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Storyline Ops Need an Overhaul

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And how long is it the same group content? 3.0 dropped december 9 2014 , since than no real group content until now the one Boss.


As i said with my solution tag, im fine when there are people who want to enjoy the story , but in a mmorpg , the group content keeps the game alive , nothing else.


The people who quit the game did it for a reason. The playerbase is now smaller than it was with 2.0, 3.0 .....


We're getting the next boss soon and it will be a boss fight of 2 bosses for it.


Better to have the operation given to us piece by piece until completion than to have 0 new operations at all. (also we get a new flashpoint and more Iokath story when that patch drops)




What server are you on? If your on a dead server its going to be a pain to form a group, If your on the Ebon Hawk or Harbinger or the most populated European server you should have no problem finding a group for a SM pug ops. Especially if its the daily operation in GF just got to go and find the Allies channel (this is on the Ebon Hawk u see alot of ops forming in it) and you should have no problem.


So Unless your terrible at listening to directions of the person who is instructing you how the operations mechanics are and are Leroy Jenkins'ing the operation causing the wipes to occur, You should breeze by operations.

Edited by josephxp
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Or perhaps, being normal people, I and some of the other newbies in the group sometimes take more than one or two tries to master the boss mechanics, and one or more of the more "experienced" group members inevitably quit because they have no patience for anyone who doesn't know the ops like the back of their hand.


Then I have to go back to the fleet to try to find a new healer or tank at 11 o'clock at night, and meanwhile more group members are quitting because they don't enjoy sitting around staring off into space during time they allotted for gaming any more than I do.


This is why it usually takes me between four and six hours to do each op, why only once have I managed to get through the op with the same team I started with, and why I'd like the devs to try to ease things up a bit for those of us who can't pull a crack team of raiders out of our asses on a Wednesday night.

Edited by J_Craver
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Or perhaps, being normal people, I and some of the other newbies in the group sometimes take more than one or two tries to master the boss mechanics, and one or more of the more "experienced" group members inevitably quit because they have no patience for anyone who doesn't know the ops like the back of their hand.


Then I have to go back to the fleet to try to find a new healer or tank at 11 o'clock at night, and meanwhile more group members are quitting because they don't enjoy sitting around staring off into space during time they allotted for gaming any more than I do.


This is why it usually takes me between four and six hours to do each op, why only once have I managed to get through the op with the same team I started with, and why I'd like the devs to try to ease things up a bit for those of us who can't pull a crack team of raiders out of our asses on a Wednesday night.


#1 what server are you playing on?

#2 is the operation your doing the daily group finder operation? If it is you should have no problem finding a group unless if your answer to #1 is a dead or near dead server.

#3 At your first paragraph point; Most people won't quit unless the "newbies" continue to not listen to the instructions if the "experienced player" is giving them, though usually after 3-4 wipes on 1 boss unless it was really bad.

#4 At your second paragraph point; Finding more people isn't much of a problem unless your Answer to #1 is a dead or near-dead server and/or your answer to #2 is no.

#5 Did you join your Servers raid/pve channel? For Ebon Hawk its /cjoin allies and most other servers have a channel, this usually allows you to find people pretty quickly for an operation.


Just saying there isn't a need to give operations solo mode, you should have no trouble finding a raid group unless its not the daily GF for story mode, or if you are on a dead server (if you are on a dead server and are interesting in doing operations its highly recommended you transfer a character to another server).

Edited by josephxp
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And how are things done, o wise sage?


Should I join a guild? I did that. It's a big guild, 50 to 60 people online every night. And not a single one is interested in raiding if the op isn't in the group finder.


Should I rearrange my schedule so that I play at a time when more people are online? Because I hate to break it to you, but an online game is pretty far down the list of the most important things in my life.


Do please explain to me what I need to change about myself to make this clunky-*** eight-person group mechanic that forces you to depend on the goodwill and competence of strangers work.


Stow the attitude, champ. I'm starting to see why you have problems getting into an Ops group. Or any kind of group other than Garbinger PvP.




For starters, if you can find a raid guild that will put up with your petulant nonsense, do that. It makes sense - at least, to the people who possess at least an IQ that would be found in a tub of particularly warm mayonnaise - that if you want to engage in a team activity, it helps to find a team that actually does what you want. What YOU'VE done is the equivalent of Phil Jackson signing on with the Cleveland Browns and trying to win a Lombardi with the triangle offense.


This one change alone can help you mitigate your apparent playtime issues (must suck to have a job; I'm retired and can play whenever I wish), but you apparently have other, deeper issues to work through first before you can be part of a decent team.


To be frank? I don't see you working through those issues. That would mean admitting you had a problem, and it's never YOUR fault, right?


Enjoy mediocrity and long waits. You deserve both. :)

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Or perhaps, being normal people, I and some of the other newbies in the group sometimes take more than one or two tries to master the boss mechanics, and one or more of the more "experienced" group members inevitably quit because they have no patience for anyone who doesn't know the ops like the back of their hand.


Then I have to go back to the fleet to try to find a new healer or tank at 11 o'clock at night, and meanwhile more group members are quitting because they don't enjoy sitting around staring off into space during time they allotted for gaming any more than I do.


This is why it usually takes me between four and six hours to do each op, why only once have I managed to get through the op with the same team I started with, and why I'd like the devs to try to ease things up a bit for those of us who can't pull a crack team of raiders out of our asses on a Wednesday night.


The problem here is my friend the so called "experienced" players. Mostly they are trash cans in comparission to some of the good players from the lets say "glory" days of the game. And these players often attack new players. But mate dont give a **** about them. if the content difficulty ever rises again they will forced to do content they can deal with and prey to rng jesus for loot, because the master loot is out of there reach =).


If you are willing to learn your class and the content , than you should have no problems at all to find players with your mindset and clear the content together and just enjoy your progress. There are so much new players, you could create your own raid team and learn the things together.


But your whole story made me thinking......


We are a smaller mmorpg community, the players who are willing to share there exp. and offer help are slowly but steady dying. So if you want, i will transfer one of my not geared alts @your server and we help you build a raid team . I`m a german player, so maybe timezones are an issue, but we could work arround that!


Best regards =)

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#1 what server are you playing on?

#2 is the operation your doing the daily group finder operation? If it is you should have no problem finding a group unless if your answer to #1 is a dead or near dead server.

#3 At your first paragraph point; Most people won't quit unless the "newbies" continue to not listen to the instructions if the "experienced player" is giving them, though usually after 3-4 wipes on 1 boss unless it was really bad.

#4 At your second paragraph point; Finding more people isn't much of a problem unless your Answer to #1 is a dead or near-dead server and/or your answer to #2 is no.

#5 Did you join your Servers raid/pve channel? For Ebon Hawk its /cjoin allies and most other servers have a channel, this usually allows you to find people pretty quickly for an operation.


Just saying there isn't a need to give operations solo mode, you should have no trouble finding a raid group unless its not the daily GF for story mode, or if you are on a dead server (if you are on a dead server and are interesting in doing operations its highly recommended you transfer a character to another server).

1. Jedi Covenant.


2. My point is, what if I want to run an op that isn't in the group finder? What if I just finished Ilum and I want to do Eternity Vault (the first op released after Ilum went live) or Karagga's Palace (which sets up both the Dread War and RotHC), but instead the Group Finder op is The Ravagers or something and those two ops won't come around for days? What if I want to do Dread Fortress first before Dread Palace (which is their intended order), even though Palace comes before Fortress in the GF cycle? And what if I want to do them in the same night or on subsequent nights, instead of waiting three or four days? Is there a good reason why I should have to wait to use Group Finder?


3. I wish I played with those people; they sound a lot more patient than the guys who often sign on for my groups. Give you an example: last night, we started Dread Palace, got as far as Dread Master Tyrans, got wiped twice (we took him to 30% in the first fight and 20% in the second, so we were improving), and then half the group walked because "sorry, I don't have time for this." Had to wait until tonight and assemble an entirely new group to finish the op.


4. I've never played on any other server, so I have no frame of reference to judge whether Jedi Covenant is "dead." I'm not sure how one would even go about finding that out.


5. I did join it. I have yet to actually get a group member from it. I'm not sure what its purpose is, because most people log in to it and then log out in less than 30 seconds.


Stow the attitude, champ. I'm starting to see why you have problems getting into an Ops group. Or any kind of group other than Garbinger PvP.

I only give attitude to people I get it from. Like, say, a guy who doesn't know me, doesn't know my toon's spec, doesn't know my parse, doesn't even know what server I play on, but knows for a fact there's something wrong with me and how I play because I have the nerve to ask the devs to change a game mechanic. I have no use for that sort of person.

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1. Jedi Covenant.


2. My point is, what if I want to run an op that isn't in the group finder? What if I just finished Ilum and I want to do Eternity Vault (the first op released after Ilum went live) or Karagga's Palace (which sets up both the Dread War and RotHC), but instead the Group Finder op is The Ravagers or something and those two ops won't come around for days? What if I want to do Dread Fortress first before Dread Palace (which is their intended order), even though Palace comes before Fortress in the GF cycle? And what if I want to do them in the same night or on subsequent nights, instead of waiting three or four days? Is there a good reason why I should have to wait to use Group Finder?


3. I wish I played with those people; they sound a lot more patient than the guys who often sign on for my groups. Give you an example: last night, we started Dread Palace, got as far as Dread Master Tyrans, got wiped twice (we took him to 30% in the first fight and 20% in the second, so we were improving), and then half the group walked because "sorry, I don't have time for this." Had to wait until tonight and assemble an entirely new group to finish the op.


4. I've never played on any other server, so I have no frame of reference to judge whether Jedi Covenant is "dead." I'm not sure how one would even go about finding that out.


5. I did join it. I have yet to actually get a group member from it. I'm not sure what its purpose is, because most people log in to it and then log out in less than 30 seconds.


Unfortunately on your point on #2 most people won't do SM operations unless its the GF day because of the additional CXP so thats always going to be the best time to do a desired operation. Most people will be devoting their time to HM/NiM operations because its more rewarding with gear and cxp. Thats just how raiders operate pug wise for the most part. If you want to do operations on off days your best bet is to find a guild that raids alot (because HM gives 242 gear now).


At #4 and #5, Jedi Covenant is not a "dead" server but "near dead" where the population is low, because of this its going to be hard regardless to find people for operations on Non GF days for SM difficulty.


At #3 given the factors of being a near dead server, people are more likely to drop if the raid wipes on the same boss more than once because many feel there would be better use of their time, or the raid is taking to long and they need to go. On the bright side if you do have a lockout late in the operations and you wait till its GF day of that operations you will form a group pretty fast.


So unfortunately in your case its just because of the server your on that its going to be more challenging to get operations done and groups together.

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I agree, which is why I think they either need to open up Group Finder so you can use it to group and get bonus CXP for any op, instead of one specific op per day, or else they need a new, lower difficulty (with correspondingly less XP and lower tier loot) that can be done by a four-man group or even a solo player.


If ops were conceived as eight-person affairs back when the number of people running them was much larger, and if the raiding population has been reduced to the point that gathering the requisite eight players is becoming less and less viable on some servers, it's time to make changes, or the ops will die a slow death and people who are interested in running them but had the bad luck to pick a low population server will be alienated from the game.

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2. My point is, what if I want to run an op that isn't in the group finder? What if I just finished Ilum and I want to do Eternity Vault (the first op released after Ilum went live) or Karagga's Palace (which sets up both the Dread War and RotHC), but instead the Group Finder op is The Ravagers or something and those two ops won't come around for days? What if I want to do Dread Fortress first before Dread Palace (which is their intended order), even though Palace comes before Fortress in the GF cycle? And what if I want to do them in the same night or on subsequent nights, instead of waiting three or four days? Is there a good reason why I should have to wait to use Group Finder?


I am trying to be as diplomatic as possible but chances are you are going to interpret what I am about to say as condescending anyway so I am just going to ask two questions that I am legitimately curious about:

  • Why are you so consumed with doing everything in the "proper order?"
  • When you play through in chronological order do you never participate in that content again with a given character?

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I agree, which is why I think they either need to open up Group Finder so you can use it to group and get bonus CXP for any op, instead of one specific op per day, or else they need a new, lower difficulty (with correspondingly less XP and lower tier loot) that can be done by a four-man group or even a solo player.


If ops were conceived as eight-person affairs back when the number of people running them was much larger, and if the raiding population has been reduced to the point that gathering the requisite eight players is becoming less and less viable on some servers, it's time to make changes, or the ops will die a slow death and people who are interested in running them but had the bad luck to pick a low population server will be alienated from the game.


The best solution is to merge dead servers and near dead servers, that will solve your group finding woes and then you won't have a problem getting a group of 8.

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