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Is the shadow character in the War for Iokath the traitor??


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In my previous post, i talked about the possibility of that hood figure being the traitor which you can find in the link below, there are also a lot good comments people made in that post



After i go through the story again, look a lot of other people's comments, some ideas on youtube, i start having new ideas about the shadow character in the game that sabotages the throne. Many people know now that the figure has a very big possibility being a scion, (you can find the 3D model of the character on the inerenet or go to this video

) and as we all know there are not much connection between us and the scions, which makes scions impossible to be the traitor.


Here is the reasons that people think the shadow character is the traitor------> she sabotages the throne.


BUT if you re-watch the story and have a look the orders of different things happen: WE start talking to Tyth first, then the shadow figure comes in, more accurately is after Tyth scans us and decide we are to be sacrificed for the rise of gods THEN ONLY THEN the figure steps into the throne room and sabotages the throne. THEREFORE, the reason for us being sacrificed to Gods is not caused by sabotage the throne. Tyth is going to kill us at beginning anyway. During the connection, our mind is talking to Tyth and our body cannot move, however after the sabotage happens, we gain a short amount of time to order the fleet to attack Tyth. On the other hand we can say the sabotage helps us snap out of the connection between us and Tyth which saves us from being sacrificed). So we can make a guess that the shadow figure is not the traitor at all, she is a scion that foreseen what is going to happen and come helping you, which also matches what Heskel said to you before he die that the scions will return in the future and help you.


The real traitor should be the one that knows the functions of the throne, and asks you to sit on it, which Theron has the biggest probability because he is the one that tells you about the superweapon when we find the dead iokath creator body, (notice, we do not really see what is shown on his data-pad when he connect to the throne, he just tells us the superweapon and what happened) he is the one ask you to sit on the throne. But i doubt Bio gonna make the traitor that obvious..............


But anyway that is all i get so far, plz comment if you think differently thx guys:):)

Edited by Alterkai
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In my previous post, i talked about the possibility of that hood figure being the traitor which you can find in the link below, there are also a lot good comments people made in that post



After i go through the story again, look a lot of other people's comments, some ideas on youtube, i start having new ideas about the shadow character in the game that sabotages the throne. Many people know now that the figure has a very big possibility being a scion, (you can find the 3D model of the character on the inerenet or go to this video

) and as we all know there are not much connection between us and the scions, which makes scions impossible to be the traitor.


Here is the reasons that people think the shadow character is the traitor------> she sabotages the throne.


BUT if you re-watch the story and have a look the orders of different things happen: WE start talking to Tyth first, then the shadow figure comes in, more accurately is after Tyth scans us and decide we are to be sacrificed for the rise of gods THEN ONLY THEN the figure steps into the throne room and sabotages the throne. THEREFORE, the reason for us being sacrificed to Gods is not caused by sabotage the throne. Tyth is going to kill us at beginning anyway. During the connection, our mind is talking to Tyth and our body cannot move, however after the sabotage happens, we gain a short amount of time to order the fleet to attack Tyth. On the other hand we can say the sabotage helps us snap out of the connection between us and Tyth which saves us from being sacrificed). So we can make a guess that the shadow figure is not the traitor at all, she is a scion that foreseen what is going to happen and come helping you, which also matches what Heskel said to you before he die that the scions will return in the future and help you.


The real traitor should be the one that knows the functions of the throne, and asks you to sit on it, which Theron has the biggest probability because he is the one that tells you about the superweapon when we find the dead iokath creator body, (notice, we do not really see what is shown on his data-pad when he connect to the throne, he just tells us the superweapon and what happened) he is the one ask you to sit on the throne. But i doubt Bio gonna make the traitor that obvious..............


But anyway that is all i get so far, plz comment if you think differently thx guys:):)


that still doesn't explain what that scion was doing there if indeed it was a scion, nor what those devices were on the consoles that exploded in sync.


It's not just theron either Lana seems a little off her usual pace as well and we may as well ask questions about what she was doing when she was checking for who the traitor maybe.


as you already posted, there is another thread with comment about who the traitor is and this should of gone there tbh.

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