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What should I read to immerse myself in SWTOR history?


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I'd like to learn more about this word - what should I read? Any wiki's, websites, or timelines that show the pre-history? For the current story I've been told to play the Sith Warrior Story and the Jedi Knight story to get a feel for the main SWTOR plot. Anything else?


Thanks :)

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Well if you're interested in the previous "Sith Wars" they mention in the game, and influence all of it, you could read Tales of the Jedi and maybe Knights of The Old Republic (the comic book) but if you're talking about more of the SWTOR era, there are the comic books: Blood of the Empire and Lost Suns wich are very good, there's another comic book series (i don't remember the name) that it's not that good. And there are the novels: Fatal Alliance , Decieved, and Annihilation.

There's also the Revan novel, i think it adds on pretty well with the KOTOR comics without having to play KOTOR 1 and 2, so yeah.

And there are the Galactic History holorecords here: http://www.swtor.com/holonet/galactic-history these are short videos that explain certain parts of galactic history in relation with the SWTOR era, and adds new ones concerning the Great War that happened before the game (Tho i recommend reading the Tales of the Jedi comics and not to jump right into these, but you can do it and be just fine).


PS: The Annihilation novel takes place after the events of the game (up untill the chapter 3 epilouge on ilum) so if you don't want spoilers on the class stories, i recommend saving it for the last.

Edited by Cocacolemacgrath
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I'd like to learn more about this word - what should I read? Any wiki's, websites, or timelines that show the pre-history? For the current story I've been told to play the Sith Warrior Story and the Jedi Knight story to get a feel for the main SWTOR plot. Anything else?


Thanks :)


SWTOR directly?


. Old Republic: Revan


. Old Republic: Deceived


. Old Republic: Fatal Alliance


Should give you a firm grasp on lore and events that take place in the game.

Edited by cool-dude
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