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Ranked PvP - How to make it more popular


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As I'm typing this, me and a few others are trying to get solo rolling on the imp side. Its not been a success so far (or I'd not be typing this, obviously). A small whispered exchange with another frequent solo ranked player made me think "why not make a thread about this"


Ranked pvp seems to be a bit of a bogeyman to the average player, and they are not queuing. And if they do it when we're trying to get it to pop, chance are they'll be against a bunch of very experienced pvpers, as no one else is even trying to get it t pop. So the result is its roughly always the same 20ish or so player that keep playing against each others. And any new face gets rolled within second, especially if they aren't playing a FOTM class.


JC has a pretty active population, regs are going on 24/7 pretty much, with little wait even in down period. I believe it could easily sustain a good ranked population, at the very least at peak hours, but its not.


So, this thread is adressed to the pvpers, but mosty to the general population who enjoys pvp, and is kinda competitive even if you don't wipe the floor with 2-3 players at once. Why are you avoiding ranked?


Its not meant as a finger pointing thread, but really want to be constructive and change things to make ranked pop more reliably. So, what should we do? Thoughts?



A player made a discord for those interested: https://discord.gg/GxSNpdH


Also please join us in game on channel jcsolos (type /cjoin jcsolos)

Edited by verfallen
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Here is my two cents on this. I've been a part of JC and SL for years. Ranked isn't happening for a few reasons. Most of the people that carried it quit or moved to Harb. I myself finally pulled the trigger as much as I hated to leave east coast. Everything pops there almost all day. I was doing 5 minute GSf pop matches at noon east coast time. Ranked was popping all day. I even saw a lot of JC people in solo queue today on harbinger, and they had 5 fours teams running


Here is where I a disagree slightly. The problem with ranked is JC or any east coast is not high populations anymore. Until they make a east coast version of Harb it will never catch on. Why work so hard to get pops when you can get a ranked weekly done in 3 hours at Harb anyway of the week? On top of that play against and with some great players. I hate that I have to move servers to enjoy the game but that's what it is at this point. Also there is a lot of Epeen cancer on every server. You screw up or your maybe not great at your class you WILL get *****ed at and called names even on JC. Competitive PvP in any game is like this. It brings out bad attitudes. Most new folk don't want to deal with it, understandably.


Until bioware merges servers good skill ranked matches that are frequent will never happen on east coast. It's not worth the effort. Harb is just so much better in every area. The second I find out a mega east server is created I'd move back. But when you compare Harb to any east servers they are dead. 33 people on fleet until around 3 pm today on JC. Meanwhile on Harb three instances, ranked, raids and gsf pop. It's a shame but it's the truth. It really made me sad to leave JC. But I log in everyday and spend all my time looking for people to play with, waiting for guildies, or fighting the exact same people in warzones. Over and over. Every East coast server is like this.


Also I know almost all of the ranked players on JC. They are all spread out. Most guilds are casual. The big ranked guilds collapsed and moved on to other games or moved to harbinger. Most people want to play Regs because it's easy. Ranked requires work, and if you're not great at your class nobody wants to bother. There are no more PvP guilds that are actively doing ranked. It's a hodge-podge of people from dead guilds. Even LD fifty has only 2-3 players left and to find a group you have to set time and dates to even get people around. JC may be the most active east coast server but it's dead compared to Harb.


What I would suggest doing is transferring to Harb for a measly 90 CC, and then finding/creating the type of players you want in your guild and ranked team. Harb has one problem. All the ranked players are in this tiny 3-5 man guilds and don't accept anybody unless you can beat them in a duel on twitch stream BS. But there are a ton of players. During the mornings east time, APAC Aussies fill it, and the east coasters. It literally never slows down. The east servers don't even start popping for flashpoints until noon or 1. Let alone PvP, GSF, Ranked.

Edited by Acaelus-Thorne
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The ranked population on JC is so small. And there's a few players who work the system and ruin it for everyone. They drum up solos on the imp side. Get enough people in Q. Then swap to their Jedi toons cause the know 0 pubs are queuing and essentially Q sync. And people don't feed it. They just go back to regs were at least you can expect pre mades with voice comms.


I'm hoping they announce decent rewards this season cause that usually drums up a lot of interest.

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The ranked population on JC is so small. And there's a few players who work the system and ruin it for everyone. They drum up solos on the imp side. Get enough people in Q. Then swap to their Jedi toons cause the know 0 pubs are queuing and essentially Q sync. And people don't feed it. They just go back to regs were at least you can expect pre mades with voice comms.


I'm hoping they announce decent rewards this season cause that usually drums up a lot of interest.


Heard about that but haven't seen it myself. The one time I saw pubs in queue for yolo I didnt recognize any names and they got rolled pretty hard.


But its another thing, I know the majority of the pvpers are on the imp side, but pub do have some pretty good players, which we never see in ranked.

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Heard about that but haven't seen it myself. The one time I saw pubs in queue for yolo I didnt recognize any names and they got rolled pretty hard.


But its another thing, I know the majority of the pvpers are on the imp side, but pub do have some pretty good players, which we never see in ranked.


They don't try and hide it, or they are seriously lacking in the originality department. I only say this cause their pub toons share the same name as their imp toons.

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with ranked you have people at like 2k then you have the people joining in with like 1k and there seems to be no real in between. It doesn't help that it seems to group the higher ranked people together and put them against the lower ranked ones leaving no real chance while just boosting one side.
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not to mention grouped very manipulated system with kickballs and the solo is luck of the draw but then again not really cuase the balance of chance is not set per group as it should if solo q.


in general the ranked system needs be revamped to where cant be manipulated and fair solo q team skill rating system..

Edited by falkron-kerupt
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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping this a bit, pretty nice weekend we had so far. Friday night was very good, we had 2 match going and I think we might have hit 3 at once point. Lots of new faces, saw some damn big improvement in some of them as they adjust to the arenas and discover new tactics.


Keep joining us, toxicity is not high on JC's ranked, most people are helpful and welcoming. get discord and join the group for which we've posted a link too, its always fun to chat out of the game to coordinate pops with people who are availaible but not in the game, or not on fleet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The ranked population on JC is so small. And there's a few players who work the system and ruin it for everyone. They drum up solos on the imp side. Get enough people in Q. Then swap to their Jedi toons cause the know 0 pubs are queuing and essentially Q sync. And people don't feed it. They just go back to regs were at least you can expect pre mades with voice comms.


I'm hoping they announce decent rewards this season cause that usually drums up a lot of interest.


Pubs wont do it because they can't bring in a team of 3 heals and a tank.

Edited by PoshTS
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Bumping this a bit, pretty nice weekend we had so far. Friday night was very good, we had 2 match going and I think we might have hit 3 at once point. Lots of new faces, saw some damn big improvement in some of them as they adjust to the arenas and discover new tactics.


Keep joining us, toxicity is not high on JC's ranked, most people are helpful and welcoming. get discord and join the group for which we've posted a link too, its always fun to chat out of the game to coordinate pops with people who are availaible but not in the game, or not on fleet.


If the rewards were better...I only have 2 hrs a nite at most during the week so It's hard to sit in queue when regs pops every few minutes.

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Pubs wont do it because they can't bring in a team of 3 heals and a tank.


We're building some interest on pub side as well. its just a bit hard since we cannot crossfaction communicate in game. but we'e gotten some nice pub vs imp saturday.

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I dono where I have been all that time, lol.


It's pretty hard to get ranked popping because

- not enough good players.

- sync system is screwed.

- The Kephess guild is probably the only guild that does ranked on JC without any tricks, no swaps, no premades etc, thus if they are on and run it - I can be sure that I'll get a competitive team and something challenging to play against.


Another problem is that I know the majority of people who are doing ranked and they are not always on. Also, I know a lot of people in regs who are better than me, but never do ranked - why not - is a mystery to me.


Thus the ranked channel is a great idea to get people together, and I'm all for it. If we make ranked pop on the regular basis - then people will come back from Harb, which will increase our ranked population even more.

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I just think we should have genuine pubs that can pvp, with that we can get faster pops without having to jump side to side getting people together. Either that or get more Imps to do ranked pvp. No point in begging our old players to come back so might as well use our time for a better cause and promote ranked PVP as a "safe" environment not some ******* trashfest.



Nesrago the Furious

Nesraga the Upstanding

Former GM

Dreadslayer too!

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Honestly we have enough people on PUB and IMP side that run groups. I never solo queue unless its the morning and no one is on. We should all be doing Granked. I know there's that one guild that only likes to superqueue pubside with 4 healers but I know they could bring some DPS and get group going as well. Not really interested in rating as there's no class balance or decent rewards but you get some serious UC's unlike regs win which can take 15+ minutes and only nets you like 5 or 6?
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