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command level legacy wide


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ye but maybe if we get enough people to agree to this they might actually listen.


If I may make a suggestion then, take a second to use the forums search at the upper right, find one of the previous threads on the topic, and add your voice to that?

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Should have been this way to start especially with the DvL event preceding 5.0... That was a total face slap.


Somebody thought they were super smart...Hey! lets give them incentive to make a whole bunch of alts and then turn the game into a ridiculous grind and make it super unfriendly to alts...Muhahahaha! they will have to grind forever and we rake in subs for eternity!!! Muhahahahaha!

Edited by Soljin
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And easily gear any alt in 244+ rated gear?


What would be the point of doing SM operations for example? Except bragging rights? "We just two manned EV and KP. Was too easy!"


I can already easily gear my alts in 244+ rated mods/enhancements, and when 246 mats arrive i'll be able to easily gear them in implants/relics/earpiece as well. This is without doing any operation content, which is a good way to get set bonuses for your alts now.


We don't need legacy-wide GC, we need a reason to play our T1/T2 GC alts.

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Some of us doesn't have a whole lot of time to play this game. A legacy wide command level would make more sense. It already sucks that the narshadda auto complete was taken off. Made doing heroics a little easier, considering I only have time to run about 2 a day.
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Eventhough i have to admit that the gearing now is very very easy and fast, still, when i login on my alts and they are rank 1-10 it kinda sucks getting all those tier 1 crates, which i just disintigrate, as I have legacy 248 gear on the toon.


In case of legacy tier i would be getting tier 4 crates on my toon i didnt increase the ranks.

Edited by merovejec
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Eventhough i have to admit that the gearing now is very very easy and fast, still, when i login on my alts and they are rank 1-10 it kinda sucks getting all those tier 1 crates, which i just disintigrate, as I have legacy 248 gear on the toon.


In case of legacy tier i would be getting tier 4 crates on my toon i didnt increase the ranks.


Tier 1 and 2 crates are basically like better alliance crates for people who fully gear their alts before playing them. You don't open them for gear, you open them for stuff you can sell on the GTN. The problem is that T3+T4 do that as well, in addition to giving you good gear occasionally. The only thing low tier crates have going for them over high tier crates is a faster rate of obtaining them, but it just isn't enough to make up for it.

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The sticking point for this request/suggestion is tied to Biowares design philosophy.


If Bioware is still of the mind that tedious grinding is the best way for them to retain Subscriptions then this will never happen.


Now on the other hand if speculations are correct and subscription numbers are falling below 4.0 numbers then they may be forced to change their current philosophy to a more alt friendly model and we may see some version of this occur.


I would much prefer to have legacy Command Rank that way I could switch from character to character at will and not feel like I am losing progress and falling behind in end game viability quite as badly.


You still need to play each to acquire set bonus armor mods for each character and the left side pieces...It's a very valid idea and would take the edge of this system for alts.


I think another thing to consider is that they promoted alts and many folks have 20 plus high level alts...which is excessive sure, but they will never be able to play even one of each class at endgame in this system...


Currently the only people that might be able to sustain multiple alts are those in Raid capable guilds that play at least 4 to 6 hrs a day and likely PvP to grind gear when not raiding.

Edited by Soljin
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