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not going to complain about nerfs not even going to say what got nerfed did not need to get nerfed, BUT letting us know what your nerfing is a goos idea . Unless you can't take the QQ bears, but thats the only reason you nerfed anything anyways cause of all the QQing going on
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as there was only one class that got nerfed this last patch figure it out


Y'know, I'm trying to figure out what you're complaining about. Being cryptic and rude isn't helping your case. ...which, for that matter, I can't even figure out what your case is supposed to be. You said you're not complaining, then proceed to complain that BioWare didn't tell anyone about these mysterious nerfs, then refuse to tell anyone what said nerfs are. Oooookay. So your point is...??


If you're talking about this thread, then...read the rest of the thread to have it explained why it's not a nerf. Otherwise, I sincerely have no idea what you're talking about.

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