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What would make a jedi/sith reach his prime faster?


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I mean combative prime the best he can be in combat. So what makes him reach that faster training or combat experience.


Lets say you can can only have one of these you are either in peaceful times and there is no combat experience to be gained or you are in conflict times and you do not have time to train you are always in a combat situation and when you are not you sleep and eat because there is not enough time for anything else.

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Hmmm...training wise, one would think you'd at least have sparring and the time to study and master multiple styles and techniques.


The pure combat has gone on to survive many fights. Likely to have less mastered styles and techniques, but surviving so many combat situations, they likely have a killer undisciplined/unorthodox but very much effective style.

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Training something in a controlled environment is never the same as actual experience, but without some pointers from the start you are at a disadvantage in many ways.


For someone to survive combat time and time again without training would take incredible luck and ludicrous toughness, speed, strength, which ofc can all be had if you're strong in the Force. If you go this path you're likely to be the literal elephant in an antiques shop, unleashing immense destruction at the drop of a hat and having little in the way of inhibitions or discipline. No one would want to team up with you for fear of getting killed when you once again go berserk and wipe out everything that looked funny at you.


IMO you really need both training and experience. The training is a base to start from, the experience makes you deadlier and more competent.

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IMO you really need both training and experience. The training is a base to start from, the experience makes you deadlier and more competent.


^ Pretty much this, training and experience are both needed to reach the prime.

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You know SI was an slave and he had 0 training only sent into life threatening missions since he arrived? Literally first thing he had to do since he got on Korriban was kill grubs then he was attacked by half a dozen force users which SI killed very fast.

He had no training everything he learned in combat where his life was on the line and he was no berseker.

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