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GSF Needs An Overhaul

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Just to clear up some misconceptions:


The GSF matchmaker does have a number of traits such as favoring group vs group if possible, the degree to which ships loaded on your bar are geared, and the number of games a particular character (not account or legacy) has played.


Despite all the things it does to attempt to make matches a bit more fair, it has making the queue pop as a first and overriding priority.


Also, even with favorable conditions, it's pretty terrible about correctly evaluating how to assemble teams well. Give it 20 fairly weak solo queued players, and 4 groups of 4 veterans with mastered ships and lots of games, all on the same faction, and the chance that it will make a correct choice ( solo queue 10 v 10 and 2 groups vs 2 groups, group of 4 + 4 solo vs group of 4 + 4 solo, etc) is in practice pretty low. It tends not to work well at team balance even in cases where the queue is known to have enough players to support construction of balanced teams.




With respect to the Cartel Ships, they start with 0 upgrades, 0 points of ship requisition, and 0 points of fleet requisition. The description in game is poorly worded, but what they get is a 10% bonus to requisition earned per match, which a normal ship gets after it has been mastered (and likely no longer needs requisition for much).


In terms of combat power there is absolutely zero difference between the cartel ships and the regular ships they are reskins of.


So no, not pay to win. Not even close.



During the 5.1 bonus CXP event they also had a 250% bonus to requisition earned for GSF, for both ship requisition and fleet requisition. Occasional events like that might be good for new players. I took the opportunity to gear several alts on several servers, and I was managing to get 5000 fleet requisition per evening. Ie, unlocking one new ship per day. That's not realistic for someone who's new and doesn't fully understand how to max out requisition gains per match, but getting a new ship every 3-5 days would probably be doable by anyone making a serious effort to learn how to fly better and understand the game mechanics. Plus of course you earn an awful lot of ship requisition at the same time for gearing your ships.


Doing double requisition during double experience events would be a nice way to help newer players catch up a bit on gear.

Edited by Ramalina
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What's funny is that when SWG decided to scrap everything with the NGE the ONE thing they left 99% in tact was Jump to Lightspeed. Why? Because JTL was amazing. I miss it every time it load into my ship.


- Craftable Ships

- Ships with interiors that you could decorate

- Multi-player ships with working turrets and co-pilot abilities

- Awesome PvE Campaings


PS: They did this in 2003-2004 over THIRTEEN YEARS AGO.


Co-OP pilot? Like two people in the same ship fighting?!

F&*(^^( that sounds amazing.


Reminds me of a Guns of Icarus sort of play.

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Just to clear up some misconceptions:


The GSF matchmaker does have a number of traits such as favoring group vs group if possible, the degree to which ships loaded on your bar are geared, and the number of games a particular character (not account or legacy) has played.


Despite all the things it does to attempt to make matches a bit more fair, it has making the queue pop as a first and overriding priority.


Also, even with favorable conditions, it's pretty terrible about correctly evaluating how to assemble teams well. Give it 20 fairly weak solo queued players, and 4 groups of 4 veterans with mastered ships and lots of games, all on the same faction, and the chance that it will make a correct choice ( solo queue 10 v 10 and 2 groups vs 2 groups, group of 4 + 4 solo vs group of 4 + 4 solo, etc) is in practice pretty low. It tends not to work well at team balance even in cases where the queue is known to have enough players to support construction of balanced teams.


That'd be where I'd start tinkering with it, then. I don't mind that it favors groups - again, this is an MMO and people have fun playing with friends - but if this is as you say, then it's a definite problem that the queue algo can't play well with a group of people actively TRYING to cut the inexperienced a break by attempting to get even matches going. It defeats the purpose of trying to promote GSF to our friends and help get newbies into it.


Do vets still do "adopt a newbie group" events where it's one vet to three greenhorns? That might be a workaround to try, right?

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