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Iokath... What now?


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So I've opened up Iokath dailies, done them a couple days, and while I find it ridiculous that to even do some of these dailies I have to have anywhere from 75 to 600 of these never dropping shard currencies. Having a currency requirement for a daily seems absolutely absurd to me, but that's a whole other rant.


Anyways I'm curious as to what now? If I don't particularly care about any of the reputation rewards, what do I do? Besides finding a group for the 1 operation boss that's out, is there a real benefit to chain running flashpoints? Is there going to be more story unlocking in coming week(s)? I just can't seem to find a whole lot of information.


So I hit 70, finished opening Iokath. Now what and what power gains or story unlocks does it net me? Or is the story merely unlocked gradually.

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So I've opened up Iokath dailies, done them a couple days, and while I find it ridiculous that to even do some of these dailies I have to have anywhere from 75 to 600 of these never dropping shard currencies. Having a currency requirement for a daily seems absolutely absurd to me, but that's a whole other rant.


Anyways I'm curious as to what now? If I don't particularly care about any of the reputation rewards, what do I do? Besides finding a group for the 1 operation boss that's out, is there a real benefit to chain running flashpoints? Is there going to be more story unlocking in coming week(s)? I just can't seem to find a whole lot of information.


So I hit 70, finished opening Iokath. Now what and what power gains or story unlocks does it net me? Or is the story merely unlocked gradually.


Honestly I find Iokath to be quite annoying because there's so much droppings of the rep trophies. I got so many right now on two characters that I doubt it'll take me long to get that maxed out, the other problem is that the new shards are totally unnecessary when we don't have these with other daily areas that have reputation, you just need to have a certain reputation level and the right amount of credits, this is just annoying. The other rub is that one daily on the empire needs you to have so many of these shards and credits to complete it so my question is what's the point of collecting shards to buy stuff from the venders and pay out a lot of credits. Personally no Iokath isn't worth anything.

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Well everyone said that they are WAY behind schedule with this.


It was all supposed to be in 5.0 where we get this area, the whole operation and the story. The reason its like this is lack of personel, resources etc. However, we have to give them some merit for at least trying to keep the game alive.


Yes I know that we are paying customers etc that deserve what they pay for, but you have to realize how the business goes. EA/Bioware made a game, they earned more than enough money and have the power to shut it down at anytime now. So its not about if we get what we deserve as paying customer, but we can be happy that the game is still here and receiving updates!

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Yeah, waiting on that one!


In retrospect I don't blame him for taking a little time to compose his "Road Map". Players seem in general upset about the condition of the game with a few that are completely happy. This is the opposite of what you want...


That said if the "Road Map' is vague with no real answers and a bunch of maybe's and if's and non-commitments.. I would expect the response will be a decently painful dip in subscriptions shortly after.


My position is that I am tired of being told that a bare minimum is coming and then it's delivered late, it's usually bug city and also not of a quality that I can appreciate.


This does not maintain subs...and lets face it anyone spending large sums on their precious Cartel Market is also a subscriber....

Edited by Soljin
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Wait for 5.3 - implication has been (but nothing outright stated) the story will continue for single player as well as ops; thre's a new flashpoint (the word flashpoint was used, not Uprising, FWIW).


Hopefully they'll either up the shard drops or reduce the shard costs of renting the alt-modes; I ground out a hundred or so shards in about an hour the other day, and it wasn't a whole lot of fun. (And then I got my monitor ganked by hidden NPCs, so I wasted that and 200 more). I suspect the credits cost is in response to the need for more credit sinks in game; but the non-credit rewards aren't very good, so a swing and a miss.

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My position is that I am tired of being told that a bare minimum is coming and then it's delivered late, it's usually bug city and also not of a quality that I can appreciate.

I already felt like the contents of the packs were dropping in quality, especially the decorations. They're not as useful thematically, they don't fit in multiple hooks anymore, and they often have glitches (even duplicate names). Some of the items released in the packs managed to break other items (IE: with the release of the Cartel Relaxation Skiff, all the other skiffs picked up a graphics glitch).


Iokath feels the same way. There isn't much story. It's just a vestigial plot to give us an excuse to engage in PVP on Iokath. Hopefully the PVP players love Iokath, because there was only about 15 minutes of interesting content for me and maybe two rewards worth earning. Unfortunately, most of the PVP players I know aren't enjoying it. They say it's a great idea but the glitches and lag keep it from being fun.


I had expected SWTOR to really step up their game in preparation for new players that might be attracted by the release of the Star Wars movies, the new animated shorts, and the rest of the Star Wars hype.


I'm hoping that they're secretly working on some really awesome new upgrades, which is why we're getting lesser smaller upgrades right now. Maybe the "big guns" on the development team are busy with this upcoming improvement. I'm crossing my fingers.

Edited by Xina_LA
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