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slicing nerfed too much?


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Has it been nerfed too much?


More often then not you actuallly you get less then you have to spend on missions.


For example a "lvl 1 abundant mission" will cost like 120 credits.

9 out of 10 times (so i've noticed) you get maybe 80 to 90 credits back..


So whats the point then?


Higher levels of slicing its pretty much the same result.


Lvl 3 or 4 costs 1125 to send on mission.

Returns with 1200 or maybe 1300 if lucky.


And on rare occasions you get double but that obviously has been even more nerfed.


Dont get me wrong dear readers, i too agreed that something had to be done about the massive income (if done right) from slicing.


But this feels a lil over the top.

What you get right now should be boosted with 25 to max 50%.

At least concerning missions.


Anybody agrees or disagrees and if so why?

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