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Players deserve to have extra time added back to their subscriptions after today....

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Players deserve to have extra time added back to their subscriptions after today....


Patch and errors take up most of the day. I pay to play but, didn't get to today.


Would like to see the SWTOR Team give players a day extra on their subscriptions since today is essentially a lost cause and chances of getting anything done in normal day hours is ruined.


We as players and paying customers deserve this much at least. We understand issues and errors happen but, if we have to wait on you all to fix it, then the time on our subscriptions shouldn't be affected by the SWTOR Team's inability to get the game working in a more timely manner.


Thanks Bioware!

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Terrible just terrible... 3 words F--k y-u guys for making me wait each hour with a "maybe im not sure" whole day wasted if you knew it was this bad just say HEY GUYS SEE YOU TOMORROW WE F---ED UP BIG TIME TODAY SORRY ... love Devs it would have been less pain then to wait for a unsure answer...... Edited by Bria
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i'd settle for some free cartel coins. and by some, i obviously mean a lot.


No, cartel coins won't cover it. I want the time I could have used to play today back. No cartel coins can make up for lost day/days on subscriptions.


They'd either better give me more time or lose a subscriber. This game has been out way to damn long to still being having issues like this.

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So your subscription is 42c a day and you want compensation?


Your sarcasm is noted. And yes if that equals the time I lost out on today I'd like that much back.


Not at all fair to expect me to just not complain about it. It's money coming out of my pocket and I am not getting my full payments worth.


So yes it matters, doesn't matter how much it equals out to be.

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Players deserve to have extra time added back to their subscriptions after today....


Patch and errors take up most of the day. I pay to play but, didn't get to today.


Would like to see the SWTOR Team give players a day extra on their subscriptions since today is essentially a lost cause and chances of getting anything done in normal day hours is ruined.


We as players and paying customers deserve this much at least. We understand issues and errors happen but, if we have to wait on you all to fix it, then the time on our subscriptions shouldn't be affected by the SWTOR Team's inability to get the game working in a more timely manner.


Thanks Bioware!


This is an age old argument and justification anytime an MMO has unexpected down time. Thing is, you signed away your rights to such demands when you accepted the ToS/EULA. And we, as players, are not guaranteed access to the game 7/24/365. This is true for all online games.


Now.. when an MMO is offline in an unplanned manner for more then 24 hours, most studios will credit sub time in some form or another. But it is simply good will on their part, not in any way a right or requirement.


I've played other MMOs where there was indeed multiple day down time and did receive commensurate sub time. I have also played MMOs where there were longer then scheduled maintenance cycles, and never received any sub time for the delay.


IF... IF the servers continue to stay down past the calendar day boundary, then come back and make your case politely and respectfully, and we may all benefit from some good will remedy from the studio.

Edited by Andryah
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So your subscription is 42c a day and you want compensation?


They need to add a days sub to all subscribers, they should really add 2 or 3 days for the inconvenience...They will likely do nothing...


I base this assumption off my complete lack of confidence in Bioware to do anything on par with other developers since EA purchased the company.

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Why do we deserve compensation? Everyone knows MMO's have downtime. Normally it's 3 to 4 hours, never read that was a time set in stone. Where does it say when you bought the game and paid a sub that we will only have 3 to 4 hour downtimes? If you show me that, you have a case, other than that - grow the hell up.
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We don't deserve anything.

Server **** happens, deal with it.


********. We pay for something. If we don't get it, company needs to address it. Basic fundamental of customer service. You must work for BW.

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We don't deserve anything.

Server **** happens, deal with it.


Exactly right. Stuff happens, we are not entitled to do anything. Would it be nice if we were given something for what happened today? Yes. However, if they do not give us anything I am okay with that as well. I expect the special snowflakes though to keep asking for free stuff.

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This is an age old argument and justification anytime an MMO has unexpected down time. Thing is, you signed away your rights to such demands when you accepted the ToS/EULA. And we, as players, are not guaranteed access to the game 7/24/365. This is true for all online games.


Now.. when an MMO is offline in an unplanned manner for more then 24 hours, most studios will credit sub time in some form or another. But it is simply good will on their part, not in any way a right or requirement.


I've played other MMOs where there was indeed multiple day down time and did receive commensurate sub time. I have also played MMOs where there were longer then scheduled maintenance cycles, and never received any sub time for the delay.


IF... IF the servers continue to stay down past the calendar day boundary, then come back and make your case politely and respectfully, and we may all benefit from some good will remedy from the studio.


You don't get anywhere being polite with these people.


If I go about it your way they just ignore it and sweep it under the rug so to speak.


Case and point.


I was told by one CS Rep I could freeze my subscription for a week as I had to leave on a week long unexpected business trip.


When I came back home and called to have my subscription restarted I was told that wasn't an option and that I was stuck as preferred status and would have to pay again to be a subscriber.


I tried being polite but, then I had to go into my email, screen shot where I was told I could do so and then rage at the CS Rep about it until it was fixed and I was reimbursed for the cuck up on their end.


Had I gone about it your way, I'd have had to pay again for a sub I still had 30+ days on.


With people like Bioware, being polite doesn't always work.

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We don't deserve anything.

Server **** happens, deal with it.


We deserve good customer service since we show to be good customers because we pay and we are still playing this game.

Patience? 6 hours ago was the eta followed by oopz we f*** up sorry another 1 hour then they just told us the "s**t hit the fan" No ETA....


How about experiance X 3 until the 14th....is that too much to ask for.....

Edited by Bria
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Why do we deserve compensation? Everyone knows MMO's have downtime. Normally it's 3 to 4 hours, never read that was a time set in stone. Where does it say when you bought the game and paid a sub that we will only have 3 to 4 hour downtimes? If you show me that, you have a case, other than that - grow the hell up.


It's been all day, not just 3 to 4 hours. Time lost on a sub I paid for not getting the chance to use b/c of a cuck up on Bioware's end of things.


Ya I deserve something for the money flushed into the game.


You may not care about the money you spend but, I care about the money I spend and, I want to make sure I get all the time I can out of my subs.



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