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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Question for the devs about S8


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Are you guys going to do anything about this guy that has been hacking his way to the top of the leaderboards? Not give him the title or something? Currently, he holds a top 3 spot as Mara, 3 spots at the top of vang/powertech, 3 spots at the top for Sorc, AND 2 spots at the top for Merc's. I Don't need to say his name because everyone that play's ranked knows who this person is, DO YOU?
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Are you guys going to do anything about this guy that has been hacking his way to the top of the leaderboards? Not give him the title or something? Currently, he holds a top 3 spot as Mara, 3 spots at the top of vang/powertech, 3 spots at the top for Sorc, AND 2 spots at the top for Merc's. I Don't need to say his name because everyone that play's ranked knows who this person is, DO YOU?


Agreed, but multiple positions are just leaderboard bug. Also top powertech is legit and plays on TRE.

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Are you guys going to do anything about this guy that has been hacking his way to the top of the leaderboards? Not give him the title or something? Currently, he holds a top 3 spot as Mara, 3 spots at the top of vang/powertech, 3 spots at the top for Sorc, AND 2 spots at the top for Merc's. I Don't need to say his name because everyone that play's ranked knows who this person is, DO YOU?

The powertech is legit, the multiple names on the leaderboard glitch happens if you transfer to different servers. Look at s4 group ranked powertech, all the same character. The other guy though we all know is about as non legit as you can get, but it's not multiple toons he has the spots on for, lets say sorc. Those 3 names are all the same toon but the name got replicated on the leaderboards from transfers.


I predict though that somehow it'll mess up people's top 3s when the season ends especially seeing as how a certain australian sorc healer who got top 3 last season was denied his title because bw customer service said that he wasn't top 3 overall for sorc and sage together :rak_01::rak_02::p

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They always just leave it alone and then sort it out behind the scenes prior to gifting rewards.


What this does is makes the leader boards useless and upsets people driving some away from ranked completely.


It all comes down to resources, they need to assign someone to monitor and adjust these sorts of issues but that is not likely. My guess is they would remove the leader boards completely before they would assign a moderator, new guy or not.

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