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Class story overlap


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Over the last month or so I've taken the opportunity to run through a bunch of classes I never got around to before, and I was wondering if there would be much overlap between the various class stories, since they do cover the same planets in mostly the same order. I was surprised. There was overlap, but not in the way i was expecting.


I mean there's virtually no overlap of characters, and where there is... I mean the operative's boss, Keeper, shows up in the (I think) Smuggler storyline, where you kill him. Which doesn't stop him continuing to live and in fact get promoted in the Operative story. Why even use him instead of an unrelated character if it was going to directly contradict the other story?


Otherwise it's largely a matter of reusing the same locations to eccess. I've now been to the Star of Coruscent five times on five entirely unrelated and sometimes contradictory missions. Some planets give more variety, but there are some where you know you are always going to end up, regardless of the story you are in. Would it really be that difficult to send you to different crashed spaceship locations, even if the internal structure is the same? It seems a waste of all the fantastically well done world design to only use the same bits all the time.


That's my observations, anyway.

Edited by G-Girl
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Inside the starships on Hoth, different class stories take place in different phase areas inside the ship.


There are also cross-story references such as:

* In the first cut-scene of the Smuggler story, there's a reference to a Republic military walker downed by seps, and the Trooper story opens in a Republic military walker that is downed by ... seps.

* Both Jedi classes have companion conversations involving their companion and an Imp-side companion.

* A third party in Zenith's companion conversations is involved in the Agent storyline.

* The Jedi Consular encounters (fatally) someone from the Imperial Balmorra planetary arc.

* Lt Pierce takes The Bastion, and the Trooper helps liberate it.

* Probably other things that I've seen but I don't remember.

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I really wish there was more overlap in the knight and warrior stories. In the knight's story you'd think the fact that a new wrath had been chosen after Scourge leaves would be alluded to, or at least some confirmation that the Hand is a legit group.


Plus the fact that the knight and consular stories are full of "high level" sith and imperial villains that I've never heard of after playing Empire throughout most of the game. Kinda lessens the feeling of danger from my perspective.

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I really wish there was more overlap in the knight and warrior stories. In the knight's story you'd think the fact that a new wrath had been chosen after Scourge leaves would be alluded to, or at least some confirmation that the Hand is a legit group.


The latter part of the Jedi Knight story happens before the last part of the Warrior story. The events are reflected in the stories accordingly.

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I mean the operative's boss, Keeper, shows up in the (I think) Smuggler storyline, where you kill him. Which doesn't stop him continuing to live and in fact get promoted in the Operative story. Why even use him instead of an unrelated character if it was going to directly contradict the other story?


Are you talking about Watcher One? In Agent's Story, there's mention of Watcher One. In Jedi Knight's story, he turns up on Taris as the main enemy.

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The Bounty Hunter, when you visit House Alde's museum, see's Darth Bandon's head on display.


There are a *lot*, you just missed them. :(


Now the Makeb Staged Weekly used to have a lot as well, but that, alas is gone.


Perhaps you should write notes on your next play throughs? Trust me, there are many many cross references.


Any time you go to the same place as another class on the other faction, whichever one went there first has influenced the area. A locker that was broken into by one class, will be open on the other class, etc.


The original storylines were beautifully crafted with a master storyline. The class stories are interwoven, and you learn of both different pieces, and at times, the same pieces of the galactic story.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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Haha, yeah but Bandon's from KotOR.


Ah, so BH takes place AFTER Smuggler then? Or after Skavak planted the fake one(but prior to Smuggler's intervention)? How do we know which one's on the show?


OP: The entire Agent is basically one big overlap. Consular doesn't overlap that much with other classes as it does with planetaries. It works very nice with those.

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Ah, so BH takes place AFTER Smuggler then? Or after Skavak planted the fake one(but prior to Smuggler's intervention)? How do we know which one's on the show?


OP: The entire Agent is basically one big overlap. Consular doesn't overlap that much with other classes as it does with planetaries. It works very nice with those.


Skavak hadn't even had time to install the hyper drive when the Smuggler came knocking. I think it was the real one. The BH also meet the curator NPC, who scans every object to find a fake you claim is in the collection. It wasn't picked out as a fake then. You talk to the same person who the smuggler talks to, rather than the character that ran off with Skavak.


There are "rests" in each story. During these rests, one character's story may over take another's.


So while the BH begins after the Smuggler, it ends before the Smuggler as well.


The BH and Smuggler visit a lot of the same locations; and if you keep track of things, you'll see who got their first. ;)

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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There seems to be some cross over between companions as well. Like Bowdar has associated with Mako in the past and Vette and Risha. Both of those come to mind as another form of cross over that is seen.

All in all the 1-50 story was well written and the cross over stuff just adds to it

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There seems to be some cross over between companions as well. Like Bowdar has associated with Mako in the past and Vette and Risha. Both of those come to mind as another form of cross over that is seen.

All in all the 1-50 story was well written and the cross over stuff just adds to it


I remember reading somewhere that when they wrote the stories, they were often in the same room together? I'd love to have been a fly on that wall.

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Skavak hadn't even had time to install the hyper drive when the Smuggler came knocking. I think it was the real one. The BH also meet the curator NPC, who scans every object to find a fake you claim is in the collection. It wasn't picked out as a fake then. You talk to the same person who the smuggler talks to, rather than the character that ran off with Skavak.


There are "rests" in each story. During these rests, one character's story may over take another's.


So while the BH begins after the Smuggler, it ends before the Smuggler as well.


The BH and Smuggler visit a lot of the same locations; and if you keep track of things, you'll see who got their first. ;)


Yeah, he wasn't able to install it, but he was able to procure it and to flog the fishy D.Bandon head. That's why I asked about the BH part. Plus, knowing people like Skavak, there must've been an anti-forgery device somewhere on it, so...you don't know whether it's the real one until the Smuggler arrives.

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I always liked that before the Agent picks up Kaliyo, she meets with the Knight on their ship as an intermediary for, I think it was Nemro.


Little things like these cross-overs and all the planetary arcs and class plot lines that reference other class actions were some of the best parts of the vanilla game, for me.


When there was none of that going past RotHC, it was sad. Suddenly only the current class being played was alive and the rest were all assumed to be dead or alternate reality versions with unremarkable NPCs taking the place of the PCs. It's kind of like when you play games like DA: Inquisition and Hawk shows up. If you never played DA2, Hawk is a generic version who made default choices. Hardly very immersive or interesting. However, if you played DA2, Hawk was YOUR Hawk, who made all your choices and it was awesome having your two PCs interacting.


Now, especially with KOTFE/KOTET, we're forced to assume that at least the off-classes whose companions are available for pickup are all dead or just not charismatic enough to hold their crews (or marriages) together.



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