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Interesting New Codex Entries re Koth/Hylo/the Gravestone and Sana Rae/Oggurobb


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I've been digging around trying to decipher the constantly-debated Iokath plot, and the identity of the traitor, and I came across this rather odd Codex entry that was introduced in 5.0:




A few interesting points from it:

  • Hylo was bored and frustrated, and the Alliance had to do something to ensure her continued allegiance
  • Hylo became "obsessed with unlocking the ship's full potential"
  • What happened to Koth, if he's not in charge of the Gravestone any more?


And then there's this one, introduced in 5.2: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/cdx/zakuulan-allies-2https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/cdx/zakuulan-allies-2


Interesting points:

  • Sana Rae recruited the Knights of Zakuul into the Alliance
  • Dr. Oggurobb brought the Sky Troopers into the Alliance
  • There was obviously dissension in the ranks over this, particularly over the Sky Troopers
  • But this one: "...the Alliance has largely embraced their former enemies, much to the frustration of the disgraced Captain Jemuro"


The one Alliance Specialist who I couldn't find any codex entries for? Aygo :)

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What happened to Koth, if he's not in charge of the Gravestone any more?


Answer: Depends:



He could be killed in the last expansion so if you are one of the ones that had a problem with Koth you could kill him and therefore that left the Gravestone without a captain.



If you didn't kill him he is still the Captain of the Gravestone.



My smuggler still has Koth as they started a romance but my sorceress doesn't.


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What happened to Koth, if he's not in charge of the Gravestone any more?


Answer: Depends:



He could be killed in the last expansion so if you are one of the ones that had a problem with Koth you could kill him and therefore that left the Gravestone without a captain.



If you didn't kill him he is still the Captain of the Gravestone.



My smuggler still has Koth as they started a romance but my sorceress doesn't.


So is this the Bioware Story Gods hedging their bets with Koth? It seems like another Schrodinger's paradox...but it definitely makes a lot more sense (sorry for missing that...I haven't gone down that..."dark"...path with any of my characters :) )

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What happened to Koth, if he's not in charge of the Gravestone any more?


Answer: Depends:



He could be killed in the last expansion so if you are one of the ones that had a problem with Koth you could kill him and therefore that left the Gravestone without a captain.



If you didn't kill him he is still the Captain of the Gravestone.



My smuggler still has Koth as they started a romance but my sorceress doesn't.

Inner spoiler: not necessarily.


My commando annoyed him enough to make him leave and come back and leave. He came back during KotET and we did the whole quantum bomb thing, and:

* He asked me about Lana, and was pleased to hear that she is everything for my character.

* I made peace with him because he *did* come back to help me, but he declined the invitation to return, citing the difficulty of convincing all the others in the Alliance that he would be trustworthy.


Conclusion: he is alive (or, at least, Kylath didn't kill him), but not the Captain of the Gravestone.


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Inner spoiler: not necessarily.


My commando annoyed him enough to make him leave and come back and leave. He came back during KotET and we did the whole quantum bomb thing, and:

* He asked me about Lana, and was pleased to hear that she is everything for my character.

* I made peace with him because he *did* come back to help me, but he declined the invitation to return, citing the difficulty of convincing all the others in the Alliance that he would be trustworthy.


Conclusion: he is alive (or, at least, Kylath didn't kill him), but not the Captain of the Gravestone.


Holy Hoth...so...many...arcs...and so little time :) And here I was thinking I was on to something!

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  • Sana Rae recruited the Knights of Zakuul into the Alliance

Only if Senya is dead. If you spared her, she is the one recruiting them. Which to me makes a hell of a lot more sense, then Sana.

Edited by Gelious
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Yeah I noticed that. I also noticed that on my Consular where Senya is alive, there were Zakuul Knights standing guard over the meeting room where we parley with Quinn and Drone. But on my Warrior where Senya is dead, there is no-one there. Unless there is some other trigger for that, I think killing or sparing Senya makes a difference to how the Alliance forces look. Edited by OldVengeance
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Hmm. I always liked Hylo, she's not a replacement for Risha of course but still interesting. I hope in the *Disbanding of the Alliance later on this doesn't complicate things too much. As for the Skytroopers its a shocker for sure but they are mechanics, tools, they'll serve whoever they're programmed to (Just tools). As for the Knights, theyre like a Police force right? They'll serve 1 whoever they believe is right and 2 whoever is in power (moreso 1 I'd believe).

I always thought Senya would try to bring them over I just wish that would have happened earlier; woulda made a better story.

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Hmm. I always liked Hylo, she's not a replacement for Risha of course but still interesting. I hope in the *Disbanding of the Alliance later on this doesn't complicate things too much. As for the Skytroopers its a shocker for sure but they are mechanics, tools, they'll serve whoever they're programmed to (Just tools). As for the Knights, theyre like a Police force right? They'll serve 1 whoever they believe is right and 2 whoever is in power (moreso 1 I'd believe).

I always thought Senya would try to bring them over I just wish that would have happened earlier; woulda made a better story.

I think it was in Chapter XII where we learn that the Knights get their Force power from their belief in their service to the office of Emperor. (Not the specific Emperor, but the office itself.) I'm not sure exactly how that relates to post KotET, since the character, whether peacemaker or emperor/empress, is NOT the Eternal Emperor.

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