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What is your favorite planet and why? A thread for positivity <3<3<3


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I like Nar Shaddaa, because it's the main Hub for intergalatic gambling. And I like Alderaan, because of the lovely scenery. But the planet I've grown attached to is Iokath, because I found that it's a treasure trove for grade 10 mats to sell for an awesome amount of credits on the GTN respectfully. :cool:


"There's money to be made on Iokath man, I'm gonna be RICH!!! :D"

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Belsavis!! The flora and fauna are beautiful. I really love the Empire story there freeing the Dread Masters. Its a secret pub prison which houses the nastiest of the nasty and they are all in revolt. RIP that warden. Then there's the

accidentally unearthed Rakata secrets and the unearthed Rakata prisoners. Icing on the cake - super quick heroics when done on a stealthy :p


I am totally, fully, completely on board with the Belsavis train. I love the contrast between the snowy mountains and the lava-heated, flora-rich wilderness. I especially love the snow effects in some of the later areas. It is simply beautiful :) Except for the fact that a bunch of goofs put a prison in the middle of it...


Aesthetics aside, the history and current state of the planet is incredible. From ancient technology to some super weird and crazy prisoners, to the whole jailbreak situation, there are so many dimensions to it that I seriously wish there was more content and codex entries exploring its assorted parts.

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Agreed on Tython. I also really like Tat, Rishi, and Dromound Kaas. The developers did a great job at capturing the atmosphere of those 4 planets to me.


I used to hate DK, but I've came to love it more probably because I've been forced to spend so much time there :D


As for a planet not in the game, I love Naboo. It's the most iconic Star Wars planet to me and I'd love to see it in the game.

Edited by NoahRedden
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Voss. Always loved that planet. The storyline is unique and interesting. But it's the look and the music that won me over. All the color scheme, autumn stylish landscapes. I don't know why, but always loved Voss, and always looked forward to it every time I leveled a new toon.
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