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asking a ? before reporting a possible bug


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has anyone else run into an issue with not getting the holoterminal to work for a scoundrel mission. the mission is to go to belsavis and get on your ship's holo to talk to the senator about ivory. i can not get the mission to work there by not allowing me to complete this story line. i have tried to reset the mission. log off then log back on. out of ideas. wanted to ask before reporting a bug. thanks in advance
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This is a common bug, introduced since 5.2 with the new galaxy map. I'll quote what I said on a separate thread about this...


Yes, this IS a known bug, and there is a workaround.


1) Travel to another random planet. Doesn't seem to matter which one.

2) Go back to Belsavis*. Make sure that it is BELSAVIS that is selected on the planet selection screen - there is another area on Belsavis that's chosen by default, called Section X. It's really easy to mix up the two, as the distinction between them is not easily seen. That's what's tripping people up - Section X is automatically chosen as the destination, and it's not very easy to see that at first.

3) Make sure, of course, that you're using your ship, not the galaxy map quick-travel option.


*You'll run into a similar situation on Corellia, near the end of your class stories. The Black Hole on Corellia is automatically selected, not Corellia proper. Make sure you've actually selected Corellia, not The Black Hole (a daily area, similar to Section X's purpose).

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You don't need to go to a separate planet. Just make sure you select Belsavis/Corelia and not section X/black hole


It doesn't work. If you're at Section X/Black Hole and try selecting Belsavis/Corellia, it doesn't update the quest.

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