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Probably selling Imp guild Lords of Apex by April 2nd


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Long story short, the GM has been absent a lot so I got appointed GM. Tried to boost membership and failed. Guild is circling the drain as to membership. Currently, our continued existence is up to a vote. Stay together and try to bring the guild back or disband and have the assets distributed among the few remaining members. (I've also reached out to the original GM to take back the role but I have received no answer even though he logged in a week ago.) Out of the few who still show up, the vote seems to be leaning towards "disband".


So, in anticipation of a "disband" vote, I am putting the non-item/credit assets up for sale. If I don't get a response by noon April 2nd (Mountain Time), I will assume that interest isn't there and just disband the guild.


Lord of Apex guild assets for sale:

Guild Bank 4 tabs

Guild Ship 0/15 25% completion.

Guild HQ Dromund Kaas 8/9 73%

Asking Price 25 million


As I'm usually not on SWTOR much during the week, please reply in this topic if interested and I'll PM you either through the forum or, if character name is provided, an ingame mail to set up a time on Sunday night/Monday to look over the HQ and ship.

Edited by Thepyrethatburns
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