


I luv assault specialist and it is the spec I want to get into when playing ranked so I was wondering if anyone could tell me what are the best stats I should get for my spec?


So far, I have all alacrity augments for main gear pieces (chest, helmet, etc.), one alacrity and one crit implant, crit head piece, with the rest mostly crit/ mastery based gear which is what I got from the gear vendors so far and I have not been able to procure the money yet to get the mods and enhancements I need.


So far, my stats look like this:

106% accuracy (395 accuracy)

Around 43.18% ranged crit (1212 crit)

32.12% tech crit

12.81% Alacrity ( 1383 alacrity)

3475 power

6487 mastery



I know for sure my gear is not looking good in its current state which is why I hardly do enough damage, I have no power augments yet and most of my gear has pretty good mastery. What exactly should I focus on to increase my dps tremendously? Thanks in advance. :)

Edited by Akulakha
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my merc has been full 248 for a while no and I've tried messing around with specs and stats. If you really want to have accuracy in your gear, go with 105% which is like 1 240 enhancement and 1 acc augment or 1 augment and the acc stim. the white damage is what acc will affect and there isn't much white damage in the dot spec. I toy around in that spec in ranked and atm i'm running around 1900 alac, 1900 or so crit. the 1200 you run is too low for any spec. I do think that Arsenal or gunnery is the better spec to play in ranked though. Its about that burst. I'll hit ppl for 35k no problem in arsenal plus the healing is way better in that spec. u can get up to 24k heal at 5 stacks.
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I don't have a huge experience with DoT ranged specs, however since 3.0 there has been a stat basic that I found works on every spec vs every class, after which I play with on a dummy to maximize dmg output.


107.7%-108% accuracy: this will ensure you will never miss unless hitting through a dcd, or tank. white dmg mostly, however a pt with sonic bomb(?) can still resist yellow dmg with under 110%


5% alacrity: I'm not real clear on how this hlps, but if you use no alacrity augs your basic vendor gear will provide at least 5% alacrity. Somehow, through a lot of experimenting, in my parses at least, 5% ala is somehow a must.


40-42% crit chance/69-71% multiplier: this is up for debate, lot of players like crit other say only hit the dimishing return. But I've found this is a solid number for all spec and classes.


The final point would be, invest in power when choosing between power and mastery. The reason being, by the time your geared and ready to augment, you have great mastery auto built into your vendor gear. But your power will be lacking.


I hope this provides some basic Idea. I wish I could provides more concrete stat values, like 1000 accuracy, but it seems the stat values change every exspansion, however the diminishing return percentages don't seem to.

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Thanks everyone for the suggestions. If assault specialist is really subbar to gunnery then I guess I may respec back into that. I will definitely look into and experiment with the information provided however.
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