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using heavy machinery quests


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Hi guys,


Just got idea , why during your all quests when u lvling from 0 to hero,

You could not have quest for example :

- in Balmorra : quest given but captain X use starfighter to hit enemy ranks because they massing ,

Or their supply caravans going from point x to point y for 3 min


Or on other planets using Walker because enemies decided to raid camp and only help is u using Walker and ur companion (companion using "wheel" to move it ) and you shoot - changing cannons dispensable from position of enemy troops.


(while waiting for allies come with reinforcements ) or when ur Sith darth I could use

Huge Imperials **** to bombard some places etc - while questing they should add option for us to recruit masses (like order in bar Shafa and other people you do quests and in end game upgrade your **** to huge imperial battle ship, like earth jadus has or others ) sorry not only for Sith I speak also about Jedi , agents , bounty hunter smugglers and troopers ) and life events like every 20 min for example attack of republic on imperial fleet or imperials on republic fleet ! Allowing players from both sides join , (not able to destroy all but like weaken for this 20 min certain fleet )



What u all think ?


P.S while recruiting people to ur battle ships , you would have skill to call some units or "hero" with name for short period of time to help you in fight , or maybe just to bombardment for example for 30 sec. xxxx dmg ,

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