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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best Settings To Turn Down For 16m?


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I have the type of computer that runs this game quite well on almost everything on the highest setting with little to no fps loss or stuttering. That is, until I start doing operations. Even on 8m I sometimes see some low fps, but nothing serious. For 16m raids the lag is unreal. People always say to turn off nameplates. Well, I always do for 16m and it doesn't seem to help one bit at all. I was wondering, is there a specific graphics parameter that I could turn down for better performance in operations, especially 16m? I don't want to just turn all my graphics down because well... I've played like that before and it looks hideous. I think I've tried turning down character level of detail already with no noticeable change.
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LOL I completely read the thread of this title wrong, I thought it said "The best things to turn down for 16M" as in if someone wanted to trade something for 16M, what I would turn down for that, and I was like hm, what's not worth having for 16 million credits?
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LOL I completely read the thread of this title wrong, I thought it said "The best things to turn down for 16M" as in if someone wanted to trade something for 16M, what I would turn down for that, and I was like hm, what's not worth having for 16 million credits?


Obligatory TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!? :cool:

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I have the type of computer that runs this game quite well on almost everything on the highest setting with little to no fps loss or stuttering. ..... I was wondering, is there a specific graphics parameter that I could turn down for better performance in operations, especially 16m? .

Your performance in OPs (and PvP) is mainly dependant upon what CPU you have.

There is no graphics setting that's going to help - even setting the graphics to the lowest.

The best CPU, currently, for SWTOR is an Intel Sky/Kabylake i5 or i7. A new AMD Ryzen 5 1600X might also be good, but the results aren't in yet.

Even with a new i5-7600 you will still get fps drops in OPs, but it should remain playable (i.e. better than 30 fps). If you have anything less that that, you may get fps drops below playable rates. (The Hyperthreading in a i7 is of no help to SWTOR)

If your computer is a laptop, there's not much you can do about it other than getting a new laptop with a better CPU.

If it's a desktop, you can upgrade the CPU, although that might involve a new motherboard and RAM as well, depending upon what CPU you now have.

Edited by JediQuaker
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Your performance in OPs (and PvP) is mainly dependant upon what CPU you have.

There is no graphics setting that's going to help - even setting the graphics to the lowest.

The best CPU, currently, for SWTOR is an Intel Sky/Kabylake i5 or i7. A new AMD Ryzen 5 1600X might also be good, but the results aren't in yet.

Even with a new i5-7600 you will still get fps drops in OPs, but it should remain playable (i.e. better than 30 fps). If you have anything less that that, you may get fps drops below playable rates. (The Hyperthreading in a i7 is of no help to SWTOR)

If your computer is a laptop, there's not much you can do about it other than getting a new laptop with a better CPU.

If it's a desktop, you can upgrade the CPU, although that might involve a new motherboard and RAM as well, depending upon what CPU you now have.


And live where the server is located. Get real.

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I would suggest nameplates off and surroundings and vegetation graphics all the way down and anything else dealing with other players and npcs.


Since we don't know what hardware is in play, this is the best general recommendation.

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My computer is outdated to say the least. AMD Phenom II X4 965, 8GB RAM, XFX Radeon R7 260 GPU... I know I need to upgrade but I'm just waiting to save up enough to build a completely new PC. I don't wanna just get something cheap that'll only be a slight upgrade and will be outdated again in 2 years... So I'm saving up a lot. That being said, I still feel like when I started playing this game (around 2013) I had less RAM (4GB) and a worse GPU (GTX 550Ti) and don't remember having issues. And I remember noticing over the years that the game started to feel progressively slower... I noticed the most when I upgraded to 8GB of RAM. The loading screens and random skipping/stuttering got waayyy better just from the RAM upgrade. And no I can't get any more RAM than that. That's how terrible my motherboard is... 8GB is max.
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In this situation, then knocking down as many of the extra graphical settings as possible seems like the best way to go, though we don't know what your current settings are at the moment.

Removing grass and environmentals will help on those missions which have such objects. Decreasing AA, render distance as well, and texture anisotropy should make those things easier to display, as well as shadows and incidentals such as bloom and depth blur.

Almost all of those affect both the CPU and GPU which you need to take into account since you don't have a lot of power in either. Simply offloading the GPU alone will have diminishing results as the CPU will not be able to process all the information quickly enough.

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Shadows have a pretty big impact, you can set those to zero. Also grass/trees. Then just start looking at things like character atlas maps and that one setting that helps with fences or grates or whatever.


On this game, CPU is the biggest factor in quality, though. A pair of $500 graphics cards probably wouldn't help as much as a $300 CPU upgrade. To see what your bottleneck is, you can hit ctrl+shift+F to display FPS in the bottom left corner - Customer Service posts to explain more.

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