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Returning player, questions about KotFE and KotET


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I stopped playing shortly after KotFE started (I got my main through the first two chapters) and started playing again about a week ago. I've recently finished Chapter IX, and I'm working on building up my alliance, and I have a few questions:


-The star fortress missions involve some really vague directions to "resolve conflicts" and find "alliance supply crates." What does any of this mean? All I know is that I have to bring some things to some people until their influence hits 10, but I don't know where I can resolve conflicts or get supply crates. Does this just mean doing heroic missions or something?


-What types of creatures should I be looking for to increase influence with Qyzen Fess? I know the Heroic World Bosses do the trick, but gathering a group for those is kind of a pain sometimes.


-Where can I find the materials I need to increase influence with Eckard Lokin? Should I just go kill Rakghouls on Taris or do they come from flashpoints or something?


-And this question is more strategy-focused: I tried my hand at the arena battles. I beat the person with the droids, the dude with the spider things, and the Heralds of Zildrog, but I'm stuck on the guy with the big K'lor Slug. I've been able to inflict some serious damage on both of the bosses (taking the computer thing's advice to not focus too much on either of them) but they always seem to kill me in the end. Any strategy tips? I'm a sharpshooter gunslinger. Are there abilities I should be using? Should my companion be a tank, a healer, or another DPS (I've been using Theron, and he's done a good job as a healer on the first three fights, so I'm inclined to stick with that)? And with the new companion system, does which companion I'm using make a difference?


-Oh, and one more thing: does increasing influence with all the alliance people affect the story later on? Will there be a point when I won't be able to do anything with the alliance anymore? I want to know if I can move on with the story or if I should work on some of the side missions first (I'm at level 67 or 68 or something and all of the stuff I've been doing has level-shifted me up to 70, so I think I was supposed to just keep going).

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Hey, welcome back! :D


-The star fortress missions involve some really vague directions to "resolve conflicts" and find "alliance supply crates." What does any of this mean? All I know is that I have to bring some things to some people until their influence hits 10, but I don't know where I can resolve conflicts or get supply crates. Does this just mean doing heroic missions or something?


Yes, do Heroic quests. You can talk to the Star Fortress contact (Veeroa Denz on Nar Shaddaa; Chozaa Raabat on Alderaan; Hemdil Tre on Hoth; K'krohl on Belsavis; Rokuss on Voss; "Deadeye" Leyta on Tatooine) and get a random Heroic mission from them - you need four or five, I believe. You'll get supply crates from doing those Heroic missions. Once you have the supply crates, talk to the Star Fortress contact again to turn them in.


From there, here's a more complete guide to the Star Fortresses.


-What types of creatures should I be looking for to increase influence with Qyzen Fess? I know the Heroic World Bosses do the trick, but gathering a group for those is kind of a pain sometimes.


World Bosses, yes, and there are also creatures scattered about Hoth called "Worthy Jagganath Targets." Here's a map (scroll down just a bit).


-Where can I find the materials I need to increase influence with Eckard Lokin? Should I just go kill Rakghouls on Taris or do they come from flashpoints or something?


The materials come from the Bioanalysis crew skill. You can find them selling in stacks on the GTN. They shouldn't be *too* ridiculously expensive... If you don't want to spend the money, pick up the Bioanalysis crew skill yourself and head to Yavin IV, and spend a while farming the gathering nodes you find there. It took me a few hours to do so, but I had to level Bioanalysis from zero - got it to the highest level it could go in a few hours from farming everything there about five times over. :p


-And this question is more strategy-focused: I tried my hand at the arena battles. I beat the person with the droids, the dude with the spider things, and the Heralds of Zildrog, but I'm stuck on the guy with the big K'lor Slug. I've been able to inflict some serious damage on both of the bosses (taking the computer thing's advice to not focus too much on either of them) but they always seem to kill me in the end. Any strategy tips? I'm a sharpshooter gunslinger. Are there abilities I should be using? Should my companion be a tank, a healer, or another DPS (I've been using Theron, and he's done a good job as a healer on the first three fights, so I'm inclined to stick with that)? And with the new companion system, does which companion I'm using make a difference?


I hate to be giving you all these links, but... *gives you another link anyways* :pHere's a strategy guide for all bosses of the Eternal Championship.

For the guy with the k'lor'slug especially, though, focus on both of the bosses. Be careful not to kill the handler, but get them both down to a relatively low portion of health. Then the k'lor'slug will go into a regenerative state for a while - it's out of the fight. Use that time to BLAST THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of the handler. When he dies, the k'lor'slug will also die, apparently echoing Padme and dying of a broken heart. Guess k'lor'slugs have feelings, too. XD


-Oh, and one more thing: does increasing influence with all the alliance people affect the story later on? Will there be a point when I won't be able to do anything with the alliance anymore? I want to know if I can move on with the story or if I should work on some of the side missions first (I'm at level 67 or 68 or something and all of the stuff I've been doing has level-shifted me up to 70, so I think I was supposed to just keep going).


As far as I'm aware, increasing influence with the Alliance specialists only helps in the Heroic mode Star Fortresses, where getting the Alliance specialists to level 10 influence or more will gain you access to special equipment that you can use to heal you, fight alongside you, shield you, draw aggro, etc. But as for affecting the actual story... well, if you've killed the Voss Star Fortress, that affects one minor bonus mission in KOTET early on. Other than that, I don't think it has any impact on story.

And as for not being able to do anything with the Alliance - I don't think there is a point like that. I'm *pretty sure* you can just keep doing things with the Alliance (Heroic quests to get Alliance crates, Star Fortresses, Alliance Alerts, etc.) even after you've completed KOTET.

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Just to add a bit:


Star Fortress - you can get Heroic missions (for supply crates) from the SF contact on the planet, or you can get Heroics from a terminal on Odessen - in the dome shaped areas near where you spawn, one for Republic, one for Imperial.

Note: you don't need to get one Heroic, turn in the crate, get another Heroic, etc. You can just talk to the SF contact repeatedly to get a bunch of Heroics and then turn all the crates in at once. The crates are the same for all of the contacts, so you can just carry any extras over to the next (or to the Alliance recruits.)


Dr. Lokin - You don't need all the different materials. Two of the mats are common materials and 2 are mats that come from crafting missions (I forget which craft). The mission materials are harder/longer to get and are more expensive to buy on the GTN - only use them if you have some kicking around.

The common Bioanalysis mats can be gathered in places like Yavin 4, or bought on the GTN. You actually only need 1 type of material to do the quest, so buy whatever is cheaper. If you gather them you will get both from the nodes. If I recall, it takes a bunch of "stacks" (99) to get Lokin to "10". (There's no longer "stacks", ofc.)


Alliance influence. - getting the Alliance members to "10" will grant you bonus weapons/skills (4 - one for each) that you can find during the Star Fortress missions. I've also noticed that these bonus skills can sometimes be available in some later missions.

Getting the Alliance members to "20" (max) will grant you a token for a speeder (4 - one for each).

Edited by JediQuaker
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