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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

please let us have our game back


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It's not about HP (endurance), it's about the Mastery, Power, and Force/Tech/Weapon damage. If you say you see an 8% difference in HP, imagine 8% across each of these. That's not a mathematical answer, but I think it shows how far you are off by comparing HP.


HP is meaningless with BiS gear because BiS gear has LESS endurance. Remember mk-4 gear vs mk-1 gear in 4.x? Same thing.


As I said it was a rough estimation, looking at peoples stats and scores, I don't actually have full 242 gear but comparing a player with 123k hp to my output, not the best way to do it but all I have with the resources I've got.

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I posted this here because this has been my community for this game over the years. For better or worse, pvp'ers have been my comrades and the best part of the game.


To be clear, its not so much about gear disparity but rather being locked in to one toon and one tree.


Its about losing the skill in crafting our armor. I use to keep so many armorings, mods and enhancements. I'd switch 'em around depending on how they were working for me that day, or in certain group comps. I mean gear could be customized all the time. We were on relatively equal ground and we were all just looking for an edge. I've even gone all the way up the vigi tree (back in the day) as a tank cause we needed the damage.


well many of you have said it in this thread better than I can and I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way. But I do think the reality is that they've gone too long without reverting back that too many people will be pissed off that they did do the grind.


So to all in the PVP community, its been a blast and who knows, maybe bw will fix it?

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For me, its the lack of immersion that is #1.


Lots of classes got good/fun skills and animations taken away, the animations added do not fit the specs.


The Scoundrel was the only sub class that got improved animations.


The way gear is gotten, as a random reward not really linked to any specific action(s), also causes a weird loss of reality. A system like this should of not gone beyond a bonus for playing characters that are max level, with all the older ways to get gear still in place.


The current meta rewards bad behavior, and does nothing to encourage good behavior.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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I don't really understand this 'gear disparity' people keep talking about, and I"ll explain why:


Full augmented 230's, I had around 115k hp, my average damage was 1-1.5 million, biggest hits ranged from 12k to 18k, died very fast to pretty much everyone.


Full augmented 236, I had around 117k hp, my average damage was 1-1.5 million, biggest hits ranged from 12k to 18k, died very fast to pretty much everyone.


Now i'm in half augmented 236, and half augmented 242, I have 120k hp, my average damage is around 1-1.5 million, biggest hits range from 12-18k, and I die very fast to pretty much everyone.


This coming from the perspective of a Pyrotech, which is a admittedly is a 'bottom of the barrel' class- and yet I have literally seen zero difference from going up in gear ranks in my character's performance. I've gained about 5k hp, and that's it. Damage, survivability, everything else hasn't changed at all.


Thats because you are playing the worst class spec in the game at the moment. Play a sniper or something and you will see a monstrous survivability / damage difference between 230 and 242. And fyi, 230s fully augmented is 112-113 k, not 115 k, unless you are using the high endurance mods.

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