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Dark Vs Light Popup in 5.2?

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Will there be any changes to the extremely annoying and seemingly meaningless Dark Vs Light Pop up in patch 5.2? Will I have the option to turn it off, alter its size and placement via UI editor, or will it be removed completely in 5.2?


It's quite a hassle having to drag your cursor over the x as soon as it appears, likely distracting you from a crucial moment in gameplay. There is already more than enough to pay attention to during PvP and Operations. It is especially annoying in GSF. Try evading enemy fire or hitting a target through a debris/asteroid cluster while whizzing by in a scout. What's worse, is that I can't even click the x during GSF, and it takes forever to disappear. It is also an immersion killer during cutscenes.


If nothing will be done about it for 5.2, then why is this taking so long to address?

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. It is also an immersion killer during cutscenes.


If nothing will be done about it for 5.2, then why is this taking so long to address?


It pops up during cutscenes!? :eek: Well. That's just...wrong. :/


Anyway, yes - devs, please do give us an option to turn it off (along with the annoying music!). If we want to know which side is "in control" of the galaxy for Galactic Command reasons, we can just click on the GC interface itself and there's the dark vs. light bar at the bottom. No need to have it keep popping up with periodic updates. >_<

Edited by Jagaimee
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