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Vette reunion bugged? - edit: never mind, seems it's all good now


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So I'm doing Chapter Thirteen: Profit and Plunder on my Sith Warrior today. I get to the part where you meet back up with Vette, and instead of acting reasonably cheery towards my (female) warrior, who was nothing but friendly, kind, and warm towards her - Vette looked dejected/disgusted. "Oh...fancy seeing you here..." She all but sounded like she was about to give a "uuuggghh, you again," at the end.


...huh? I'm fairly certain it's not supposed to be like that for female warriors who were friendly to Vette. My warrior took off Vette's collar at the first opportunity, was light-side in all her companion quests, declared Vette was like a sister to her, and Vette called her "O sweetest of Sith Lords" at the end of her companion conversations. Did something get bugged, and the game assumes my warrior was dark-side all the way through (her alignment is actually neutral)? Is Vette supposed to react like that?

Edited by Jagaimee
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Edit: ...well, oddly enough, seems to be fine now? I got past that part to where it's just me talking to Vette, and she seems friendly. Surprised the warrior's alive, but friendly, and my warrior's able to be friendly back to her in response. Thank goodness. :) So, just a very odd response when she first shows up, but nothing seems to be bugged later on...
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