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LS Marauder is bad (Spoilers)


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At no point i was able to do a meaningfull LS option exept Jaessa but that is pointless as well:"This must be our little secret so noone has to react to it and we don't have to create alternative options!"


I expected to be able to spare the lives of the agents/generals to bring them on my side against Barras but i have no choice to spare them from death/imprisonment. I went throug all the dialogue options in all the situations but they are pretty much the same.


The whole LS/DS thing seems to be pointless. KOTFE/KOTET had some good options though.

Edited by Ricul
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Yes I had no problem sparing people during the story for my benefit. Yes there are some you can't regardless of how you play but aside from the 3 mentioned above there are republic troopers you can spare on Nar Shadaa with the stipulation they come to your aid when called and that can be cashed in for the Rathari fight (not sure if you can use it later or at a different time). When you are confronted on the ship by the 2 jedi's in the trap set for you if you play it right by not fighting one will eventually walk away because you are not the bloodthirsty killer you were made out to be, the other will start the fight but you can spare him with him considering becoming a sith. You can spare Master Yonlach on Tatooine. You can spare Noman Karr and turn him over to the Jedi. You can spare Jaesa's parents and convince them to move to Dromund Kass and live in luxury. I don't think you can spare the Jedi on Alderaan but you can spare the Organa general's lover. I found playing more light sided more like an honorably raised sith that didn't murder for ***** and giggles but when required and made potential allies with those you spared.
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That's right I did spare him.....I was thinking of a different Jedi on Alderaan I think. Maybe it was from the Inquisitor storyline (the one that backed out of his wedding to join the Jedi). But anyway I enjoyed the more light sided storyline (not that there weren't DS choices made just not alot)
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