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HK-55 on Cartel Market

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You're right. I know I'm not entitled to it, and that's why I'm offering to buy it.


It really baffles me that you see a sense of entitlement in asking BioWare for the opportunity to pay them money for something.


And, yeah, I'm down with BioWare selling those datacron things again if people want them. Why not? More money for them, more fun for their customers.


What about the Grand Acquisition event or the original Rakhghoul plague event? Should players be able to simply whine and complain on the forums and offer to throw money at BW to experience that removed "content"? Or, are the players who missed the content when it was available simply SOL, just as the players who did NOT meet the criteria to receive some, or all, of the subscriber rewards are SOL?

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Again, I would have to say that if enough people want to play that content and are willing to pay for the privilege, BioWare should let them. I clearly don't find a gaming company selling people content they want to buy nearly as offensive as you do.


I really doubt anyone will be clamoring to buy... whatever "the Grand Acquisition event" is the way they're clamoring to buy HK-55 as a companion, so it's probably a moot point.

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Again, I would have to say that if enough people want to play that content and are willing to pay for the privilege, BioWare should let them. I clearly don't find a gaming company selling people content they want to buy nearly as offensive as you do.


I really doubt anyone will be clamoring to buy... whatever "the Grand Acquisition event" is the way they're clamoring to buy HK-55 as a companion, so it's probably a moot point.


Selling "second chances" for subscriber rewards would have a huge negative impact on the effectiveness of future subscriber reward promotions.


Some people refuse to recognize this in their desire to have that shiny they KNOW they do NOT deserve, no matter how they try to justify their entitlement or how much they complain and offer to throw a pittance BW's way.

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I've yet to see any evidence that subscriber rewards have an effect on improving subscription rates, so they might as well sell the ones there's a market demand for.


I just find it amusing how viscerally horrifying you seem to find this idea.

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I've yet to see any evidence that subscriber rewards have an effect on improving subscription rates, so they might as well sell the ones there's a market demand for.


I just find it amusing how viscerally horrifying you seem to find this idea.


I think that the past subscriber rewards were not as much about "increasing" subscriber rates, as they are about maintaining subscriber rates during content droughts and other "low periods". As a previous poster pointed out, no amount of "extra revenue" after the fact can change the revenues during those "low periods".


Selling "second chances" at past subscriber rewards would only undermine the effectiveness of those subscriber rewards.


If Johnny thought he could just wait and complain on the forums and offer to throw a pittance BW's way, why shold he subscribe during that "low period"?


I wish I could say I was surprised at the entitlement that some show, but entitlement apparently knows no bounds.


Maybe Johnny should accept that he missed his chance at those shinies BW offered in the past and consider those missed opportunities added incentive to remain subscribed so as not to miss out on any future shinies.

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If Johnny thought he could just wait and complain on the forums and offer to throw a pittance BW's way, why shold he subscribe during that "low period"?

Same reason I subscribe whenever I get the yen to play: because trying to play this game without all the little perks that come with a subscription is a pain in the ***.


I've never been motivated to subscribe to this game because I heard about a "shiny." If I'd heard about the HK mission at the time, maybe I would have, but I didn't, so we'll never know. As it is, the subscriber awards I've received over the past couple of years have been in the nature of "here's an astromech pet you'll never use to go with your stack of other astromech pets you've never used."


Say, there's an idea: how about if I trade in my astromech pets, my Eternal Empire Patroller, my starfighter pilot flight suits, and the other awards that show up in my inbox whenever I start a new toon and sit in my cargo hold forever, in exchange for a discount on the HK mission I actually want. Sound fair?

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Same reason I subscribe whenever I get the yen to play: because trying to play this game without all the little perks that come with a subscription is a pain in the ***.


I've never been motivated to subscribe to this game because I heard about a "shiny." If I'd heard about the HK mission at the time, maybe I would have, but I didn't, so we'll never know. As it is, the subscriber awards I've received over the past couple of years have been in the nature of "here's an astromech pet you'll never use to go with your stack of other astromech pets you've never used."


Say, there's an idea: how about if I trade in my astromech pets, my Eternal Empire Patroller, my starfighter pilot flight suits, and the other awards that show up in my inbox whenever I start a new toon and sit in my cargo hold forever, in exchange for a discount on the HK mission I actually want. Sound fair?




You missed your chance, and will likely just have to accept that.


If I remember correctly, the 5 stages of grief are:








It appears that you have progressed to stage 3-bargaining, so you only have 2 stages to go to reach acceptance.

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Your post is about an event reward. The OP's post is about a subscriber reward. They are not the same thing.


And? Doesn't change the fact of my original statement that "meeting the requirements" is a moot argument point for people who are against others who want this companion and let's be honest about that event, only a SUBSCRIBER could fully participate in the event and complete all the qualifications as there's limits to what free-to-play and preferred could do (limits on warzones and flashpoints, can't participate in OPS, can only get to level 50, KOTFE is only available to subscribers.) so in a way it was a subscriber reward to those who participated in it and completed it 100%. 🙄 Swear gonna discredit someone's statement at least make a counter-argument that is not easily disputable.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Look, I'd like access as much as the next guy, but I'm not going to begrudge someone their subscriber reward. And if you are trying to base an argument on the consistency of actions by BW, let me suggest you just give up now and save yourself time :)
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Look, I'd like access as much as the next guy, but I'm not going to begrudge someone their subscriber reward. And if you are trying to base an argument on the consistency of actions by BW, let me suggest you just give up now and save yourself time :)


This argument has been going on for over a year and what bugs me is people speaking for others. I have HK-55 and it would not bother me in the least if they reissued him to people, I could really care less, it bothers me that other people want to act like just because people didn't get it the first time around that players got to come on here and go at people who ask instead of just letting them be and acting like they speak for subscribers who got the "reward" some of us aren't stingy like that and those people who want to come on here acting all high and mighty with their "You didn't meet the requirements and you need to suck it up." bs really just need to stop.


Yeah this maybe an open forum but there are some on here who purposely troll these types of topics and after awhile that's all it is is trolling just to be a jerk. No one is forcing them to comment on here and argue with people, they are choosing of their own free will and volition to do so amd are definitely doing so to continually troll these types of topics or certain people.


So I will say it again, don't speak for me, I have HK-55 and I am not a stingy jerk who thinks just cause I have him means I'm entitled to tell others they don't have the right to ask for him just cause they didn't "meet the requirements". It's a stupid argument and it really just isn't a good argument. I don't agree with it and no one is entitled to tell another person that just because they didn't "meet the requirements" they need to suck it up or argue with people just because they can. If people want to ask let them ask in peace stop trolling the topic and arguing with people and that's all I am going to say on the subject.


Add-on: This is mostly an explanation, I'm not accusing the person I quoted of trolling or arguing with people, I am speaking in general as there are some who have commented on this in other post who seem to me to enjoy trolling this topic or similar topics like it and apparently enjoy arguing with people and just being jerks and trolling. If this offends anyone it's not intended I'm just speaking the truth based on facts, that you can see for yourself just by Google searching this particular topic or looking through people's post history. What can I say?

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With the way companions are now, does it really matter having HK-55 or not. I mean, when companions had a specific role, maybe I could see the appeal of HK if certain stats, abilities, etc., were present, but the way things are now, HK's just another entry on an ever growing list of companions... myself... I don't even use.


I did the did the quest for HK-51, I bought Treek, I received Nico, Shae and HK-55, and I did the DvL event and received Master Ranos. If people missed out on those companions, let them have at it. That doesn't effect me playing. The

rewards I missed out on... a mount... I missed it, big whoop. If anybody wants that mount or any of the other gear and mount rewards as well as companions, they should be able to purchase it. Companion Wise, from the above, the only ones I actually use are HK-51 and Master Ranos, you know, the two you actually had to do something to receive over just having an active subscription... I subscribe to play, I don't subscribe to worry about this person or that person getting something for lesser than what I had to put into earning it.


My own thoughts on the Bonus Chapter: Myself, I feel the bigger issue is gating a piece of story behind a subscriber reward plan. I think companions, gear, etc., that's one thing, but a piece of story... I'm also OCD and seeing the incomplete bonus chapter in the KOTFE/KOTET list irks me... If I was going to buy anything, or had the desire to, it would be the bonus chapter. Strip it of the companion reward and any extra rewards, I don't need that, just give that bonus story content. That's something I would pay for... story.

Edited by absolutetristan
Edit and Stuff, Yo!
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With the way companions are now, does it really matter having HK-55 or not. I mean, when companions had a specific role, maybe I could see the appeal of HK if certain stats, abilities, etc., were present, but the way things are now, HK's just another entry on an ever growing list of companions... myself... I don't even use.


Pretty much, companions are cosmetic now aside from whether they are ranged or melee which is pretty much the only difference between them (except with HK-51 having special dps and tank abilities and Treek with special abilities post 4.0 but wise to note you can get them in game with time spent, treek you need lv 40 legacy and 1 mill credits).

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You missed your chance, and will likely just have to accept that.


If I remember correctly, the 5 stages of grief are:








It appears that you have progressed to stage 3-bargaining, so you only have 2 stages to go to reach acceptance.


^Gonna need a Trauma kit to treat this massive <BURN>!

Ratajack, your argument was brilliant; props. Even the O.P. must realize that their whole argument has just been shot through an airlock.

Edited by Willjb
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Look, I've been a sub since day 1 and have never let my sub expire. So I have gotten every single sub reward. Some I have enjoyed, others not so much. I am NOT against BW offering sub rewards after they have been rewarded, but they NEED to cost more than what it would have cost to just sub at the right time and it needs to cost real money not CC.


Agreed if you missed the brackets for promotions you don't deserve it plain and simple.

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When I first played KOTFE, I was looking forward to the HK-55 bonus mission since I would be playing as HK-55 himself but when I found out you only get it if your a sub by January 11th, I was very disappointed that BW would do something like that, I mean, I get that it's a reward to people who have supported the game but did they have to do it on a companion like HK-55, especially since he's one of the few HK droids that says "meatbag", I just hope that BW could put HK-55 on the cartel market, like HK-51 and Treek, so that the people who missed their chance on getting him, like me, can finally have him, also if they do put him on the cartel market and even include his quest where you play as him when you get him would be nice too!



shae vizla was a subscriber bonus, which everyone could later get...shouldn't be a reason why they can't add the alliance alert missions to the the companions list....You want constant subscribers...this idea helps...just saying

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shae vizla was a subscriber bonus, which everyone could later get...shouldn't be a reason why they can't add the alliance alert missions to the the companions list....You want constant subscribers...this idea helps...just saying


Unless I am mistaken, only those who actually MET the criteria and were subscribed at the appropriate time get Shae as a companion.


If you want the rewards for being subscribed at the appropriate time, then BE SUBSCRIBED at the appropriate time. The best way to ensure that you ARE subscribed at the appropriate time is to continuously subscribe.

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  • 4 weeks later...
well if there's no chance for HK-55 going on the Cartel Market then why not a second chance sub reward for HK-55 (and probably his bonus mission), they could do the same thing, make it have a time limit for a few weeks, it probably wouldn't cause any issues for the other subs, it would even probably add incentive for other players to subscribe so they can get him then we can put this whole argument to rest! Edited by oblivionskwalker
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well if there's no chance for HK-55 going on the Cartel Market then why not a second chance sub reward for HK-55 (and probably his bonus mission), they could do the same thing, make it have a time limit for a few weeks, it probably wouldn't cause any issues for the other subs, it would even probably add incentive for other players to subscribe so they can get him then we can put this whole argument to rest!


idk that would be a good idea. Honestly, I say throw HK up on the CM (for an expensive CC price, of course) I couldn't care less. I mean, I don't want people missing out, and the bonus chapter is quite enjoyable.


I don't think BW should do this, though, because having a "Second chance for HK-55" promotion means that the other half of the subscribers that were subscribed the first time would receive no reward, and is that fair? not really.


As much as I hate to say and add to the forum's negativity, it sucks, but that promotion should stay in the past.


HOWEVER, why not just have a new promotion, for a new companion that no one hasn't seen. This can act as your (general your) "second chance subscriber promotion" while also allowing everyone else to obtain this reward, too. Everyone wins, and no one is left out.

Edited by TyonYlle
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well if there's no chance for HK-55 going on the Cartel Market then why not a second chance sub reward for HK-55 (and probably his bonus mission), they could do the same thing, make it have a time limit for a few weeks, it probably wouldn't cause any issues for the other subs, it would even probably add incentive for other players to subscribe so they can get him then we can put this whole argument to rest!


As has been explained before, making a past time specific subscriber reward available again, by any means, would only undermine the effectiveness of any future time specific subscriber rewards.

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idk that would be a good idea. Honestly, I say throw HK up on the CM (for an expensive CC price, of course) I couldn't care less. I mean, I don't want people missing out, and the bonus chapter is quite enjoyable.


I don't think BW should do this, though, because having a "Second chance for HK-55" promotion means that the other half of the subscribers that were subscribed the first time would receive no reward, and is that fair? not really.


As much as I hate to say and add to the forum's negativity, it sucks, but that promotion should stay in the past.


HOWEVER, why not just have a new promotion, for a new companion that no one hasn't seen. This can act as your (general your) "second chance subscriber promotion" while also allowing everyone else to obtain this reward, too. Everyone wins, and no one is left out.


I would like to see more subscriber rewards, both time specific subscriber rewards and "veteran" subscriber rewards. The two types of rewards could be similar, although they should be different and not the same exact rewards, IMO.

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Personally, I'd love to have access to the subscriber rewards (Shae Vizla and HK55). At that/those period(s) of time, I was unable to subscribe due to real life issues (divorce, child custody battles, lawyer expenses...you get the idea).

It just wasn't feasible/ realistic at that time. I'm here now, subscribing, spending my dollars on the game like anyone else subscribing...just a the "wrong" time period.


I get that allowing those that did not subscribe during those times to have access acquiring these companions "undermines" the subscriber "benefits" but I don't believe that any content in the game should be exclusive. I believe that everyone should have an opportunity to enjoy ALL parts of the game, whether cosmetic or functional. Put in place whatever "barriers" you want but don't exclude your active player base from enjoying "their" game.


Honestly, how does having these companions "effect" anybody else in the game? Other than the in-game self-perceived "Status symbol" it represents? I don't do all of the games content, yet, the only time I've been with another player *and* my companion at the same time have been in heroics/flashpoints? Do you know that I wasn't a subscriber at the "appropriate" time period. Does the mere sight of me with said companion destroy your enjoyment of the game? Are you really **that** special?


Special snowflake syndrome, should be a DSMV diagnosis.......


My 2 credits


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This topic is like a bad case of herpes.


Pretty much.


long wall of text, saving space


Special Snowflake exactly, this is the problem with the world today to many special snowflakes everyone wants that 1st place trophy when they did nothing for it. Just like with ranked pvp rewards people wine about not being able to get the awesome color crystals, or mounts because it requires them to put in effort or meet a criteria.


Giving out old subscriber rewards undermines the system and makes all future subscriber rewards pointless if they are just going to give them out or sell them. Then the company loses subscribers, then the game shuts down, no more star wars MMO's for 5-10 years.


Subscriber rewards should NEVER be re-released, reskins are fine, look at the party jawa and celebration jawa two different items. Plus you already get an HK unit (51) same stuff.

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