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Star Cabal and Iokath


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Was one or more of the Star Cabal's founders a survivor of Iokath? Is that how they got Scorpio and were so good at controlling others and hiding all traces of themselves? It would kind of make sense as the Iokath survivor would have generations of experience to pull from on controlling others.
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Was one or more of the Star Cabal's founders a survivor of Iokath? Is that how they got Scorpio and were so good at controlling others and hiding all traces of themselves? It would kind of make sense as the Iokath survivor would have generations of experience to pull from on controlling others.


The Star Cabal survived for over a thousand years before the events of the cold war, it's primary purpose was to dismantle the threat of the Sith and the Jedi as force using organisations, if that means by secretly working to bring them down, sabotage them or to utterly destroy them. in any event that is their purpose.


Belsavis was their primary place where all their advancements were made away from the many eyes of the galaxy, it makes sense because at least one Rakata was apart of the Cabal at one point.


Scorpio itself mentioned that it was a weapon created by the people of Iokath and was sent away, my guess is that during its journey, it was knocked out and integrated into stasis block on Belsavis originally to keep those former members of the Cabal alive and in stasis and presumably the scorpio sanctions were a hold over from the Cabal, it had little choice but to act on them. but the directives turned it into yet another weapon for someone elses use.


after scorpio was freed and not long after the Star Cabal was dismantled, a few members of that secretive illuminati styled group went on the run, however imperial intelligence was effectively destroyed because of the Cabal anyway. So some Cabal survivors maybe out there, still licking their wounds.


Indirectly Scorpio thought that it was copied through the Gemini droids, it may have been possible that the one or two Cabal members could of given Zakuul what it needed years before contact, but even so the eternal fleet is massive, thusands of ships and each one needed a Gemini and proper connectivity to central command? a project like that would of taken time and resources unless its plans were leaked decades before hand which would give a time frame to build a new droid devoid of some the mechanics that Scorpio has.


I am almost certain Valkorion had a hand in all this, he may not of directly been involved in the Cabal, but indirectly he may have known and realised the Cabal may serve his purposes being subtly manipulated just like they do to Jedi and Sith. Besides i suspect he was involved on Iokath because this superweapon weapon went off anyway, so he may know far more about Scorpio than it may know of itself.

Edited by Celise
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